Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 230: Battle of Demon Lords (1)

Chapter 230: Battle of Demon Lords (1)


The calculator in my head worked quickly.

Let’s put my anger towards Gamigin aside for now. I can get angry whenever I want. I convinced myself. In that case, what could I appeal to in order to turn this situation around?

Laws and courtesy? When did I ever worry about things like that? The other Demon Lords would simply be pleased to know that something interesting had happened. Even now, there were about a dozen Demon Lords seated in the spectator area watching with great interest.

The dignity of the mediator……. I could appeal to Great Demon Lord Baal and go on the offensive against Gamigin. This was possible.

‘I’m not sure why, but Baal seems to dislike me.’

The issue was the fact that the degree of the punishment which he could guarantee was uncertain.

We may have the just cause, but Gamigin also has an excuse. Will he listen to me and push the responsibility of the war itself onto Gamigin? Or will he listen to Gamigin and simply make her take responsibility for her mistake? Politicians will usually put on a brazenface as long as they have an excuse…….

I organized my thoughts before speaking to Gamigin.

“To want half of everything. Is that not too much land for a single Demon Lord to monopolize for themself?”

“There are times when you should overeat.”

“Are you perhaps planning to split the land with Agares after receiving half……? What is there to say that something like this will not happen?”

Gamigin laughed.

“I’m not sure what evidence you have to be able to say something like that.”

She was seriously being shameless from start to finish. Anyone could come to the deduction that she would happily split the land with Agares after taking fifty percent from us.

For the next couple of hours, we continued to quietly fight like this while biting at each other’s nerves.

It wasn’t a pointless battle. At the very least, I learned what the other party wanted. There was no need to make any decisions already. The situation could change completely whether Barbatos manages to defeat Agares or not……. I have to conquer the other party in a flexible manner from this point on.

I had a hunch that this was going to be a difficult diplomatic battle.

* * *

Barbatos decided to declare war after she heard my opinion.

“All our problems will be solved if we can beat that bitch Agares into a pulp.”

Barbatos was right. There would be no longer be a need for negotiations if the Plains Faction manages to wipe out Agares’ forces. We could grab hold of both a just cause and actual profits as we apply pressure on Agares and Gamigin.

“But didn’t Agares capture most of the land already? Vindobona has already been taken and you only have Brandenburg and Saxony left. Will you be all right?”

“Agares may be powerful herself, but her head sucks.”

Barbatos answered confidently from within the magic sphere.

“We have to be cautious, but there’s no reason to be scared.”

Barbatos immediately rallied 18 Demon Lords from the Plains Faction. Their military power reached 20,000. Agares was also leading an army of 20,000, but according to the information we received, a portion of them were unaffiliated Demon Lords who had teamed up with Agares.

“I’ll crush her with an all-out surprise offensive.”

“……What are you going to do if you get ambushed?”

“There’s no way someone as stupid as Agares could carry out a scheme like that. That bitch only knows how to do direct confrontations and prolonged battles. Dantalian, when a Demon Lord has lived for more than 2,000 years, then they stop changing as a person.”

Barbatos’ strategic eye was always precise.

The Plains Factions chose the shortest, but roughest terrain for their assault. If Agares were to position ambushes there, then the Plains Faction would end up embarrassing themselves. However, Agares stayed holed up in the land she had captured as she waited for the Plains Faction to approach.

Agares even waited as the Plains Faction slowly raised their banners.

The Plains Faction had just finished a difficult march. If Agares had attacked now, then she would’ve had a great advantage. Despite this, Agares simply set up camp outside of the castle. Outside of it.

I relaxed once I was told this.

Sure enough, Agares was like Brother Beleth and Sitri. She didn’t have an eye for tactics and fought by using her strength as a weapon. A commander like this was suited for leading the assault force of an army. However, they weren’t suited for leading an entire army.

Contrary to my relief, Barbatos gradually became more anxious. I thought it was weird, so I questioned her.

“Isn’t it over with this?”

“No. The battle has just begun.”

I found out the next day what Barbatos meant by this.

Barbatos’ army and Agares’ army collided for the first time on this day. Barbatos split her army into 3 regiments with her leading the first one, Brother Beleth leading the second, and General Zepar leading the third. This was the Plains Faction’s traditional style of attack.

General Zepar took the center and received the enemy’s assault. While this was happening, Barbatos and Brother Beleth went to the sides and surrounded the enemy. In other words, they were planning to completely surround the other army.

On the other hand, Agares’ lineup was absurd.

This was a rumor that spread after the battle, but, according to this rumor, Agares laughed as she watched the Plains Faction’s army of 20,000 approach her.

Agares, the Rank 2 Demon Lord who was known as the 「Strongest Demon Lord」, said this to her vice commander.

“I will leave 20,000 soldiers to you. Prevent the enemy’s advance.”

“Pardon me? Then what will Miss Agares do?”

“I will take the second unit and strike those fools from behind.”

The vice commander was confused as he asked back.

“My apologies, O Strongest One, but 20,000 soldiers is all that we have. How do you intend to create a second unit?”

Agares answered as she hopped on a red wolf.

“I am the second unit!”

After saying this, Agares became a tempest as she truly charged at the enemy ‘alone’. The Demon Lords under Agares’ command panicked, but they couldn’t stop her because of their strict orders.

The location Agares headed to was the Plains Faction’s second regiment: the unit of 5,000 led by Brother Beleth. Brother Beleth━the following was what he told me personally━became speechless as he watched the enemy’s Supreme Commander approach on a wolf alone.

“That’s Agares, right?”

“……That’s what it appears like.”

Brother Beleth’s adjutant responded unconfidently. It wasn’t surprising. What kind of Supreme Commander would split from their main army and attack by themself?

Brother Beleth stared out in the distance with blank eyes for a moment. Agares was approaching.

“Kuhaha! Are you telling me that Miss Agares does not know fear!?”

Brother Beleth suddenly burst into laughter.

“Seeing someone throw their body at an army of 5,000 without hesitation, it is like a flower falling towards a waterfall! Is this not like a scene from legends? Splendid. This is splendid, O Agares!”

Brother Beleth raised his large axe.

“I, Beleth, will gladly receive your will! Men! Charge!”

The Plains Faction’s 2nd regiment charged with Beleth at the lead. They had only a single goal: Demon Lord Agares. Thus, Agares collided with an army of 5,000 in the center of an open field. 

The first to collide with Agares was Brother Beleth. The two Demon Lords, both being the two biggest fighters of the Demon Lord army, swung their halberd and axe respectively as they exchanged 20 strikes. However, it was only 20 strikes.

Agares’ halberd flashed and something flew in the air. Brother Beleth’s face contorted in shame. Demon Lord Beleth’s right arm was severed from the shoulder.

 According to Brother Beleth, it wasn’t an unexpected strike. He had simply sacrificed his arm in order to avoid a critical blow. Brother Beleth sacrificed his right arm and rolled to the side. He barely managed to stay alive.

“Stay down and drink the muddy water, brat.”

Agares apparently smirked as she looked down at Brother Beleth who had fallen on the ground. She seemed to then lose interest as she put Brother Beleth behind her and headed to her next goal. Her other goal was the remaining 5,000 soldiers that had just lost their commander.

A dark blue aura burst out from Agares as she roared.


Demon Lord Agares charged with a beastly cry. Dozens of soldiers died helplessly every time she swung her halberd. Guts and blood rained from the sky like a sudden shower.

The Demon Lords that were a part of the 2nd regiment utilized ogres to try and stop this fearsome enemy. Twenty ogres went forward like boars.

However, Agares slaughtered each ogre with a downward strike and an upward swing. The ogres that would bring terror to the hearts of humans and demons alike were unable to fight for even 5 minutes before their heads were in the dirt. The Plains Faction still had thousands of soldiers left, but there was no way they could stand properly after witnessing something like this.

Demon Lord Agares descended on the battlefield.

She swept through the battlefield as if she were laughing at the Plains Faction, as if she were taunting Barbatos.

「Strategy」? 「Tactic」? Those are nothing more than the desperate flailing of the weak.

Those that are truly strong don’t need something like a strategic eye or a knack for tactics. The strong only required a single spear and their body.

It was like she was demonstrating that this was how Demon Lords go to war.

Agares kept laughing maniacally. The monsters of the Plains Faction shook in terror each time her laughter echoed throughout the sky.

Barbatos watched this sight clearly. She swore out loud.

“This god damn bitch who probably masturbated with her umbilical cord while inside of her mother’s stomach.”

If things continued like this, then the battle would become unfavorable for them. Barbatos gripped her battle scythe and shouted.

“Those of you who are good at fighting, follow me!”

Barbatos along with 8 other Plains Faction Demon Lords charged at Agares. Barbatos personally engaged in a duel between her and Agares. She couldn’t compare to Agares in terms of strength, but Barbatos managed by using her black magic appropriately.

She also utilized her death knights who were her shadow. The more than 400 death knights fought against Agares one by one. With this, the battle became balanced. A fierce battle unfolded as Agares and Barbatos engaged in a back and forth battle.

This meant Barbatos’ defeat.

Once most of the commanders within the Plains Faction had left to stop Agares, Agares’ army of 20,000 started to overwhelm the Plains Faction on the battlefield. The Plains Faction was slowly pushed back. It would be bad if they kept incurring losses like this, so Barbatos had no other choice but to clench her jaw and retreat.

The first battle ended with the Plains Faction’s defeat.

I grabbed my head after I received the report.

“……This fucking shitty difficulty.”

The Agares in <Dungeon Attack> wasn’t this powerful!

What the hell? Is she the Demon Lord army’s ultimate weapon? Facing an entire army alone on the back of a wolf, even the greatest swordmasters in the world wouldn’t be able to pull this off. The hero might be able to pull it off if they reached the level cap!

I had to go into negotiations again with Gamigin after having received this report. Is this not fucked up?

Gamigin was smiling as usual while sitting in the negotiation seat. However, there was a different meaning behind her smile now. Look at you now. Didn’t I tell you before? You should’ve listened while you still had the chance. This was what her smile was saying. 

Gamigin smiled widely once she saw me.

“Give me 60% of Habsburg as compensation for these negotiations~.”


“I’ll tell you this now, but this is a big discount, you know?”

I want to kill her.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Overpowered characters are pretty annoying when they aren’t on your side, huh? Well, that’s sort of a given. How the heck is Dant going to talk his way out of this one?

On another note, I’ve still been able to consistently release chapters despite my constant playing of FFXIV. I even managed to get all my crafters/gatherers to 90 already. My mental well-being is questionable right now.

Welp, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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