Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

I open my eyes and stretch my full body while letting out a satisfying yawn.

Looking out the glass window across my living room down below my bedroom loft, I can see the mid-day sun shining into my glass-walled apartment.

Smiling, I hop down to the main floor and start getting dressed while staring out at the city.

My muscles and joints feel almost as good as new, but there's still a faint sense of tightness in my back and shoulders.

I'm not exactly sure how long I slept, but it hit the spot.

I grab an item box and tie it around my waist before I leave, throwing my excess potions, crystals, sword, and a few miscellaneous items into it.

My plan is to go to the HQ and hand in my mana crystals to complete my quota. I'll try to meet up with the rest of my teammates if I can find them, it's been a while since I've seen Maria and the others.

I smirk.

"But first, breakfast."

I leave my apartment and take the elevator down to the 21st floor to enjoy a nice and peaceful meal at one of the cafes.

It's around noon, and this floor is pretty empty. There are a few workers and even fewer hunters. Everyone that lives in this building is signed with the Association, most Hunters are out in the Dungeons around this time of day.

I enjoy my peace and quiet, filling up on a hot meal in the comfort of my own home.

Letting out a chuckle, I whisper under my breath while leaving a silver coin on the table before I head downstairs.

"I've been doing this wrong all along, wouldn't it be nice to just sit back and relax here all week."

The idea is nice, but I'd go crazy in just a few days. It isn't exactly the path I've chosen or one I'd like to be on for too long.

Still laughing to myself, I take the elevator down to the lobby and start to walk out. I hear the voice of the older man that greeted me by the elevator on my way in last night.

"Good to see you're fully rested, Jay. Your company has been requested at the Association HQ... you have a mandatory meeting. You're to meet... well..."

The guard looks down at a piece of paper.

"...4 hours ago actually."

I stop mid-step and respond as the elevator closes behind me.

"Got it, better late than never right?"

I roll my eyes, remembering back to last light. It's probably just a meeting with Leo, the Artificer. There's nothing to worry about.

The lobby manager responds.

"Yes, it's urgent. I wish you luck."

I nod, then continue making my way through the lobby.


He waves and gives me a friendly smile.

I walk out the front door and the hot sun overhead surprises me. The warmth feels nice, it puts me in a cheerful mood almost Immediately.

With a full stomach and a satisfied grin, I begin my scroll back to the Association's HQ.

No more than 20 minutes later I arrive and walk straight through the front door. Immediately, I'm greeted by a tall blond-haired woman at the door.

She seems familiar, but I've completely forgotten if I've actually met her before or not.

The woman looks down at a small silver card, then back up at me.

"Jay, one of the new Elites in training right?"

I slow my pace down as the door shuts behind me.

"I-uh yeah, that's me."

She smiles and turns to the backside of the Lobby.

"The rest of your team is waiting for you in the lounge, you have an important meeting scheduled today. We've been trying to reach you for days."

I tighten my lips, but just nod and give her a thin smile.

"Thanks, I'll head back there now."

A few heads turn as I walk through the lobby. Some seem to be fresh E-Class recruits, while others are seasoned D and C-Class hunters.

They all have the same wide-eyed look on their faces like a monster is about to attack them, or maybe... like a celebrity is walking through.

The small crowds go silent as I reach into my item box and take out my ID to enter the first hallway to the back rooms.

I let out a sigh and close the door behind me.


"That was weird..."

Scanning my card on the second door, I finally make my way to the mini-market and decide to make a pitstop before heading to the last room.

I see the faint outline of a familiar white-haired woman through all the neon and flashing lights of the small shops all around me. As I walk closer, I can see the grin across her face get wider and wider as she waves and calls out.

"Hey, Jay! Long time no see! I thought you were dead or somehtin-"

I give her a playfully annoyed look, but it evolves into a grin. This is the first time someone's cracked a joke at me all morning, everyone else has just been so serious.

I reply.

"Good to see you too Sophie. Long time no see indeed!"

While reaching into my item storage to grab my handfuls of mana crystals, the white-haired merchant woman replies.

"Congrats by the way, I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but it's pretty exciting to see you and your team become the next Elite squad this year. I saw the article about you all in the paper earlier this week."

I freeze up, placing the pink gems on the counter, then looking her straight in the eyes.

"The... article in the paper? What are you-"

Sophie lets out a laugh.

"You were in the Labyrinth training all this time, right... I forgot. They wrote about how you and your team cleared the C-Class exams in record time and were chosen directly by the Director and higher-ups on the spot to be this year's Elite squad."

I tighten my gaze and nod slowly, then let out a low response.

"Of... course they did..."

Sophie chuckles again while starting to weigh out my mana crystals. The pile fills the entire desk, but eventually reads out: 50,093.88MU.

Sophie nods and smiles at me.

"Well, you did your part, the rest of your teammates all handed in their portions earlier in the week, your tablet should update soon."

The short merchant woman begins tapping away at her own silver tablet, then looks up at me.

"Your team quota has been filled, now how about that horn? Did you manage to defeat the first Floor Boss already?"

She raises an eyebrow, referencing the "Horn of the Behemoth" on my quota tablet under my individual assignment.

I let out a sigh, and immediately see her roll her eyes in response.

"Fell short this time around?"

I nod and she continues.

"Don't worry about it, I'll mark it as unfinished. Some of the Elites from last year haven't even completed that one. I didn't think you'd get it done, but one can dream, right? You're able to request old assignments again whenever you wish, the longer the wait the lower the payout."

I clench my jaw and nod, thinking to myself.

I have the item in my inventory right now.... It would be easy to just hand it over.

There's just something that's telling me not to...

I gulp.

"Sure, leave it as unfinished. I was interrupted during my training and wasn't able to complete it yet, unfortunately."

She smirks and nods, tapping away at her solver tablet again.

"Yeah, yeah. There ya go, it looks like you'll need to attend a meeting before learning any of your new tasks."

I reach into my item box and take out my silver quota tablet to take a look at the updated numbers.


[Jay Soju]

[Available Credits]: 9.4


[Team Weekly Quota]:


[Reward]: [Attend Team Meeting For Instructions]

[Individual Weekly Quota]:


[Reward]: [NONE]


My 5 credits for completing the team task have been added to my total, but the individual talk is gone.

That's fine by me.

It looks like all signs are pointing toward this meeting.... Everyone I talk to keeps telling me to attend.

I let out a sigh and show the white-haired merchant a thin smile.

"Appreciate you, Sophie, I'm off. It's time to go see my team and attend this meeting. I'll see you soon."

"Sure thing, careful out there."

I turn around and wave to her as I walk off through the small crowded neon-colored shops.

With a light click, I open the back door to the lounge and walk through. I haven't seen my team in ages, I wonder how much they've all grown.

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