Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 276: Grand Coalition (4)

Chapter 276: Grand Coalition (4)

* * *

Elizabeth and Henrietta will undoubtedly form an alliance. I’d even bet on it.

The two rulers have a powerful bond established between them. I confirmed this during the civil war in Frankia.

There were a lot of knights in the Habsburg Republic who were half forced to retire because they used to be nobles. Elizabeth sent those people to Henrietta.

Elizabeth got rid of the latent rebel threat from her nation while Queen Henrietta got her hands on excellent knights. It was a concise and splendid collaboration.

‘Elizabeth and Henrietta.’

I couldn’t help but laugh. The two monarchs who should have been fighting for supremacy were now working together in secret. Adding the strongest on top of another strongest. A pair of Aces.

Well, the fans of <Dungeon Attack> might have become overjoyed if they saw this. Although the fact that I was their archenemy made this hard to laugh at. If we compare our original abilities, then I’m nothing more than the piss of a larva compared to them. I have to be as careful as possible.

“……But how exactly are they cooperating?”

Paimon asked as she slowly fanned herself during the war council.

“The leader of Habsburg is proclaiming to be a republic nation. On the other hand, the Queen of Brittany is the typical monarch. It would be hard to imagine that the two of them would move together with their militaries.”

“There is always a way.”

For example, by sending volunteer soldiers. Even if we may have different political systems, we are a part of the large community known as humanity before being the members of a single nation, so even if you are a detestable royalist, we must come together in order to face the Demon Lord army…….

Elizabeth will probably instigate her people in this manner. She’s skilled when it comes to instigation.

“The issue is whether this method can be realized or not. If they manage to execute it, then they are competent. If they fail to carry it out, then they are incompetent. However, the leader of Habsburg is extremely competent.”

Barbatos and Paimon nodded. The two of them seemed displeased that they nodded at the same time as they let out a ‘hmph’ and turned away from each other.

Do they not realize that moving in unison like that made them cuter? The two of them have been going on this war of nerves throughout the war council. I unconsciously felt content and ended up smiling like some father.

“Useless people who can’t use magic should just go to the backroom and masturbate.”

“Dear me. A rabid dog who only knows how to charge should stay quiet until we are able to think out a plan. While you are at it, please do not urinate at the side of a tent somewhere.”

……I take back everything I said. They’re a bit too terrifying to call them cute.

Barbatos, Paimon, Gamigin, Marbas, Vassago, Brother Beleth, Captain Zepar, and Sitri, a total of eight people were participating in this war council. Barbatos and Paimon argued with each other while Brother Beleth and Sitri argued with each other. This was the basic composition.

“Your talent is probably diarrheaing anywhere you want, Paimon.”

Barbatos snickered.

“To be honest, your hair is giving off a really thick smell of shit. Did your underlings not tell you? Oh, whoops. You don’t have that many underlings anyway! I forgot.”

“Bragging about one’s numbers is the characteristic of lower organisms. It seems Barbatos’ brain has not fully grown yet. How sad. How about increasing the wrinkles on your brain just as you have been increasing the wrinkles on your lower hole because you use it so much? This might be asking too much from a lower organism who apologizes with their lower body and not their brain.”

Were you two archenemies in your past lives?

There’s nothing more chilling than watching two pretty women exchange absolutely terrible curse words with no hesitation whatsoever. Why are they like this when they act so cute on a bed?

This was the most important part when planning out Baal’s subjugation. Be it formally or anything else, I had to unite the Plains Faction and the Mountain Faction.

Fortunately, Barbatos was indebted to the Mountain Faction. She received reinforcements from them during the internal dispute. Despite her behavior, Barbatos is thorough when keeping her private and public life separate. She cooperated under the pretext of returning the favor. Although she did so while swearing a bunch.

The issue was Paimon.

She was overflowing with the desire to not cooperate with Barbatos even if her life was on the line.

This was also the reason why I worked together with her to capture Heidelberg. I’m a part of the Plains Faction. I was hoping that if it became widely known that the Plains Faction had assisted the Mountain Faction greatly with their operation, then it would be easier to make them cooperate.

However, I figured that wouldn’t be enough, so I made that bet about whether Laura’s plan would work or not. The result was a huge success. Paimon bit the bullet as she agreed to cooperate with Barbatos.

“Sheesh, does this succubus bitch have a ragged towel in her mouth? Mine is like a barren hill compared to yours. Talk after you get rid of the squid stench from your mouth, hag.”

“Dear me, it must be so nice to be cheeky with the face of a child. I could be your mother and give you some breastmilk if you want? Our little Barbatos, you must have struggled a lot because you wanted breastmilk.”

Even though they now believe that the reason the Crescent Alliance had failed was because of Baal, there was still an emotional problem on both sides……. Well, they were arguing like cats and dogs.

The person who gets bothered in a situation like this loses. It’s not like this wasn’t entertaining to listen to. Let’s watch over them leisurely.

“……I will not tell you to stop fighting, but could you at least behave modestly?”

But not everyone was thick-skinned like me. Marbas pressed his hand against his forehead as he muttered. Marbas looked 10 years older as of late.

“This is the first time since the 3rd Crescent Alliance that all of the legions have moved together. You should know how much hope demonkind has in this expedition. I beg of you all to please do your best to make this expedition a success.”

“You should give up, Sir Marbas.”

I shrugged.

“The fact that we were able to make them stand side-by-side during the victory celebration was a miracle in itself. It would only exhaust you more if we hope for more from them. Let us ignore them and continue with the meeting.”

“If even you give up on meditating, then I have no one else to rely on.”

Marbas let out a sigh.

“Very well, then. I understand that the two rulers are cooperating. What do you think would be the best course of action for us?”

“If the enemy forces are cooperating, then ambushing them beforehand would be effective.”

Vassago remarked with a temperamental face.

Vassago’s face would go sour every time Barbatos and Paimon argued. It looked like he didn’t want to get involved with them because of how foolish they were acting. I wanted to tell him to enjoy life more.

“They are not aware of our plan yet. We should march as soon as possible and deal with Frankia and Agares first. Even if the leader of Habsburg is impressive, what could she possibly accomplish alone?”


Marbas stroked his beard. It wasn’t exactly a bad idea. If it’s possible to divide and conquer, then it would always be the best-case scenario.

However, in this scenario, it could only be considered an optimistic point of view. Our opponent wasn’t just the leader and the queen. Agares was also included.

There were definitely people among demonkind who supported Agares still. It would be wishful thinking to believe that information about us hadn’t leaked to Agares yet. It would only be rational to act while expecting some leaks.

“Dantalian, what do you think?”

“I wonder. It does not sound bad.”

Vassago’s brow twitched. Did he think I was putting on airs? Well, I was just being honest.

“Agares is cooperating with the queen. There are probably some people among demonkind who are leaking information to Agares. We are going to subjugate Agares, we should presume that they are aware of this.”


Marbas nodded.

Vassago scowled. You reveal your emotions too much on your face. This is why you don’t receive admiration.

“Most importantly, the biggest issue is that even if we succeed in dividing and conquering them, this does not give us that much of an advantage. No, if anything, it would give them an advantage.”

Marbas gave me a puzzled look.

“What do you mean?”

“It is simple. If our main army is focused on Frankia, then our border facing the Habsburg Republic would be completely empty. There is no way their leader would miss that opportunity. She would immediately invade under the pretext of regaining their native land.”

To put it simply, we would have to fight on two fronts.

Barbatos was reigning in Hasburg as regent. From the perspective of the humans living there, a Demon Lord was reigning tyrannically. If they learn that Elizabeth is coming to save them, then they would immediately get excited.

“Humans will begin to revolt throughout the regency. The sacred bridgehead into the continent that we barely managed to obtain during the last Crescent Alliance will fall into turmoil. Even if we win in Frankia, it would be utterly pointless if we lose Habsburg.”

Marbas gulped.

“It would be troubling for ‘us’…….”

As expected of Marbas, he understood perfectly.

From the perspective of the humans, the region of Habsburg ruled by a regent must look united, but for us, it was divided into several areas: land controlled by the Plains Faction, land controlled by the Mountain Faction, land controlled by Gamigin, and land controlled by various other unaffiliated Demon Lords.

Imagine if this place were to be threatened. Many of the Demon Lords would desert the Crescent Alliance expedition in order to protect their land. For a majority of Demon Lords, protecting their land was more important than defeating Agares.

The Crescent Alliance may appear as if it’s strongly united, but the group could fall apart with only the slightest touch. Marbas emphasized the word ‘us’ because he understood this.

“Then what should we do? Should we leave some soldiers behind in Habsburg to defend it?”

“No. That would only spread us thin.”

Henrietta and Agares in Frankia and Elizabeth in Habsburg. Split our forces up and fight them separately? That would be insane. We would look like perfect prey and be picked off.

“What weird logic.”

Vassago spoke in an annoyed tone.

“We cannot focus our forces and ambush them, and we cannot split our forces up to defend both fronts. What are we supposed to do, then?”

“Your Highness Vassago is correct in the fact that we should focus our troops.”

Don’t be so impatient, Vassago. You look like an anxious dog. It would only trouble me if you try to act cute.

“There is no need for us to resort to an ambush. If anything, let us march slowly while publicizing our movement as much as possible.”

“Ha, that is out of the question.”

Vassago sneered.

“What kind of army would march while announcing their presence to the world? We would be calling danger upon us.”

“What if the army is not the Demon Lord army, but another human army?”


I smiled.

“Crowned Prince Rudolf von Habsburg……he is Barbatos’ puppet. We will appoint him as the supreme commander in name only.”


The Demon Lords looked at each other. They all turned to give me a weird look.

“We will not be moving as the Crescent Alliance. We will join the Crowned Prince of Habsburg’s army to a certain extent. A human army will be subjugating the heinous tyrant, Henrietta de Brittany, who’s cooperating with the Demon Lord known as Agares.”

With this, the image of the war will be completely turned around.

We will be attacking humanity not as the Demon Lord army, but as an army cooperating with humanity to attack a Demon Lord.

“In this situation, if the leader of Habsburg tries to cooperate with the queen, then she would be assisting a Demon Lord. That should greatly decrease her cause.”


“The Habsburg Republic is united under the united front of fighting against the Demon Lord army. If the leader herself works together with a Demon Lord, then that would shatter the groundwork of the nation. This will limit her actions drastically.”

The Demon Lords mulled over it with serious looks on their faces. They probably knew that it was possible. No, it will definitely happen. We could use Batavia and mix in a fair bit of humans to create a moderately-sized human army.

Did you know, Elizabeth?

War starts long before the battle. That’s my method.

Will you prioritize humanity or your own nation? You can only choose one. A tragic fate awaits you no matter what you choose…….

I will force you into a distressing situation again. Let us enjoy a splendid waltz.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. We’re back to the usual war and politics. I wonder if Henrietta or Elizabeth will be able to turn this around somehow.

On another note, the demolition next to my house is over, so it’s been less stressful. But the noise is going to pick up again once they start the construction. I can’t wait.

Welp, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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