Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 339: Brave New World

Chapter 339: Brave New World

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Several of the Demon Lords were visibly panicked.

“Don’t mess with us! Aren’t you the one who got rid of the ranks to begin with!?” one of the Demon Lords shouted as they pointed their finger. The hall quickly fell into disorder. However, the person that drew my attention wasn’t one of the noisy tin cans.


Vassago. This clever, but constantly complaining man, was strangely keeping his mouth shut. Even though he was the one who asked a question first.

I couldn’t help but show an amused smile. As expected, he’s quick-witted.

This palace with fancy marble pillars didn’t become as noisy as one might expect due to the sudden bombshell. No, most of the Demon Lords actually stayed quiet. Only six or seven of the unaffiliated Demon Lords were loudly voicing their complaints while all of the Demon Lords who were in a faction remained silent.

I saw Vassago immediately look around the hall as soon as I made my announcement. He probably noticed that Barbatos, Paimon, and Marbas were all calm and expressionless.

Vassago realized that all of this had been thoroughly planned beforehand. Pointing your finger at me now would be turning all of the factions within the Demon Lord Army into your enemy…….

Vassago immediately took a step back. His ability to hit and run was almost an art form. His quick wit could probably slap a cockroach on its face.

“Dantalian, you clearly stated that there will be no ranks within the new Demon Lord Army. Yet, you are declaring here that you will be reinstating them. Have you gone mad?”

Not all Demon Lords were as quick-witted as Vassago. Ex-Rank 6 Demon Lord Valefor’s cheeks twitched as he remarked.

Demon Lords, beings with the ability to have absolute control over all demons, are highly unlikely to have any sort of worldly wisdom. Demons obey them when ordered, so Demon Lords have no reason to accustom themselves to politics.

The independent Demon Lords especially scorned politics as they chose to live in seclusion. Compared to the Plains Faction and Mountain Faction, which had an intense rivalry for over a thousand years, they were no different from children. This was why they were so helpless before me, but it appears that they still didn’t understand their standing yet.

“I am completely sane. All Demon Lords will be a part of the Demon Lord Army as equals.”

“Do you understand what you are saying?”

Valefor smirked as he glanced at the other Demon Lords. A few of them joined in as they smirked maliciously.

“You are trying to revive the very system you announced the abolishment of. Do I have to explain to you what ‘contradiction’ means?”

“There is no contradiction here.”

I smiled.

“I am both a Demon Lord and also the Count Palatine of the Empire. If I were to make a comparison, as a Demon Lord, I am equal to Barbatos; however, as a member of the Empire, I am underneath Barbatos since she is a duke and regent. This is not a difficult matter to understand.”

Valefor’s expression contorted. It appears that he didn’t understand.

It can’t be helped. I’ll kindly spell things out for him out of the kindness of my heart. I actually enjoy teaching people. I’m a gentle person, after all.

“I am saying that matters within the demon world and the continent are separate.”

“What are you…….”

“From this point forth, acting with reckless bravado throughout the continent will not be allowed. All Demon Lords must be incorporated within the Habsburg Empire. Whether the Demon Lord Army meddles in continental affairs will be determined through the Empire’s council.”

Valefor’s expression turned into a great scowl.

“Council……? Incorporate……? Dantalian, are you insane?”

“Do you intend to sell our pride as Demon Lords to an empire created by humans!?”

Valefor cried out along with several other Demon Lords. Betrayal, treason, traitor…… They listed all sorts of unpleasant words. A storm of complaints came pouring out.

The storm naturally subsided. It took a moment before the Demon Lords, who were going red in the face as they shouted, realized that there were actually only a small number of people making a fuss. Valefor looked around in disbelief, but no one agreed with him…….

A strange silence fell over the room. I was still smiling brightly in the middle of all this.

“I care little about the pride of Demon Lords. You asked if I was selling our pride to the Empire. A good question. This pride is absolutely useless anyway. If anything, simply being able to sell this pride would be incredibly profitable.”

“What a ridiculous statement! Have you lost your mind!?”

Valefor roared. However, there was now a tinge of unease on his face.

Did he finally read the room? Sorry, but it’s too late. The wheel is already turning and the era has changed. I hope you become keenly aware of how useless your previous title as the Rank 6 Demon Lord is.

“Baal also spoke of the pride of Demon Lords. Agares also died while crying out about this pride. What exactly is this pride supposed to be? Is pushing the Crescent Alliance into the jaws of death and starting needless internal disputes what you mean when referring to pride?”

I laughed. Valefor’s face was red like an apple.

“You speak about pride when you had shamelessly killed your own kin. What impressive pride. My apologies, but I would like to humbly refuse this kind of pride even if it is free.”


“Do not misunderstand. There is only one pride that a Demon Lord is allowed to have. The pride of creating an earthly paradise for demonkind.”

I glared directly into Valefor’s blue eyes.

“The era where the bravery of Hercules once ruled the world is long over. The age where rampaging without any regard for your kin or allies and referring to that as pride has ended. What we require now is the ability to make level-headed decisions and a sturdy form of unity.”

I took a few steps down from the platform I was on.

“During the 2nd Crescent Alliance, we obtained a third of the continent, and yet, we failed. Why did we fail? Was it because we were weak? Was it because demons are inferior to humans?”

I gradually raised my voice as I slowly walked to the center. This was no longer an argument against Valefor alone. This was a speech to persuade everyone.

“Absolutely not. The people who obstructed our victory were on the inside. However, you have the audacity to refer to this betrayal as the pride of Demon Lords……. What an unfunny joke.”

“Hah, then is becoming a part of an empire related to our pride as Demon Lords!?”

Valefor shouted. He was worked up like an enraged bull.

“Then go ahead and take down the Habsburg Empire’s flag.”

I stared at Valefor coldly.

“Declare to the world that you will fight against all of humanity. The humans will most likely unite and invade this place immediately. Do you believe we can win against the humans when our Demon Lord Army has become weak due to continuous internal disputes?”

“Talking about defeat while standing before war is the literal definition of a coward! The Demon Lord Army will always be victorious.”

I shook my head and chuckled.

“Do you understand the situation we are in? If we formally announce that we are the enemy of humankind, then the Crescent Alliance will return to tradition. There will be no proper victory or defeat. Demons and humans will have to face off until the day one side has been completely wiped out.”

The reason why the humans are acknowledging the Demon Lord Army’s presence on the continent is, on the surface, because of the mask we are wearing as the Habsburg Empire. There were still people who weren’t aware of this.

“Guaranteeing victory when we are in an extremely precarious situation. And calling someone a coward for considering the chance of defeat…….”

I smirked.

“It is understandable why the Crescent Alliance has failed until now. With Demon Lords like you as commanders, losing winnable battles is not surprising.”

“W-What did you say……?”

“I stated that fools that cannot face reality are unnecessary in the new Demon Lord Army.”

Valefor became speechless because of my overly aggressive taunt. I paid him no mind as I turned my attention to the crowd.

“What is an earthly paradise for demonkind? Everyone has differing opinions when it comes to this. There are those who, like the Plains Faction, believe that a nation for and of demonkind is the answer.”

I glanced over at the Plains Faction before slowly turning away.

“There is also a fair number of you who believe that fully subduing the humans is impossible. Therefore, you believe that compromising with the humans and securing land for demonkind is the most realistic answer.”


“Or perhaps, there might even be those who believe that simply preserving the land we possess is the best we can do.”

I was referring to the Plains Faction, the Mountain Faction, and the Neutral Faction in that order.

“I do not believe that any of these beliefs are more correct than the others. Only someone with an intellect that far surpasses my own could answer this. However, no matter which side you decide to support, it becomes clear that doing so while wearing the mask of the Habsburg Empire is essential.”

That’s right.

All of the factions have to use the Empire’s name.

“The Plains Faction requires a just cause to conquer the humans. If they do so with only the name of the Demon Lord Army, then the humans would unite too strongly. However, if the Empire’s name is put forward, then it becomes possible to force a division between the humans. From a strategic standpoint, the Habsburg Empire’s name is essential.”

With this, the Demon Lords of the Plains Faction understood.

“The Mountain Faction requires a cause to compromise with the humans. Negotiating with the humans will become drastically easier if done through the Empire and not as the Demon Lord Army. The Habsburg Empire’s name is necessary from a political standpoint.”

With this, the Demon Lords of the Mountain Faction understood.

“Thus, by having both factions be a part of the same Empire, not only will we no longer oppose one another, but we can institutionally create a relationship where both sides occasionally work together. In this regard, the Habsburg Empire becomes an incredibly useful tool for the Neutral Faction.”

With this, the Demon Lords of the Neutral Faction understood.

I am standing here now after having convinced each of these groups beforehand.

“Even if the aspirations in our hearts differ, we can still work together. There is no space for the empty pride of Demon Lords here. Only the most level-headed and definite mindsets are allowed. Do you understand, Valefor?”

I returned my gaze to Valefor.

“We are all working desperately to create a society for demonkind. This is the pride of rulers. This is our duty as rulers. Abstract ideas can be thrown to the dogs.”


The only group that is now interfering with this dream of the ideal demon society is the independent Demon Lords.

I smiled coldly.

“If, despite all this, you still wish to pursue this pride of yours, then very well. You may do so as much as you desire. However, know that by doing so, you will be turning every faction against you. The Demon Lord Army no longer has any space left for dreamers.”

Valefor clenched his jaw, but he didn’t respond. This wasn’t surprising if you consider how Baal and Agares met their ends.

I nodded and turned to face Emperor Rudolf.

“Please announce the ranks.”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I almost forgot to upload this chapter today. Thankfully, I remembered before going to bed. I’m like in limbo at work now. Not too much work, so no more overtime, but now I’m worried I’ll get a huge pile of work all at once this week. I’ll just hope for the best.

Uh, nothing to really say about this chapter, so I’ll see you guys in the next one.

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