Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 294: A Cold Reality 2

Chapter 294: A Cold Reality 2

“You’re full of shit,” Drake spat, “I look nothing like these people. I was born a human. I have a human mother and human father. I didn’t even know about Primordials until halfway through the tutorial a few months ago.”

“Then don’t believe me. It makes no difference and honestly will be of greater benefit to me. If you do not fully embrace your heritage you will never truly become an Asuran, simply making it easier to find you and kill you,” Smokey’s eyes thinned, “I have learned what I needed to and I will be going now.”

Smokey began descending into the floor only to stop halfway, their upper body jolting in confusion.

“What is this?” they said bewildered, “Why can’t I…” Smokey’s confusion turned into frustration and then anger, “Do you intend to keep me here?! Once the Legacy Quest is complete I will leave either way! There is no point in delaying the inevitable!”

In a gust of wind, Drake shielded his eyes and when he lowered his arm the golden outlined smoke from before stood next to him. The scene of the Asuran family frozen in time in the background.

“Do not be so sure that you will be leaving here. It will all depend on the will of this young Asuran and the will of our King. But until that time, you will be held here in this space.”

The golden outlined smoke turned its head just briefly enough to look Drake in the eyes and then wisped out of existence.

“You meddling spawn of that despicable woman! Fine! There is no displeasure in watching your mudslinging worthless race go extinct once more!” Smokey shouted indignantly.

Mudslinging…?” Drake murmured, remembering pieces of a hazy conversation from before.

The scene resumed and Drake had enough time to gather some of his thoughts. Enough that he could focus on the conversation at the table.

“Can’t this wait until after we have eaten, Han?” Altoria asked.

“This affects everyone,” Han replied, shaking his head, “They are calling for every Asuran, Silverwolf, Obsidian Dwarf, Stardust Golem, and Phoenix. This is a larger assault than the attempt on the Insect Queen. The Alliance wishes to take down the Void, severing his tie with the Originators once and for all.”

“They are calling for every mercenary group… Han,” Altoria said leadingly, her face beginning to show a sliver or worry.

He nodded, “I suspect as much. To gather this many Primordial Races in one place could end this war once and for all, or they could be leading us into a trap.”

Smokey shivered next to Drake.

“H-he knew…? Yet he still honored the order. You removed your father for his stubborn pride, yet you allowed your own to be the downfall of your race…”

“What order?” Drake asked, “And he keeps mentioning the Void, does he mean the Primordial Titan?”

“Yes, you fool. This was more than a century ago. The Primordial Alliance called for every race with an S-Rank leader to join the fight. It was the best day for the Alliance… We were able to wipe out every race to ever foster the anomalies of the system.”

The room was quiet, the Asuran family had let Han’s words linger, even the children seemed to know the magnitude of a conversation Drake could not comprehend.

He looked at Smokey who was slumped forward slightly.

“If it was the best day, then why do you seem so beat up about it? And what anomalies?”

“I am no such thing! We were good to be rid of those loathsome monstrosities. Especially the Asurans!”

Smokey had stopped there, not answering further.

“You said they called for every S-Rank. So does that make them..?” Drake asked.

“Han Kol is the only S-Rank from the Asurans to ever be born, even his father on the pinnacle of A-Rank could not get over the hill. And no. That pathetic helpless wench Altoria… She is- was- A-Rank. The boy Darri, he was well on his way to surpass his mother. A few more years and he may have done it.”

“He was the only one? Just how rare are S-Ranks?”

Smokey scoffed, “What do you believe I look like? An Assistant? You will get no further answers from me, mud monkey.”

“See this is why no one likes you,” Drake said pointedly, scrunching up his face.

“I am adored and feared!”

“Yeah but you have no friends, I can tell.”

Breaking up their back and forth the conversation at the table resumed.

“I am wary. The women and children will stay with a select few of our most promising warriors. Darri, you will remain here,” Han instructed.

“But Father. I want to fight! Prove myself on the field of battle like you once did!” Darri protested.

“You are already a decorated Asuran warrior, son. There is no need to rush to an end. Stay, enjoy life, find a good woman, and make a family for yourself.”

“Han…” Altoria said, hesitating slightly, “You are our leader. The King! Should you not stay with us?”

“It is because I am King that I must go. I can not bear to send our people into the unknown without leading the charge. The other Primordials, once slaves to the alliance, are now called. I can not leave them. It is my duty to see this through. No matter what.

[Partial Quest Complete]

[Quest Updated! Ghosts of the Past]

[Experience earned]

[Experience stored]

[Temporary Class designated to Mage]

[Temporary Race designated to Asuran]

[Pseudo Mage Level Increased to Level 2] [14 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Pseudo Mage Level Increased to Level 3] [14 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Pseudo Mage Level Increased to Level 4] [14 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]



[Pseudo Mage Level Increased to Level 9] [14 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Pseudo Mage Level Increased to Level 10] [14 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Temporary Class level threshold reached, Temporary Class changed to Warrior]

[Temporary Class combination changed to Mage x Warrior]

[Pseudo Mage x Warrior Level Reverted to Level 1]

[Received Title: Dual Class]

Drake’s head rang with the sudden notifications, making him grimace with a slight smile as the nostalgic flood of notifications was something he had not heard in quite some time.

But he paused momentarily, the surroundings slowly fading to black as he went over the notifications again.

“Pseudo Levels and Temporary Classes… This is the same Title I got back in the tutorial, but something is missing?”

He checked over his status, happy to see the function still worked despite his skills not. The status screen grayed out.

[Drake Wallen]

[Race: Asuran] [E-Rank]

[Profession: Miner P1(0%)[E-Rank], Jeweler P1(0%)[E-Rank]

[Elemental Miller] [Unique] Level 30

[Vitality] 883 (20+ 215%) 

[Strength] 1081 (100 +15%) 

[Dexterity] 835 (95 + 25%) 

[Intelligence] 1301 (95+20%)

[Wisdom] 907 (30 + 220%)

[Endurance] 686 (95 + 230%)

[Free Points] 280


Dawning of a Tyrant II, Hated by Many, The Awe of Many, Bounty, First Completionist, Top 3, Top 1, One of Four, Slayer of the West, Fledgling Ruler, Baron, Catalyst of the Capital, One of Four, Race Representative, Strength of a Race, The Last Asuran, Legacy Holder, The Warpath, I Am The Axe, World Baseline

“The ‘First of Your Kind’ title is missing? Then that means since I’m here and not the tutorial..?”

“Your little backwater Church Clergy did not mention it?” Smokey scoffed, moving to hover over Drake’s shoulder, “Han Kol… Is a Dual Class and the only Asuran, as well as Primordial, to ever reach the pinnacle as such.”

Drake’s mouth widened in both surprise and awe, “H-he was a Dual Class…?”

Smokey scoffed once more but remained silent.

[Quest Update! Ghosts of the Past]

  • Follow the young Asurans to school.
  • Observe the Youngest Son of Han Kol during his training.
  • Reward: Experience, Temporary Weapon and Armor Set - Traditional Asuran Garb.

Drake dug at his ear, wincing as he spoke, “Just how many parts is this quest exactly?”

“It will continue to provide you with quests until the purpose of the Legacy Chamber is fulfilled. It requires a massive amount of power and manipulation of the system to create. It is also why it is never used,” Smokey said, deciding to be helpful.

“You make it sound as if you’ve never considered it yourself?” Drake prodded.

One of Smokey’s golden eyes thinned as the other rose in a dubious expression.

“I see you have deduced at least a part of who I am. Yes, I’ve never considered it. Only a lunatic would do something like this when they have gone through such lengths to grow to S-Rank. What you would require to create it… It would kill you.”

Drake suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, feeling as if something was jarred loose. A memory? A feeling he had forgotten years ago?

The scenery flashed. And once again a dirt road with stone fences on either side were in front of them.

Drake attempted to shake off the pain he felt in his mind to survey the surroundings but there was only himself and Smokey, the sound of insects chirping from the fields of grass and crops on the other side of the fences.

He took the time to look at his status screen once more. Drake didn’t feel the need to check it in depth but seeing how the quests were continuing and he had noticed the extended screen earlier. Now felt like a good time to look.

[Temporary Mana Vessel]

[Unnamed Asuran Soldier]

[Race: Asuran] [No Rank]

[Profession: None]

[Mage x Warrior] [Unique] Level 1

[Vitality] 187

[Strength] 151

[Dexterity] 115

[Intelligence] 167

[Wisdom] 131

[Endurance] 151

[Free Points] 126


Dual Class

Drake’s eyes bulged out of his head.

“What in the hell are these numbers?! I only have one title and almost all of my stats are over 200 already….? That means… I started with almost double of my original base stats as a human?” he exclaimed.

Smoke laughed, “That’s it? You are surprised with such lowly numbers? Han must have a sense of humor to not place you as a proper Asuran… Ha!”

Drake’s face turned to a questioning scowl, “What do you mean?”

“Pah! Are you not aware most Primordials begin life as a C-Rank?”

“I was told…” Drake muttered looking back at his temporary stats.

“This is simply a saying. You can not be born into the system as a high rank. However, Their statuses are the equivalent of a normal C-Rank with average Titles and accomplishments. Meaning they hold several thousand in each status,” Smokey laughed this time, so loud it was almost a cackle, “He must wish to kill you! I can not imagine how you are to continue here if he has only offered measly triple digits…”

Drake wasn’t sure if they were serious. These numbers were astonishing and she was trying to say that babies were given thousands of stat points at birth?

“Just how are these bad?” he asked, “If I started with these numbers in the tutorial I would have never struggled once.”

“Fool…” Smokey waved a hand, “These are one of the ancestral lands of a Primordial Race. Do you think the monsters and conflicts here are even remotely comparable to that of a moderated tutorial?”

“We haven’t seen a single monster since coming here and I’m not exactly willing to take you at your word for most things. I’m still not convinced any of this is even real too. What if it’s just an elaborate ploy or I somehow was put under a curse or something and now I’m just being shown convenient illusions to keep me here?”

Smokey’s eyes thinned, “Do you really believe this could be the work of an E-Rank let alone an F-Rank? What type of lowborn mudpup are you? You are an Asuran, a person able to place you under significant status conditions would need to be of the same pedigree or at least a Rank higher, though I am loath to admit it. Can you think of such a person on your backwater world?”

Drake kept silent not wanting to divulge anything. He was accomplishing keeping his companion talkative, but he didn’t want to give anything away himself.

He knew very well the little smokey wisp could also be telling lie after lie, so he kept mental notes to confirm with Natto once he returned.

“The problem is I need to figure out how to return quickly… I have no idea what is going on outside of this… whatever this is,” he mumbled to himself.

Caught in his own dilemma Drake failed to notice the pattering of hurried steps behind him. The sound of children arguing with one another over something as they ran.

He only realized what was happening when two children passed through his body.

“Ugh….I feel…ugh… Please tell me I get a physical body soon…” Drake grumbled.

“It will depend on the quests and the tasks required of you. How am I to tell what is going on inside the head of the Asuran King?” Smokey scoffed.

“Right, well. It looks like that was our cue to follow,” Drake sighed, rubbing his sides, “I feel like I just had a spiritual enema or something. This is worse than the first time Natto…” he shivered, then began running in the direction of the arguing kids.

“Would they even have a proper school in a place like this?” he asked looking around, “It looks like we’re basically in Sparta or something. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Leonidas sprinting across the fields at any moment.”

Drake tried to make conversation, doing his best to ring out any more information from Smokey that he could. But Smokey seemed to be more preoccupied with taking in the scenery. As if it was nostalgic for them, something they hadn’t seen in quite some time.

Eventually they caught up with the children, bringing them in front of a large redstone building with many children pouring in through the door, assumingly to get to class.

“I guess we just walk in..?” Drake shrugged, following the flow of little people.

Now that he had a chance to look closer it was strange. He knew people came in all shapes in sizes, even on Earth before the system. But the diversity on the Asuran homeworld was even wider than that.

Some of the children as he saw before had four arms. Some had pale blue skin, or vibrant purple skin. Some even had several more sets of eyes.

The variance of the children spanned widely.

Once entering the building, Drake was also surprised to see some similar structures from his own world. There were stone cabinets on the walls next to room openings for the children to leave their belongings during class. Each one bearing a name and a symbol.

Drake could only assume it may have been a family crest of some kind or perhaps their favorite animal or beast. The lettering was foreign to him at first glance, but after he strained his eyes the words came to him.

“Irik… N-Nobu..? Samrah. Guinn…”

He read through the names, the lettering becoming more and more familiar and fluid as he did. But instead of comforting him, the process stirred something frightening inside of his chest.

“I… No. How can I remember a place I’ve never been?”

Drake grabbed at his chest and looked to a door down the hall. A feeling of being pulled guiding him to it.

“I remember this room… Today was the day I found out about-” suddenly cutting off Drake winced, his head pounding.

“Today we are going to talk about our heritage,” the woman at the front said, jotting some things down on a board behind her in yellowish chalk of some kind.

Drake raised his head hearing the voice, sounds of groaning from the children overpowering the teacher’s for a brief moment.

“Settle down, settle down,” the teacher chided, “These are tales you all should know. Before we were free, before we had the right to truly embark on the Long Great Fight. We were at the mercy of the Old Gods.”

The room took on a peculiar chill. Even Drake felt a small tingle down his spine forcing him to tense.

The teacher continued, drawing on the board, “Restrained only to fight for them, at their beck and call, never to push past our limits into the realm of such Gods. Our Kings and Queens were kept on leashes. Forced to halt their journeys in fear of them becoming too strong.”

Smokey scoffed, “What nonsense… What fear does a Dragon have for an ant playing in the dirt?”

“For generations, milenia… Their lives, the lives of our great Warrior Kings and Queens were cut short,” the teacher stopped, circling a small figure at the end of the timeline they drew, “We know now that because of the ancient pact made by the First King, every King and Queen thereafter was made as an offering to keep our Race alive. And from that point on we were made slaves, shackled to the bidding of the Old Gods.”

“Then Han Kol took his Father’s life…” Smokey whispered behind Drake.

“That was then when Han Kol, the Greatest of the Warrior Kings broke the cycle. At immense personal cost. Bounded by pride and honor for his kinsmen he slew his Father and transcended the wall known to all Asurans. Fulfilling his name as the Rights Giver, The Undying Asuran, and becoming our Great King.”

The teacher began walking the classroom, “Are there any questions so far?”

A child with purple skin warily raised a hand, “If this went on for so long… H-how did the King Han Kol break us free?”

The teacher nodded, “That is a good question. We all know of what ‘Innate Talents’ are, yes?”

Another child raised their hand, a child Drake knew. His younger self.

“Innate Talents are the potentials a warrior poses before they are taken into the Great Journey. They add to their potential when the stones are taken, and dies are cast.”

Drake smiled a bit muttering to himself, “Maybe that is me… He talks like a little know it all…”

“Good!” the teacher praised, “Innate Talents can be anything. Extraordinary smelling ability. Strength only seen once in a hundred years. Skill with a blade that goes beyond that of years of experience,” she looked around the room, “Does anyone know what our King’s talent is?”

“So Atropos had an Innate Talent… She’s more special than I thought,” Drake smirked.

His younger self raised his voice again, “Magic. My Father’s talent and greatest skill is Magic.”

“Magic? Is magic really that so surprising? I guess no one could use it on Earth or at least really use it,” Drake said confused.

The teacher nodded, “Yes! The King’s Talent is magic. This! This is what allowed him to break free of the Old Gods.”

A boy with four arms raised a hand.

“But I thought we Asurans’ couldn’t use magic?”

The teacher pointed and clapped her hands, “You are right. We, all Asurans have been said to be hated by the Guide of the Great Journey. They forsook us, it is assumed. Leaving us with only the means to fight with our strength and inner Ki alone,” the teacher smiled, “And even with such things we have remained strong and grown stronger still! But that is what makes our King so great and so feared. Making him the pride of our long and victorious history. Han Kol Asura is the strongest Asuran to date.”

Drake was even more confused now, turning to Smokey.

“What does she mean Asurans’ can’t use magic. I can use it just fine? Can’t they just use a stone to learn it as well?” he asked.

Smokey turned their wisp like head away, “Who can say?”

“You aren’t going to tell me?”

“Why should I? I despise your kind and you seem to have forgotten I am here to ruin you! Not help you!” they roared.

Drake crossed his arms turning back to the teacher’s lecture.

“Han Kol is for lack of a better word an anomaly. As you have been taught, on your 16th year you will all be welcomed into the Great Hall to begin your Journeys. And with that, unlock your potential as warriors. But the stones of which we have gathered and inherited from your families can only do just that. Unlock your potential. No other Asuran has been found to have talent, let alone potential for Magic. Only in his Asura Bloodline has this innate talent shown, eventually  manifesting into his skill with Magic. It is why every King and Queen since the first King had their life taken before they could reach the pinnacle. The fear of an Asuran so strong would be too hard a task to restrain. The first King and Han Kol are the only two known Asuran Magic users. And while we have only seen it blossom from our King in our lifetime so far, we have high hopes for his children and the continued growth of our race.”

“If the Old Gods hated us so, why did they allow Han Kol to get so strong?” a child asked, on the edge of their seat, enamored with the story.

The teacher smiled, “That is also why our King is so great. During the dark years, forced to fight battles we wished not for. He hid his strength, nurturing it until the point he could climb over the wall of the final length of the Great Journey. The Old Gods are sly, but our King was clever still. Using the equipment of his forefathers he concealed his skills. And our Watchers could not see. They were too busy counting their coin and fighting amongst themselves using our ancestors and the ancestors of the enslaved races for their wars.”

Drake found himself also engrossed in the story, wanting to know more. A deep longing to hear pulling at his heart.

“But our freedom was also due to two great companions of our King,” the teacher said, raising a finger into the air, “Can anyone tell me their names?”

Drake’s younger self raised a hand, “Mir’phyra White Dragonroad and her brother Zet’rea Gold Dragonroad, the two Liberators.”

Drake’s mouth hung open.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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