Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

"What do you mean there's been another change of plans? There's always a change of plans... Ya know! I have a few things I want to talk about with you!"

I've been particularly irritable lately. Maybe it's from the lack of mana, or just my time away from people and stimulation again. I know shouting at the Director and calling him out on the spot is a rash decision, but my mouth is moving faster than my brain right now.


He responds after another long pause.

"Well, I'm glad you're so energetic today. I hear your mana control is much more refined than I predicted it would be. It seems you've managed to exceed my expectations once again."

I grit my teeth and think about going off on a rant about him lying to me every step of the way during my time at the association, but pause and hold my tongue.

Red-faced and gripping the glowing white box, I take a deep breath in and out before calmly responding with a more calculated approach....

"Good to talk with you too, Director.... I was surprised to be assigned a training partner in the Labyrinth. I was under the impression I was climbing solo."

I gulp, hoping my delicate wording is enough to get my point across, but not bite the hand that feeds me too hard just yet.

There's another long pause as Fisher makes his way over to me with an angry expression of his own across his face.

The Director responds before the blue-hairs Elite can get a word in.

"Jay, I do apologize if you feel you've been lied to during your first two weeks at the Association. It's only natural, you haven't exactly been completely truthful with us either."

My heart skips a beat as I hear this line from the old man come through the glowing box...

I don't reply.

The Director's voice continues to ring out.

"I enjoy playing games, as long as I know I'll win in the end. Your recent developments have me rethinking a few moves..."

Another pause follows.

The suspense is killing me.

I begin to repeat his words in my head over and over to try and figure out what exactly he's getting at. I haven't been truthful? As long as he wins? Rethinking moves?

It sounds like this old man has gone crazy... by the way he's speaking, it really seems like he looks at life like it's a big chess game or something...

I finally respond after Fisher elbows me in the gut, whispering in my ear: "Come on, say something!"

I respond in a low calculated tone.

"Mr. Director. I appreciate the assistance with my training recently, but I remember you telling me this was a solo mission. For now, that is my only complaint. I'd like to know exactly what I'm getting myself into before I agree to something, and trust that I'm in safe hands.... Especially with all this talk of the Dark Continent. I believe we need to come to a better agreement."

Another 5-second pause follows before the old man's voice rings out.

"I understand how you feel, and I believe we can come to a better conclusion after your current mission is complete."

I clench my jaw, but hold back from cutting him off as he continues.

"For now, could you please hand the transmission tablet back to Fisher? I have urgent matters to attend to. You may even get what you're asking for sooner than you think."

There's another long pause.

Then Fisher finally takes the device from my hands while putting it up close to his face and walking away from me.

"Sorry about that, I copy. Give me an update on..."

His voice begins to fade away as he walks further from me. I'm confused and still a bit angry standing next to the grinning redhead.

Rylan and I make casual conversation for a few minutes while the elite talks on the phone for an uncomfortable amount of time.

We make good conversation though, I learn a few things.

Apparently, the redhead has only managed to consume around 3 million MP in his career at the Association. Considering his age, this seems very low to me.

After a thorough explanation, the reasoning is his skill, swordsmanship. It takes many training hours to burn through a full bar in his physical condition with a nearly passive skill.

The same goes for many common skill users like body hardening or certain passive weapon handling abilities.

That's why combat magic wielders are more likely to be chosen as Elites. They have a natural aptitude for consuming and controlling mana at much higher levels than common skill users.

One thing I've learned from his excessive gabbing is that it is possible to imbue mana into a weapon or armor piece if it's bonded with the user. This is why I'm able to put mana into my sword and dagger.

Non-combat magic users are able to achieve this too. It just takes much more mana control training and a special type of weapon.

The Berskerer's blade I picked up earlier comes to mind, but I decide not to mention it.

Finally, after many long minutes that felt like hours, Fisher returns with a puzzled look on his face. The silver rectangle stops glowing and he puts it away into his item box. His movements seem rushed.

"Well, what do you wanna hear first? The good news, the bad news, or the even worse news?"

I reply.

"Give me the bad news first."

He nods, pulling out the two small white crystals from his item box and bringing them up close to my eye line.

"Well, It seems I've been called out on some urgent business. It's those C-Class breaks by the border, they need more Elite teams to handle the mutants. Some of them have high mana control proficiency, this is a rough one."

I don't say a word as he continues.

"If we can clear everything out, I'll be back in 2 to 3 days max. Our training may have to end prematurely."

I gulp.

"Okay... so what's the good news then."

Fisher throws me one of the white crystals.

"Well, it seems you got on Brutus' good side once again... He says you're ready to climb the labyrinth yourself.."

I catch the small gem and reply as a grin creeps across my face.

"Okay- but what's this for?"

The Elite smirks.

"The Director says that's for if you decide to face the behemoth before I get back. You have a reputation of getting in over your head... Use it if you're in any life-threatening trouble."

He lets out a laugh as I feel the small white crystal up and down with my fingers.

"To activate it, all you have to do is crush it in your palm. You, and anything on your person will be transported to a safe point within the Association HQ. If a monster happens to be in contact with you, they'll be transported as well. So be careful."

I let out a chuckle.

"So you're saying I could transport a boss monster into the Association's HQ...?"

"Hey! Don't get any bright ideas, I just saved you from a whole lot of trouble on that call you know! Plus, the transport point is mana shielded up to B-Class level attacks. Whatever you manage to drag in won't be a problem."

I let out a sigh.

"Yeah, yeah. I was just kidding..."


"Thanks, I'm glad this worked out. I'll get to climb the Labyrinth alone just like I wanted... I know you were just doing your job and all, it's just I-"

"Save it. I haven't gotten to the worse news just yet."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh- Right...."

Fisher points behind me at the redhead staring up at the open dungeon sky.

"He's your problem now. Get him up to the 17th floor to meet his team, Director's orders. Then you can train up on the 18th and 19th by yourself."

I look over at the oblivious fiery haired swordsman.


Fisher continues.

"Based on the attack you just threw at me, you'll have no problem facing the base-level mobs on floor 19. They're fast and good with their weapons, just don't get lost in the mazes. I'm sure once you see how powerful they are, you may have second thoughts about soloing floor 20."

I let out a light smirk, knowing that I'm facing the floor 19 boss the next moment I get free... He continues.

"As I said before, I'll be back in 3 days max. I'd recommend facing the 18th-floor boss a few times to get a feel for its abilities before going any further and....."

Fisher continues to give me tips like a concerned parent as I zone out fantasizing about the floors above.

I'm rudely snapped out of it by the blue-haired swordsman's hands waving in front of my face.


"Yep. Got it. Thanks, Fisher."

He tightens his gaze, then moves his eyes over to Rylan behind me.

The redhead is already on his way over.

"I heard most of that, no need to fill me in!"

I open my mouth, but Fisher cuts in.

"Good. Help Jay farm mana crystals on the way up as we promised."

The Elite takes a few packages of food and water out of his item box, throwing them on the ground in front of us.

"Hope these will be more than enough for you two. See ya soon."

He waves us goodbye without another word. The white crystal gets crushed in his hand and a bright white light flashes before our eyes.

When it fades, Fisher is gone...

I turn to my new traveling partner, then let out a sigh as he picks up all of the materials on the ground to place them in his item box.

I speak up.

"Looks like we'll be climbing the next 7 floors together."

He turns to me with the same bright smile as always.

"Looks like it!"

Secretly, I'm planning my next moves to get onto the 20th floor. The faster we climb these next 7 floors, the better. I'm itching for a real fight. The first moment I get to ditch him and face the 19th-floor boss I'll take it.

I have 3 days while Fisher is away to defeat the Behemoth all by myself.

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