Dungeon Battle Royale ~ Since I became a Demon King, I will aim for World Domination

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

Chapter 314 – Diversion

“What’s wrong?”

Yataro had rushed into our room of operations with a pale face.

“S-Shion, we have a huge problem! The enemy’s real target is the 31st sector!”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Don’t ask me and check it with your own eyes!”

Usually Yataro keeps his calm, unless it’s time for his 《Random Creation》, so it’s rare to see him so flustered. It must be a genuine emergency.

I used my smartphone to check the situation in the 301st sector.


…I see. Yataro is right. The enemy’s real target must be the 301st sector.

“Is something the matter?” Kanon called out to me when she saw me furrowing my eyebrows after confirming the information on the 301st sector.

“The enemy’s target isn’t the 304th or 305th sector, but the 301st.”

“Hmm? Is that so?”

“The enemy’s strategists appear to be quite cunning. I surely hadn’t expected them to fall back into the old style of invading domains at this point in the game.”

“Old style of invading domains?”

“The enemy has apparently sent their strongest twelve people into the 301st sector.”

Coming at us in the old way now that the new rule had just recently been introduced was completely unexpected. I had also looked at the individual strength to some degree, but unconsciously I had based my conjectures on the enemy’s strength in numbers…or rather pretension thereof.

“Because it’s an old method…they’re also well used to it. They have advanced much further in the sector than the large army pushing into the 305th sector.”

“What about the enemy’s strength?”

“B-Rank, close to A-Rank, I’d say.”

Rina, Kotetsu, and the former Demon King leaders are A-Rank in strength. The created subordinates among my leaders like Chloe are B-Rank in strength. The strength of newly created subordinates is across the board but C-Rank and below.

“That means only the leaders can take these guys on, huh?”

“Even if we throw low-ranking subordinates at them, those will only turn into experience points.”

“The members of the defense team capable of dealing with those guys are Izayoi, Team J, and me, I suppose.”

“Kagero and Tsukuyomi might be around equal in strength.”

“I-I-Isn’t it way too dangerous for you to go there yourself, Shion-san?”

“It’s definitely not without risks.”

“A-As strategist, I propose you stay here! Just like a true Demon King, you only need to prepare everything perfectly!”

“I’d love to do that, but…it’d increase the chance of Izayoi and Saburou’s team dying.”

“Saburou’s life isn’t worth a dime compared to yours, Shion-san!”

“If it gets dangerous, I’ll use Saburou as a scapegoat and run away. Right now we should move in a way that lowers the chance of losing leaders as much as possible.”

What I’m feeling after being on the receiving end of a big invasion is the greatness of numbers, but…individual strength also remains a key factor as before. There’s no way that we can waste precious leaders in this situation.

Rather than my personal strength, the option of me being able to directly order my subordinates at the front line, if I deploy myself, plays a much bigger role. This circumstance is also connected to increasing the survival rate of my leaders.

Lives that ought to be protected, and disposable lives; making the decision who gets to stay alive is my duty as Demon King.

“Yataro, would it be okay to pull Izayoi and Saburou’s team out from their current area of operation?”

“It cannot be helped either way.”

“I don’t care how many subordinates you invest…just keep up the defenses.”

“Leave it to me. But…saving the CP necessary for 《Random Creation》 seems like it will be quite a challenge.”

“I’ll think about giving you a bonus, if we succeed in the defense.”

“Hoh hoh hoh, I suppose I will do my best for the sake of the carrot dangling in front of my nose.”

“Alright, we should get Saburou and the others back here then, huh?”

Entrusting the entire command over our defense to Yataro, I called back Saburou’s team and Izayoi.

“We’re going to head over to the 301st sector to defend it.”

“――! D-Don’t tell me…you will be coming with us as well, Shion-sama…?”

Izayoi shivered all over his body upon hearing my words.

“I will. Or am I too lacking in ability?”

“――!? A-Absolutely not…! Ugh…of all people…such unforgivable words…I have to die for this si――”

“Shut up.”

Why is this idiot trying to kill himself all of sudden, when I’m personally going out to fight in order to not waste the lives of my leaders, including Izayoi?

“Not only Izayoi-dono and us…but even you, Shion-sama, are going to head out?”


“Hmm…in other words, the enemy we’re going to face soon is that much of a formidable foe…or, they’re such outstanding talents that you wish to win them over as kin.”

“I’d like to catch them, if we have the leeway, but…a swift defense has the highest priority right now.”

“Very well. If they are an opponent so formidable…I have one request for you, Shion-sama.”

“Request? Do you want to have a subordinate if we manage to catch one or more? Don’t make me repeat myself over and over again! ! swift defense has the highest priority right now!”

Exhausting my energy before the battle is total nonsense, but I guess I should soon roast him with a fire lance…

As I decided that and started kneading my mana…

“P-Please forgive me. B-But, my wish is about the permission to remove my little sister…Lily from the battle line-up!” Saburou pleaded with a serious expression.

“Just when did Liliel turn into your si…bah, not like that nonsense matters right now.”

“That’s no good! If you give him such vague rebuttals, this criminal will get carried away with his scummy behavior!”

“Ha ha ha! Kanon-tan, you being jealous of your younger sister is quite novel and spicy.”

“…Just go and die.”

――Shut up!

“We’ll leave Liliel behind! Come on, we’re moving out!”


I headed to defend my sector while leading a band of subordinates.

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