Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 238: Battle of Demon Lords (9)

Chapter 238: Battle of Demon Lords (9)

The appointed time for the negotiation arrived.

The chair across from me was still empty. Gamigin had yet to arrive.

The sound of people clamoring around me grew louder. The other Demon Lords were whispering to each other. “Did something happen?” “Why isn’t Gamigin coming?”. There were people who were intrigued by this unexpected occurrence and even Demon Lords who were using this opportunity to ridicule Gamigin.

Should I say that it was as I expected……? It seems last night was too intense for a maiden.

It wasn’t surprising since she orgasmed every time I pushed into her. Once every pump. The number of times she climaxed last night was probably in the thousands. Women also experienced stronger orgasms than men. I was rather curious how it would feel like to orgasm thousands of times.

I smiled wryly as I turned to talk to the audience.

“It seems Miss Gamigin is rather discontent with me. I understand that she may dislike me, but for her to display her discontent like this……. She must be looking down on me greatly. Life for a low-ranking Demon Lord is tough.”

I’d be a fool if I didn’t use this golden opportunity to give myself a political advantage. I made them think that Gamigin was looking down on me for having a low rank. This wasn’t going to help with negotiations, but, at the very least, it will bring more people to my side.

“What will you do?”

Baal, who had been sitting quietly in the center, asked me in a quiet tone.

“If you wish for it, then I will adjourn this meeting.”

“No, I do not mind waiting a bit longer. This is not a matter that can be ended simply because I wish it. The Plains Faction is strongly hoping for a peaceful resolution.”

Gamigin was not only disregarding me but the entire Plains Faction. I made this implication as I finished speaking. This should be enough.

Baal nodded his head and closed his eyres. I have no idea what this man is thinking.

Nevertheless……Rank 1 Great Demon Lord Baal, huh?

I knew almost nothing about Baal. The reason was simple. I only cleared Baal’s dungeon once. I may have cleared the dungeons of other Demon Lords several, or, in the worst-case scenarios, hundreds of times in <Dungeon Attack>, but Baal was someone whom I had beaten only once.

Since the Plains Faction had defeated Agares, the Rank 2 Demon Lord, there were no longer any groups that could mess with the Plains Faction thoughtlessly. The only person of concern now was the Great Demon Lord Baal.

Agares had displayed a formidable power. How much more could Baal do, then?

I have to use this opportunity to figure out Baal’s intentions. It should be fine. I’m currently the representative of the Plains Faction. Even he shouldn’t be able to treat me lightly.

Let’s see Baal’s inclination……. Mm. If I consider his lines in the game, he likes confident and honorable warriors. This was evident when you saw how he doted on Barbatos.

Should I proceed with that image in mind?

“It would only be boring to wait here silently until Miss Gamigin’s arrival. How about it, Sir Baal? Would you care to share a conversation with an uncouth individual such as myself?”


Baal opened his eyes and glanced my way.

The Demon Lords around us also stopped whispering to each other as they turned to look at us. A low-ranking Demon Lord like the Rank 71 speaking to the Rank 1 first was an unprecedented act. However, if my assumption is correct, Baal was someone who hated these kinds of formalities more than anyone else.

“I heard that Your Highness Baal used to be a normal demon a very long time ago.”

“Indeed. I was a vampire.”

A smile appeared on Baal’s lips as he readily answered. This meant that my assumption was correct.

“However, in today’s standard, I would not have been normal.”

“Why is that?”

“Back then, there were only vampire lords. But now there are less than 10 of us left.”

I see, so he was a vampire lord.

Vampire lord referred to pure-blooded vampires. It was possible to crossbreed with other races, so as time passed, the number of pure-blooded vampires decreased. Even in <Dungeon Attack>, Ivar Lodbrok, the chief of Keuncuska was the only vampire lord to ever appear.

“That is a bit different from the rumors I had heard. I heard that Your Highness started as one of the lowest foot soldiers before climbing up to your current position today. Would you not have been treated as a noble in the demon world if you were a vampire lord?”

“Use your imagination. Do you think vampires were the only pure and noble race in the past?”

“Aah, so it was the same for the other races as well. I understand now…….”

The people around us looked at us with surprised faces.

Logically speaking, talking to the Rank 1 Demon Lord about his past as ‘an unremarkable demon’ was insane. Despite this, I was speaking to Baal in a comfortable tone like I was his friend.

Should I try to pry further?

 “Pardon me, Your Highness, but Miss Agares had started a war during these negotiations. Of course, Miss Agares most likely has an excuse for this, but what does Your Highness think about this situation?”

Baal looked straight at me.

He raised the corners of his mouth.

“Are you having fun since the entire world is like a stage to you?”

“Excuse me?”

“Do not act in front of me.”

Baal slowly closed his eyes.


I couldn’t say anything for a moment due to the shock. What did he say just now? Don’t act in front of him? What does he mean by that?

I recalled something Gamigin said to me. She said that my lifestyle was that of a parasite. Did Baal think the same way? I felt anger swell up inside of me; however, I didn’t forget the fact that the highest person of power in the demon world was right before me. Carefully, I hid my anger thoroughly.

“I understand. Then I will continue to patiently wait for Miss Gamigin’s arrival.”

Gamigin didn’t arrive after 30 minutes had passed.

The other Demon Lords were now openly voicing their complaints. They were all Demon Lords with great pride. Gamigin was making all of them wait. If anything, it would’ve been strange if no one complained.

“Is she messing with us!?”

“She may be a high-ranking Demon Lord, but she should not be allowed to disrespect us like this. When did the law and order within our Demon Lord army become so slack?”

Several of the Demon Lords vented their anger as they went outside.

Gamigin arrived after an hour had passed the appointed time. She walked to the center of the meeting room with calm steps.

“I give my sincerest apology for making everyone wait on my behalf.”

Gamigin bowed her head and apologized.

She was wearing a thick layer of clothes. If you consider how she would normally go around in a thin dress, it was an extremely thick attire for her. I came to a realization once I saw this.

She’s still sweating and leaking like crazy!

My mood that had soured because of Baal immediately turned around. Yup. Gamigin was unable to completely cleanse her body of the drug despite having the regenerative power of a Demon Lord.

If Gamigin wore her normal cloth attire, then it would’ve probably clung to her body because of the sweat and basically reveal everything underneath. She deliberately wore something thick to avoid this as much as possible. There was probably a type of spell cast under her clothes to remove all the body fluids and odors that came out of her body.

The other Demon Lords shouted in anger.

“Miss Gamigin! Even by normal standards, you are way too late!”

“Yeah, sorry. I’m really sorry. I give you my sincerest apology.”

“Hah. I don’t feel any sincerity in your apology……!”

Gamigin continued to respond impassively and in a robot-like manner. There was naturally not even an ounce of sincerity in her tone. The other Demon Lords were enraged, but only I knew why she was behaving like that.

She was currently struggling just to maintain her tone and expression.

Her expression would probably collapse completely if she let down her guard. She would probably let out an obscene moan. Gamigin had no other choice but to remain impassive while her body was screaming due to the pleasure.

I clapped to get everyone’s attention.

“Now then, I fully understand why everyone is angry; however, Miss Gamigin must also have ‘various’ circumstances of her own as well. Please show her some forgiveness.”

Some of the Demon Lords gradually backed down since the person who should’ve been the most upset had suggested everyone to settle down. Gamigin gave me a bow.

“……Thank you, for your generous understanding.”

“Don’t mention it.”

I gave a pleasant smile.

“I also have times where my body does not feel well, so I end up being late. Unexpected things happen all the time throughout life. Well, a person’s character is also determined according to how they are able to control those unexpected occurrences, but……no one is always perfect, right?”


“I understand, Miss Gamigin.”

For an instant, Gamigin gnashed her teeth. She did return to her emotionless face, but I clearly noticed the slip up since she was facing me.

Dear me, it’ll be troubling if you show your emotions so easily like that. We still have much ahead of us.

“Now then, Miss Gamigin. Welcome. Let us begin the negotiation.”


Gamigin approached with incredibly slow steps. She sat down on her chair carefully, but the ends of her mouth trembled ever so slightly the moment her butt touched the chair. I was certain that she had orgasmed just from the contact with the chair.


I knew why Gamigin was an hour late. There was no way she could walk all the way to the conference room in her current state. The use of personal teleportation spells was also strictly forbidden within Niflheim. Therefore, Gamigin had to come here on a carriage.

How many times did Gamigin climax during her bumpy ride on the carriage? She probably had to ask the coachman to stop the carriage dozens of times. Gamigin had to endure her orgasms alone in the carriage as her shoulders continued to shudder…….

“I assume Miss Gamigin does not wish for the discussion to get prolonged any longer as well. I will get straight to the point. We of the Plains Faction acknowledge that Miss Gamigin is also a victim in this incident.”

The Demon Lords around us started to stir loudly. Well, we had already discussed this beforehand.

“I was informed earlier that troops hidden by Miss Gamigin had joined forces with our group. Miss Gamigin and Miss Agares have no connections with each other……it should be fine to come to this conclusion.”

“Mhm. That’s right.”

Gamigin responded with a robotic tone.

“I told you before, but I have no way of knowing how Agares will act.”

“As the representative of the Plains Faction, I would like to give Miss Gamigin our gratitude for the military support. Therefore, as a way to show our appreciation, we would like to hand over the ruling rights to Moravia over to Miss Gamigin.”

“Thank you for your offer.”

I applauded her. 

“Excellent. We have misunderstood each other until now, but we have resolved our misunderstanding and now only the path of reconciliation is left shining in the distance!”

The Demon Lords around us were giving us confused looks. The ones who heard the rumors about seeing me come out of Gamigin’s villa in the morning had suspicious gazes. Something happened. They were definitely thinking this.

Rumors about how Gamigin and Dantalian are passionate lovers will have probably spread by tomorrow. That was naturally something I was hoping for. The more Gamigin gets mixed together with me and the more other people start to misunderstand our relationship, the harder it will be for her to betray me.

If she doesn’t want to gain the reputation of betraying the man she loves, that is.

Would Gamigin be able to shoulder this sort of critique when she’s going around acting like an innocent maiden?

I stood up and spread my arms out.

“Now then, Miss Gamigin. Let us hug as a way to show that we have reconciled!”


I embraced Gamigin before she could say anything. I hugged her tightly with my arms. Gamigin let out a muffled moan while within my arms. Her body convulsed like a small animal.

I spoke.

“I wish to invite Miss Gamigin to dinner tonight. As a way to pledge the eternal friendship between the Plains Faction and Miss Gamigin. You wouldn’t refuse, would you? Considering our relationship.”

“……, ……”

Gamigin nodded.

She had to nod since she couldn’t say anything. However, it was obvious what the other Demon Lords were going to think upon seeing her face go red from afar. I could already hear the ladies in high society get excited from here.

Like this, everything was resolved peacefully.

Happy day, happy day.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I, uh, don’t really have too much to say for this chapter. It’s just a fun chapter watching Dantalian mess with Gamigin. On another note, I’m glad the new server has been going well. We’re back to 300+ members which isn’t anywhere near how much we had before the deletion, but most of the active people are here. Discord did respond, but it was just to tell me that server deletions can’t be reverted. At this point, oh well.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter!

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