Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 267: Those Who Commit Treason (2)

Chapter 267: Those Who Commit Treason (2)

* * *

There was a serious atmosphere around this gathering.

For starters, the person who called for the meeting was the problem. Up until now, meetings had only been called by Rank 5 Marbas or the Demon Lords above him.

No matter how much he had succeeded as an influential figure within the Plains Faction, Dantalian was still ranked 71. Out of every Demon Lord, he had the lowest position. This individual was daring to hold a Walpurgis Night.

“No. There is a proper order for everything, so how could someone do something this disrespectful?”

Some of the Demon Lords who received an invitation didn’t even try to hide their displeasure.

To them, Dantalian was comparable to an upstart. As people who have lived for at least a few hundred years, Dantalian, who had suddenly started to succeed during the past few years, wasn’t someone they admired. He had only been doing well for about 4 to 5 years.

“What is there to worry about? The high-ranking Demon Lords will take care of it.”

“They will probably bend the brat’s nose.”

They believed that the gathering would naturally get canceled. Nothing will happen if the high-ranking Demon Lords refuse the invitation. Some people even mocked Dantalian because they thought he was committing political suicide.

However, the situation went completely against their expectations.

First, Rank 8 Demon Lord Barbatos announced her attendance.

Up to this point was within people’s expectations. Barbatos and Dantalian belonged to the same Plains Faction, after all. Furthermore, there were rumors that Barbatos was completely infatuated with Dantalian.

“Tsk tsk. How did Barbatos fall head over heels for a man…….”

“Love can break even the most level-headed person.”

The leader of the Plains Faction forgot about procedures and one’s obligations because she was just that infatuated with Dantalian. That was what several Demon Lords believed.

Afterward, Rank 4 Demon Lord Gamigin announced her attendance.

“Doesn’t Gamigin also have that sort of relationship with Dantalian?”

“Oh right! Have all of the female Demon Lords become empty-headed? How ridiculous.”

“Hm, that Dantalian’s penis must be quite the thing.”

The Demon Lords scowled as they lamented about how things were proceeding. How could they respond to a gathering called by a mere Rank 71? Regardless of whether love was involved, this was a matter that had their pride on the line. Harlots who had thrown away their pride because of their feelings……. Even these sorts of slanderous remarks were exchanged.

Rank 5 Demon Lord Marbas then declared that he would participate.



It was at this point that even the Demon Lords who weren’t very interested in politics started to feel it. They felt that something was terribly wrong.

“……Barbatos is coming, so naturally all of the Plains Faction will show up as well.”

“There are about 4 unaffiliated female Demon Lords who follow Gamigin, right?”

“But this means the Neutral Faction will get involved as well. At this rate…….”

At this rate, more than half of the Demon Lords would be participating in this gathering.

No, what mattered more was the fact that Marbas agreed to participate. Up to this point, Marbas was the one who hosted all of the Walpurgis Nights as the leader of the Neutral Faction. He was formally acknowledging Dantalian’s call.

Finally, Rank 9 Paimon and Rank 12 Sitri announced their intention to join.

Of all parties, the Plains Faction’s rival group was going to participate. The group that should’ve been against this gathering the most.

“This isn’t a random gathering!”

“This gathering was decided after talking with the Plains Faction, the Neutral Faction, the Mountain Faction, and Gamigin beforehand!”

The Plains Faction, including Barbatos, has 17 Demon Lords.

The unaffiliated group, including Gamigin, has 5 Demon Lords.

The Neutral Faction, including Marbas, has 10 Demon Lords.

The Mountain Faction, including Paimon, has 16 Demon Lords.

━A total of 48 Demon Lords were going to participate.

The number of Demon Lords had temporarily decreased to 64 due to the Crescent Alliance expedition. In other words, more than 2/3rds of the Demon Lords were going to participate in this gathering. These participants alone could decide on another Crescent Alliance expedition if they wanted to.

“I’m not sure what’s happening, but we have to participate.”

“Damn it, how is a mere Rank 71 leading us on…….”

Excluding a small minority, almost every Demon Lord ended up participating in the meeting.

Rank 1 Demon Lord Baal was among them.

* * *

When high-ranking Demon Lords participate in a meeting, seats are usually prepared separately for them.

Faction leaders were an exception since they would be bunched up with their subordinates. Rank 2 Agares hadn’t been showing herself lately, so she was excluded. Therefore, from Rank 1 to Rank 10, it would only be appropriate to prepare 6 special seats.

However, there were no special seats prepared for this meeting.

There was no one who didn’t know what this meant.



Was it because of this? The Niflheim ballroom was completely silent until the meeting was held.

The Plains Faction, Neutral Faction, and Mountain Faction were all completely silent. The Demon Lords who weren’t affiliated with any group waited nervously. They didn’t even know what they were waiting for. However, they knew that something was starting. That was for certain.

There was a skinny man in the center of the room.

Everyone kept glancing at the man as they remained silent. Did he not notice that people were staring at him? The man, Dantalian, had his eyes closed. It felt like there was a different atmosphere only around Dantalian as he looked calm.

The doorman shouted.

“Rank 3, Demon Lord of Justice, Vassago has arrived!”

The doorman’s voice sounded especially loud due to the silence grasping the ballroom. Shortly after, a young noble walked through the doors. His face was deathly pale.


Vassago seemed to notice the weird atmosphere as he furrowed his brows. He soon discovered that the seat that would usually be prepared for him was not present anywhere. Even Great Demon Lord Baal was standing at the side with no chair.

Vassago looked at the other Demon Lords around the room before glaring at Dantalian. He approached Dantalian.

“So discourteous. Must people be taught the fundamentals of etiquette if their rank exceeds 70?”

Dantalian slowly opened his eyes. He smiled lightly.

“If it isn’t His Highness Vassago. Is there a problem?”

“Problem? A problem, you say?”

Vassago barked back sharply.

“Everything is a problem. The fact that you held a meeting without knowing your place is a problem, the fact that a bunch of Demon Lords are being toyed with by a brat is a problem, and the fact that you nonchalantly responded to my reprimanding is a problem. Barbatos!”

Vassago seemed to think that there was no point in talking to Dantalian as he turned his head. Barbatos was standing at the end of his gaze. She was being poured wine by Zepar. Barbatos blinked in surprise.

“Huh? Why are you calling me, old man?”

“How have you been managing your subordinates to let them do something like this? If you think I will simply overlook this incident, then you are making a huge mistake. You will have to take responsibility.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Barbatos gulped her wine down.

“You’re making it sound like I controlled him from the background. Don’t misunderstand. I simply decided to join because I was invited to a gathering.”

“That isn’t even funny. There are regulations and procedures to things in the world. I cannot imagine how demonkind would laugh at us in ridicule if they saw us like this. Do not think you can avoid responsibility after allowing your subordinate to…….”

Someone suddenly laughed.

The Demon Lords turned to see Dantalian laughing quietly. Vassago’s expression froze due to this slighting behavior.


“Apologies. What Your Highness was saying was simply much too humorous.”


Vassago clenched his fists. A blue-colored mana started to emit from his entire body. The mana was dense enough that it could’ve made the ballroom collapse in on itself, but Dantalian remained calm as if he couldn’t feel it.

“Yes, how could it not be? Barbatos’ subordinate? That may have been the case when I was an officer during the war, but how am I Barbatos’ subordinate?”


“We are literally Demon Lords. We are all monarchs that represent each and every demon. Be it Barbatos or anyone else, we do not serve a lord above us. Your Highness Vassago, are you perhaps misunderstanding something?”

Vassago turned to Barbatos, but she was grinning back at him. He looked utterly agitated.

“Your Highness, if there are regulations and procedures to things in the world, then Demon Lords alone exist outside of those things. Treating people with a higher rank than you as your lord is a rule? That smells like foul water.”

Vassago gnashed his teeth.

“It seems you are saying whatever you want simply because you have a mouth.”

“I had the fortune of being born with a mouth. Would it not be sad if I did not use it?”

Dantalian laughed.

“Your Highness is misunderstanding something. If demonkind laughs at us, it will not be because a meeting was held by a Rank 71 Demon Lord. They would laugh at us for trying to discuss the matter of responsibility because of the rank and faction of the Demon Lord who held the meeting.”


“It is so pathetic that I am almost at a loss for words. Were there ranks between Demon Lords since the beginning? Treating a mere artificial thing as an absolute, it is like we are playing house. It is not surprising that demonkind is growing sick of us.”

Vassago’s shoulders shook with anger.

The ranks within the Demon Lord army were determined by Baal and Vassago. Criticizing this was no different from attacking Vassago straight on.

“Will you only shut your mouth if blood is shed here!?”

“I apologize, Your Highness Vassago. I did not finish speaking. Your Highness said that demonkind would mock this meeting, but I wonder about that. It is a question as to whether they actually will.”

Dantalian clapped lightly.

A group of people walked through the door. A wolf person, cat person, tiger person, fairy, and so on. They were the 15 merchants that represented Niflheim. At the lead was the chief of Keuncuska, Ivar Lodbrok.

“What is this……?”

“They are the citizens that represent Niflheim. They have cooperated in various ways in order to help me host this Walpurgis Night. I may be a Demon Lord, but I would not hold this sort of event without reason.”

Dantalian smiled.

“Walpurgis Night is an important event that can determine the direction of our Demon Lord army. Our direction is connected to the life of demonkind. The people have the right to know how a Walpurgis Night is carried out.”


Vassago glanced around himself. Once he did, he noticed something that he failed to realize before.

At the left side of the ballroom, Rank 13 Beleth looked prepared to leap out at any time.

At the right side of the ballroom, Rank 12 Sitri had her hand on the handle of her sword.

At the back, Rank 4 Gamigin had been invoking her magic since earlier.


Vassago gnashed his teeth. Beleth and Sitri are both the strongest warriors of their factions. Adding to this, Gamigin is an archmage. Therefore, the situation seemed like the two warriors would attack after Gamigin bound his feet with magic.

The influential merchants of Niflheim were also here.

━Just try doing something stupid. If you’re confident in your ability to stop the attack of three Demon Lords, and if you don’t care if news about your actions spread throughout demon society.

This was what Dantalian was implying.

Vassago suddenly remembered Agares. If Agares were here, then he could’ve ignored the combatant Demon Lords and caused a ruckus for a while. However, Agares was chased out after being defeated by Dantalian and the united forces of the Plains Faction-Neutral Faction-Mountain Faction.

If he had chased away Agares 3 years ago for the sake of this very moment━.

When did the factions that used to be busy fighting each other unite this strongly?

“You bastard, since when did you……!?”

“Stop there, Vassago.”

It was at that point a dignified voice came from behind.

It was Rank 1 Demon Lord Baal.

Baal spoke with an amused tone.

“I thought you were a simple scammer, but it seems you know how to pull off quite the interesting trick. Very well, Dantalian. What are you trying to achieve by holding this meeting?”

Baal’s voice hung low as if there was a weight to it. It had the power to flow to the furthest corners of the room despite the silence. Dantalian received the voice head-on as he quietly answered.

“The reason I am holding this Walpurgis Night, is for the sake of reprimanding you for your crime, Your Highness Baal.”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Man, this is definitely a transition from the mood of the last segment. I didn’t expect Dant to comfort Baal this early. Or maybe this is the most opportune moment? I unno. Welp, look forward to the rest of this segment. It was definitely an experience translating it for the early access.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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