Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

As I step through the dungeon's exit portal, I activate my conceal skill.

I'm supposed to be in the Labyrinth right now as far as the Association is concerned. It'd be awfully suspicious if I showed my face around town.

Not many people know me in the big city, but if I'm spotted by even one person at the Association there may be a few questions brought up that I wouldn't like to answer.

One of the advanced perks of my newest upgrade to [Special Grade] concealment is the ability to put on a temporary camouflage.

I activate my All-Seeing Eye while opening my status to re-check its full capabilities.



Info: The [Special Grade] Conceal skill allows the user to edit their status with the same basic inputs as [No Grade]. Without a [Legendary Grade] perception skill, the true nature of these modifications will remain unseen.

The [Special Grade] Conceal skill acts as temporary camouflage. The user may change fine details in facial features, skin shade, and eye color, along with minor height and weight modifications. Without a [Legendary Grade] perception skill, the illusion magic being used will go unnoticed by onlookers.

Grade: [Special Grade]



I've used this skill on my arm tattoo from the Greater Demon's Core in the past, but haven't tried it on anything larger scale...

My lenses of Illusion still mask my white eye color without me having to constantly use mana on my concealment skill. I take a look at them while my status is still open.


Lenses Of Illusion

Info: A pair of contact lenses crafted using the Legendary Grade "Crafting" Skill and the Special Grade "Conceal" Skill. This item allows the user to see 25% further, and change their perceived eye color at will.

Class: C+

Type: Single Use

Durability: 6/100


I whisper under my breath.

"It's at 6... out of 100..."

Remembering back to when I bought these off of Bri, she did say they would only last me a few months. It's already been that long for me... To her, no more than a few weeks have passed.

Along with the armor set, I'll need to pick up a new pair of lenses... If she has any left in stock.

I'm standing in the empty black room with a moving stairway ahead of me that leads back to the C-Class gate platform.

I let out a sigh and walk forward. While doing so, I put on a disguise better than any magical concealment item can produce.

I turn my slim physique, black hair, dark features, and light tan skin into something entirely different.

Making my skin pale white, growing my hair out and bleaching it blond, putting on 20kg of muscle, and giving myself bright blue eyes. For good measure, I put on a few years of age and take the train back to the main Dungeon Hub.

I feel exactly the same... I'm just surrounded by intense illusion magic. Passers-by see a completely different person when they look at me.

I walk out of the gate with a grin across my face, looking like your average run-of-the-mill middle-aged tank. No heads turn, and I walk downtown without another thought.

I should use this skill more often...

It's oddly satisfying to walk around as someone else.

I stop by a small local food market as I get further from the city and into a less populated part of the town. I stock up on more food and water, a 60-day supply.

Even with the short breaks in between my last two sessions in the Titan's Domain, it feels odd adjusting back to the real world.

Staying in there for longer than I already have been is just asking for trouble. A 2-month supply in my item storage is enough for now.

I'm getting much more used to transitioning out of the white-walled training room, but even this time around there are some adverse side effects.

It's easy to zone out doing the simplest of tasks. For example, while I'm paying the store clerk for groceries and walking out the market's front door with my cart full of food. For some reason it doesn't seems real...

My mind is somewhere else.

All I want to do is fight and absorb more mana, these menial tasks feel like a waste of time... Although, in the back of my mind I know they must be done.

I shake my head as I walk out the door, realizing my mana bar is running low from using my concealment skill for too long. I open up a fresh MP potion as I store the food and water in my item storage in a small alley behind the shop.

Mumbling under my breath as I finish the potion, my clarity of mind comes back to me.

"This will do for now, but I'll get my real fix soon enough."

The battle against the Behemoth I've set my eyes on will be more than enough of a reward for my hardships.

Grinning, I make my way over to the rougher side of town. Before I know it, I'm approaching the 3-story brick building that houses the craftswoman that's nearly gotten me killed multiple times. I'm less than a full block away.... I just keep coming back.

Focusing on my concealment skill, I shape my body, hair, and facial features back to their original forms.

This may be a building full of crooks, but I trust them more than anyone at the Association. The people that run this underground black market businesses build their clientele by word of mouth alone, If you can't trust that, then you can't trust anything.

There's no reason to screw over a returning customer.

I continue walking forward to see the two large guards out front. The moment I come into view, one of them waves to me and shouts out.

"It looks like we have a real regular on our hands, don't we? You have a meeting scheduled? Or you just going to barge in like usual?"

I confidently walk up to the large guards.

"The usual."

I walk past, giving them a respectful nod as I do. The one who greeted me smirks and opens the door, letting me through.

"Ms. Briana is upstairs. It would be wise to check with Bernard before you disturb her."

I wave the nice security guard goodbye and make my way to the spiral staircase at the back of the first floor.

"Got it. Thanks!"

With a light click, the door closes behind me and I make my way up the winding metal stairs.

As I make it to the second floor I see Bernard sitting at his desk. The tall thin man reads a small book while his blond twin workers diligently sort and file magic items.

I continue up the stairs as he looks up from his mid-day reading.

"Good to see you again Jay. I assume you're here for a good reason."

I nod while continuing to walk up the stairs.

"I am."

He shows me a thin smile and looks back down at his book.

"Very well. Ms. Briana most likely already knows you're here. Enjoy your meeting."

"I will."

After that, I walk up to the third floor to find myself in a dark room... yet again.

Slowly stepping onto the flat hardwood floor, I knock a few times on the wall then speak up.

"Hello...? Bri?"

A white light appears at the back of the room and it begins to spread out, illuminating everything in sight. This is exactly what happened the first time I came here.

Bri's low soothing voice hits my ear.

"Welcome back so soon. I heard you had a Labyrinth mission assigned to you this week, but you're here already... What have you possibly brought me today that's so important?"

The tall olive-skinned woman in tight black clothing approaches with a grin across her face.

I reply while reaching into my item storage to take out the full set of lightweight armor and the sword dropped by the lower level Berserker Giant.

"I got a few interesting item drops I'd like you to look at."

She motions for me to set them on a small coffee table as she sits down on a small couch and crosses her legs.

"Straight to the point, as always."

I place the items down with a light metallic thud. Bri begins to examine them closely. I sit down on the second couch across from her.

After picking up the silver sword and touching the armor all over, she looks up at me.

"You already beat the 19th Floor Boss of the Vice City Labyrinth didn't you...?"

I give her a firm nod but don't say anything back. Bri continues.

"So, do you want to sell these? Or get them bonded?"

Bri continues to eye the silver Berserker Giant's Sword, then speaks up again.

"It would be more of a waste to bond this sword, your two weapons are already bonded with the same capabilities. This one just won't have any elemental perks."

The craftswoman looks down at the armor set.

"This too... Unless you're mana control is nearing Tier 1 proficiency, this armor set won't be more than a stat buff for you. Although, 73% defense is not bad."

I assumed as much for the sword, but will this armor set really not have any special advantage even if it's Blood Bonded? It may still be a good investment for the future to do so now...

Letting out a sigh, I respond.

"Just the armor set, I'd like it bonded. What'll it run me?"

Bri grins.

"How about this sword? That's more than enough pay for me, the Association doesn't let items like this slip out of Labyrinth too easily. Usually, Rodrigo is my only in. You're becoming more and more of an asset, you know that Jay?"

I shrug.

"Sure, take the sword. But uh- could I get another pair of those lenses of Illusion? Just in case."

Bri eyes me curiously, then gets up and walks over to her desk to reach into the bottom drawer. She throws me another small humming containment case with an exact replica of the lenses I purchased from her before.

Bri replies.

"I won't ask questions I don't need answers too. The lenses are yours, free of charge. The sword covers it. Now, put out your arm."

Bri walks back over to me holding a glass jar and a sharp knife.

I gulp, letting out a murmur.

"Here we go again..."

The craftswoman slices open my wrist to draw blood, beginning the bonding process with my lightweight armor set.

I use self regeneration on the wound before I bleed too much and take a seat back on the couch without a drop of blood hitting the floor.

"Ya know, I'm sure there's an easier way to do all this!"

Bri smirks.

"I'm sure there is."

I sigh and let out a reply.

"So... Should I leave? I know this process usually takes a while."

Bri looks down at the armor set without replying. It begins to glow with a bright white light.

It even blinds me for a moment. I look away as it gets brighter and brighter over the next few seconds before fading completely.

Bri lets out a chuckle.

"You're all set. Try it on!"

I blink a few times, looking down at the newly bonded armor set using Appraisal.

[Berserker King's Armor Set] [Blood Bonded] +73% Defense


Bri responds as I pick up the chest plate, revealing an empty glass jar behind it.

"Blood bonding without an element stone is a much easier process, it doesn't take long. Plus, it's not like I crafted the sword, I just bonded it."

I nod as she points at the silver set in my hands.

"Try it on, let's see how it fits."

I grin, already in the process of fitting on the gold and silver suit.

It magically fits my torso, arms, and legs perfectly. It almost feels like the armor pieces aren't there... I immediately feel a buff in my defenses as well. This 73% boost is nothing to laugh at.

I also feel it tugging at my mana reserves, just like my sword and dagger. It's asking for a power-up. If this new gear is more than just a stat boost, maybe I'm closer to Tier 1 mana control than I thought...

I smirk, looking up at Bri.

"Fits like a glove."

My next stop is the Labyrinth to face the first Lower-Floor Boss. I have a date with the Behemoth and its army of Knights. The battle is finally about to begin.

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