Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Chester looks at me with a confused expression, not exactly catching on to why I'm asking about the auction. He replies anyway.

"Well, anything really. There are a few of them every month, but I've heard this one is supposed to be one of the most interesting ones in a while."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Why's that?"

"Well, with the recent surges, not only was Solara hit hard. One of the prospectors at the old den told me that the Sector 2 Labyrinth had a collapse as well. Luckily it was defeated by an A-Rank from the Association, but loot always manages to slip out. People have to make their money somehow."

He smirks.

I reply.

"Interesting... So could we find any mana supplements there? Like bundles of potions or possibly even high-density mana crystals, like monster essence?"

My mind immediately thinks back to the Blue Ogre break my team and I subjugated on our way over here. Those mana supplement crystals and Abby's restoration magic are the only reason we were able to make it this far. Without them, I'm unsure if the Labyrinth run could have gone so smoothly.

While deep in thought, remembering back to this time, Chester lets out a laugh.

"You never cease to amaze me, kid. Ha! I know you all are strong hunters and all, but monster essence? You think you can handle one of those? I'm surprised you even know what they are."

He laughs again.

"You know what? This might actually be the one time of the season when they would show up at the auction."

He scratches his beard.

"After a Labyrinth break would make sense. Essence crystals are rarely farmed from anything under a B-Class Dungeon. Even so, unless the dungeon is breaking, there isn't enough mana for them to consolidate in the fallen monsters. They're fairly hard to find on the market because the hunter that farmed them would most likely be the only one capable of absorbing the energy within. They're useless to almost everyone except those with exceptional mana control."

I nod. Curious about the true depths of Chester's knowledge on dungeons and magical items, but I brush it off for now to focus on the main concern at hand.

"Okay, but just assume I can handle it. Or better yet, say I wanted to buy a few of them. What could the 263 gold here possibly get me?"

Chester pauses, thinking to himself again for a moment, then lets out a reply.

"It's hard to say. If any show up at the auction and there are no high rollers, any essence you find is as good as yours. Most common people don't know its capabilities nor know anyone able to even absorb them. If you're not an experienced trader or an elite diver, the items just look like fancy gemstones. It's a niche material. Extremely valuable, but only to the right buyers. This is a special auction, so anything can show up. I'm sure there will be many other crystals and enhancement items aside from just essence stones, so the only way to find out is to attend the auction and see for yourself."

I gulp, thinking over the logistics in my head.

"Fine. Let's head to the auction—"

The front door swings open as I make my decision. Both Fisher and Arie come walking in with grins on their faces.

I mutter under my breath to the old man as they do.

"We'll continue this conversation once everyone arrives."

The archer is the first to make eye contact and speak up.

"Hey, look who's back so soon! How'd everything go out in the desert today? Any new discoveries?"

I nod, still thinking about Chester's words about the event tonight but now switching my train of thought back to my adventures in the desert today.

"Yeah, a lot, actually... I think it's best we wait for Maria and Abby to get back before sharing."

He nods, letting the door shut behind him before the two get comfortable on the couches and eye the bags of money just like I did on the way in.

Arie speaks up again after crossing one leg over the other and taking a moment to get situated.

"So, what's the plan with all that money? You getting a fancy new sword before we take out this Boss or something?"

I nod slowly.

"Something like that. I was thinking of buying us all an upgrade, but the right offer hasn't come to the table yet. How has refining your new ranked-up abilities come along so far?"

Arie replies in a satisfied tone.

"We had a solid training session today, the buffs feel much more natural and adaptable to our fighting styles now. I'm looking forward to trying out these special abilities on the real thing."

He turns to the blue-haired water wielder, who speaks up with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to going all out too."

He cracks his knuckles.

"This bossman will be no match for me in my current form."

The swordsman glows dark blue but settles down after a moment just to make his point clear, then he continues in a lighter tone.

"Anyways, I was almost positive the girls would come back from the Black Market before you. Looks like you're changing your ways, huh?"

I give him an eye roll, noting his usual comment on my punctuality but not in the mood to push it any further.

Then, my gaze widens.

His wording reminds me of something the Sector 4 Boss mentioned to the guards as I left. He told them to update number 2 once they finished their cleaning task. That's the elusive black-haired woman with the hush skill I defeated not so long ago. Considering my flight speed away from the observatory and the fact that they're finishing up work, I can assume we have some time to spare. Still, it's not much.

I reply.

"Actually... that reminds me, there is something pretty urgent to report. A lot of things, actually."

Like clockwork, the door gets a few loud knocks then swings open as both Abby and Maria walk in, practically glowing with the setting sun's golden rays on their backs.

The green-haired healer speaks first.

"Looks like it's a full house! What did we miss?"

They come over, and I catch everyone up to speed on the events that occurred today.

After a few greetings and Chester making a quick meal, I decide not to leave out a single detail about today's events. From the monstrosity I narrowly avoided in the Abyss, down to the percentage of stat buffs in the Sector leader's gear; they hear it all.

The only thing I leave out is the inner workings of how exactly I'm able to channel Demonic Energy; there's too much going on to explain this carefully now. I chalk it up to a unique skill acquired recently. I'll leave the important details for another day if the occasion makes itself necessary.

"If we are going to have any chance of taking on two leading members of the Inner Circle, every one of us needs to be on the same page here. We need to get stronger, and with the info provided; we need a plan."

After my explanation and a few surprised looks, the six of us start to brainstorm. It may sound crazy, but considering the underground lair of a secret organization we just left, along with the high-tech shielding artifacts and never-before-seen magical items, my words of a new power source and mountain-sized monsters aren't difficult to believe.

We devise a plan.

I'm going to the auction tonight with Chester, bringing all the gold to attempt to buy any and all essence shards, fragments, or upgrade crystals of any kind if they show up.

Arie and Fisher are going to guard the Black Market. With my explanation of the two grunts' level, voices, skills, and general age range in mind, they are confident they can subjugate the guards before they get to the office in the dead zone.

Maria and Abby have an interesting night ahead. One that was only made possible by a suggestion from me. I'll be dropping them off at the Vice Region's Labyrinth. To be more exact; the 21st floor where I left off last.

It's a risky play, but one that will be worth the reward. The two of them are so close to ranking up. It will be a much-needed power boost to give us the edge.

The sun sets as we walk out the front door of Chester's home, preparing for battle.

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