Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Ember and I plunge through the smoke and fire, diving into the wide-open hole created by my final attack against the Silver Knights.

Although troublesome, I know the opponent lurking behind this wall will be a greater challenge than anything I've faced before.

I'm ready for battle.

Grinning ear to ear, and flaming from head to toe, we burst through the thick smoke we finally make it inside.

The black-scaled Dragon lands with a thud and the dust settles slowly.

Just from the echoing sound of Ember's hard landing, I can tell the room we've just invited ourselves into is much larger than the entrance hall we've departed from.

My All-Seeing Eye is active, but the dense clouds of thick murderous mana-infused aura block my vision on all sides. I can only sense what's behind me, and that's not much... I know there's a dangerous beast ahead, and all I want to do is fight it.

The dust finally clears completely and the front half of the room we've landed ourselves in becomes much more clear.

It's similar to the entrance hall we just left but with much higher ceilings. Fire crackles behind me, and begins to creep along the sides of the walls, but the wide room goes on for easily 20 meters on both my left and right side.

The retreating red cloud still covers the back half of the room in front of me, so it's hard to tell how deep it really goes.

We're in what looks like a massive banquet hall. Tables are set with fine white cloth, silverware, and plates are delicately placed in front of each seat.

This hall must be big enough to feed hundreds, and they must be expecting some important company....

The perfectly set tables go on as far as the eye can see, almost 40 meters before fading away into the dark red mist at the back half of the room.

I look up at the ceiling to see it's made of the same familiar yellow and orange glass. The intricate designs in this one are even more beautiful than the entrance hall.

A pulse of energy comes out of the mist like it's putting out its feelers. I feel the evil entity controlling it for a moment and instinctually shiver.

I gulp, focusing my attention back on the now fast-flowing mist-like aura, then open my link with Ember.

"It looks much more active than it was moments ago. This is... be the floor boss, right?"

Ember nods one time as I jump off his back.

"It is definitely near..."

The light sound of my boots tapping the cold stone floor is the only thing that fills my ears as I walk past the white tables cautiously.

I try to use Inspect and Appraisal, but nothing seems to make it through the mana-dense red mist.

Not a single reading can be made from this odd phenomenon. It's similar to when I try to use my enemy detection skill on a Void Creeper. It's definitely there, but it's blocking me from sensing it.

Ember trails close behind me.

I'm ready to Dungeon Walk us out of here if anything goes south too fast, but my curiosity is eating away at me.

Every step closer to the swirling red aura makes me shake more and more with the excitement an intense battle brings.

Whatever is back there is stronger than anything I've ever faced before....

Gritting my teeth, I make it to a portion of the banquet hall where red mist covers the floor. I hover my foot above the mana-dense aura for a moment, then stomp downward, letting that murderous presence creep up my spine...

I shiver, but let my flames burn brighter to block out the eyes on the back of my head and continue to walk forward.

This is all just an intimidation tactic. I know these moves well, I've used them many times before. I won't run from the fight before it's even started.

Walking further in, the dense aura on the floor gets deeper and darker. It's up to my shins now, I activate my stat-boosting skills on full blast to push through with more willpower. I can feel it begging me to fall victim to its mental trap.

There's a light tugging sensation at the back of my mind, trying to break in.

It's similar to when Ember attempts to open our telepathic link. Very similar...

I bit my bottom lip, focusing on the target in front of me, and wading deeper into the dense aura that now drifts up to my waist.

I activate my MP plundering ability, attempting to absorb some of the aura that fills the room. The Knight I faced before now wasn't a fan of this ability, so maybe It'll have a greater effect on the fog here as well.

The moment my skill activates, the mist surrounding me instantly retreats. I can see my black boots on the stone floor below me with perfect clarity.

Just like when I started to take the last Knight's energy, the aura here seems to have a mind of its own. Or, it's being controlled by a mind that doesn't like its MP being depleted.

Even though it parted the moment my skill activates, I still plundered a small amount of mana. It's possible, just not very effective.

I grin, then call out deep into the mist.

"You didn't like that much, did ya?"

I chuckle, keeping my plunderer skill active while making slow footsteps further toward the back of the room. Ember follows behind me, sporting a toothy grin as well.

The light crackle of flames and low hum of mana coming off my sword and armor fill the silence as I prepare for a fight to break out.

Walking deeper into the murderous fog, it continues to drift away from both Ember and me as we keep our plundering abilities active.

Light shines down from above in golden rays as it's filtered by the glass artwork above us.

The red aura is falling in on itself faster and faster towards the back of the room.

The mist isn't even trying to get near us now. It just seems to be consolidating on a single point. To me, it looks like the caster is deactivating this magic spell.

It's the perfect time to take advantage of the situation.

I eagerly outreach my senses. Letting my All-Seeing Eye seep further into the room as the mana-blocking mist fades away. My Inspect and Appraisal skills finally pick up on a reading.

The presence in the back of the room finally reveals itself. My eyes widen and my heart races when I see the information that finally comes into full view.


[Lv. 489]

Active Items:

[The Behemoth's Armor Set][Blood Bonded] +99% Defense +79% Speed +69% Agility

[The Behemoth's Platinum Ring] +106% Mental Strength +86% Strength

[The Behemoth's Platinum Amulet] +111% Defense

[Lower-Floor Boss Identification Core]

Active Skills:

Combat Magic [Advanced Earth Summoning]

Combat Magic [Advanced Mana Manipulation]


Transformation [Hidden Ability]


"Finally... we meet..."

I continue walking forward in a straight line as the red aura retreats, getting denser and denser as it compacts into a much darker ball of mist at the backside of the room.

More empty tables with perfectly set silverware and plates reveal themselves as the red fog dissipates.

The only thing on my mind is getting a good look at this monster.

Its armor and items all seem to be on a whole new level than any monsters I've faced in the past.

It has two advanced combat magic skills: Earth Summoning, and Mana manipulation.

I've seen both of these Combat Magic abilities performed before in their lesser forms, but never the advanced versions. Abby has an earth summoning skill, and I remember watching Nessa Mimic Mana Manipulation during the C-Class Exams.

These are the upgraded versions and will be used by a monster with mana control possibly stronger than my own....

I grit my teeth, continuing to march forward. A smirk creeps its way across my face the closer I get to the consolidating clouds of red mana...

I begin to think about its hidden ability, the "Transformation" buff, but I'm rudely interrupted by the tugging sensation on my telepathic link once again.

Staring straight ahead, I grip my sword tighter.

Ember's link is already open...

The closer I step to the cloud of dark aura at the back of the room, the harder the tugging sensation at the back of my mind becomes.

It's easy to block out at first, but each footstep in the direction of the monster before me makes it harder and harder to concentrate.

What was at first a light tugging, has turned into a rhythmic tapping and scratching at the back of my brain.

I let out a grunt, drinking an MP potion, and keeping my eyes focused forward on the Beast behind the veil of blood-colored mist.

I cross the halfway point of the large open banquet hall. I'm 40 meters in, and from what I can tell... There's about 40 meters or so to go until the back wall.

I turn back to Ember, speaking through our link.

"I'll be going all out... Only interfere if I give you the word, or if I'm unable to do so."

Ember nods in agreement as I turn back toward the fog and walk another 10 meters forward at a much faster, determined pace.

My jaw is clenched and my eyes are locked on the outline of a tall dark oddly humanoid-looking figure at the back of the room beneath all this fog.

The scratching feeling attempting to dig into my mind gets louder and louder, but I continue to push through. If I can't even get up close and personal with this Floor Boss, I'll have no chance of beating it in a fight.

Another 10 meters go by, and the fog has completely contracted into a large glowing ball at the back of the room. It glows red, while the outline of a black shadowy figure can be seen within it observing the room before it.

The buzzing sound of mana begins to fill my ears and the scratching speeds up while getting louder and louder within the depths of my mental barrier.

It feels curious and devious, but calm and collected. Whatever is prying into my mental walls just wants to talk... I'm just not sure If I want to hear what it has to say.

I take another step forward while letting out a grunt, blocking out the noise.

The scraping becomes unbearable as the mist retreats entirely, only to stop, surrounding the dark entirety s head.

The moment it stops, the scratching feeling at the back of my head breaks through... It's unbearably loud, then eerily quiet...

I hear a deep powerful voice enter my telepathic link, all I can do is stop and stare as its voice echoes in my mind.

"Visitors don't come here often... I never would have expected a Demon and a Dragon to show their faces in a place like this."

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