Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 309

Chapter 309

After my statement, there's some hesitation from my teammates. They look at me wide-eyed from every corner of the room.

I reply.

"You heard me, I'll test it out first to see if it's safe. I'm the one who brought them here, it'd be rude not to absorb my gem first. If everything goes well, we'll know it's safe for you to try too."

The expressions on their faces are a mixture of concern and curiosity, but mostly concern as I shut the case on the table and motion toward the door. I'd like to not let anyone think too long about it and come up with any good points to talk me out of trying.

Remembering back to the immense amount of energy expelled by absorbing the Ogre King's Essence in that shielding room, I point toward the door.

"We'll need a lot more wide-open space than this. I'm sure it will give off quite the charge."

Maria stops me and is the first to voice her concern.

"I know you have higher absorption capabilities than all of us, I'm sure out of anyone you'd be able to handle that; but are you sure you want to risk acquiring an unknown buff from an A-rank monster soul bond?"

She's genuinely concerned.

Arie tilts his head to the side and adds to her claim.

"Maria has a point here. We may need an edge, but killing yourself a day before the battle won't help us much. We need to be certain these stones are safe before any of us try them out. That includes you."

Abby joins in too.

"I know my restoration skill has worked without any problems so far, but don't you think this is an unnecessary risk? How strong will those Sector Leaders really even be? We may be able to beat them as we are now."

Her eyes flare green for a split second, reminding me of her newly ranked-up abilities.

Fisher nods.

"Yeah, as long as I'm not in those cuffs... these leaders don't stand a chance."


I reply to them all after a long pause.

"Unfortunately, the Sector leaders are much stronger than you think. Much stronger than all of us combined. As I said before, one of them is level 651 and their visitor is from an even stronger sector. For all I know, they could be an A-class-level threat. We need all the advantages we can get."

My teammates don't know I'm not in my real body, so their worry makes sense. I can tell the reason they're audibly doubting the strength of our opponents is to urge me away from making the rash decision.

However, absorbing these gems may be our only shot at saving Lydia while also getting to see who this craftsman really is.

A massive mana control boost plus an offensive buff from an A-ranked monster is just the trump card we need. It's likely more powerful than that worm I just barely managed to escape from. With the power of a monster like this on the outside, even in the form of a buff, we'll all be much better off. With my self-regeneration abilities on hand plus the added benefit of my body being a copy, it isn't much of a risk for me to try. Going first is the best way to confirm it's safe for my teammates to absorb too.

The only problem is they believe this is my real body.

I bite my bottom lip and pace for a moment.

While thinking to myself, the room is left in silence.

Once a few long seconds pass, I let out a sigh.

"I'll be trusting all of you with another secret."

The best way to convince them this is a good idea without thinking I'm insane is to keep those who will be fighting with me in the loop. Or in other words; tell my teammates the truth.

They all listen as I describe the body double and hibernation skills I used after a severe poisoning I received from the Boss of the Labyrinth. While divulging some information, I still keep my bond with Ember and the fact I carry 2 demon cores allowing me to wield demonic energy a secret.

Even Chester is interested in what the Boss monster looked like, but I keep my descriptions vague to focus on the main points of why it's best to let me test this out. It seems that Demonic Guardians and Dragons are seriously well-hidden knowledge even to high-end collectors and researchers.

Telling my party even these small details feels like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. Still, due to my cautious nature; it doesn't feel necessary or optimal to burden them with the whole truth all at once. Too much information can lead to unforeseen problems in the future.

Once I've finished my explanation, tiptoeing around the parts I'd like to keep hidden, Maria responds with a much more relaxed expression and calm body language.

"I knew you had a plan." Then she rolls her eyes. "You just sometimes make me worry, Jay."

The others nod and let out sighs of their own. Unexpectedly, they take my account of the bizarre last few days pretty lightly. I expected them to be mad.

Arie points toward the door.

"This makes a lot more sense. Let's get to it, you had me convinced at body double. I trust you as a squad leader. However, it's nice when you keep us in the loop."

Abby smirks.

"Agreed. Now I have all the reason to push my new buff to its limits without holding back, I'm in."

Fisher shakes his head but smiles.

"It's always something with you, isn't it?"

I nod, accepting their responses, and releasing all the remaining tension in my clenched jaw.

With more confidence in my claim to test out the stones first, the 6 of us leave through the front door and head off into the desert. We walk out toward the east for 20 minutes before the lights of Solara begin to slightly fade.

The desert is dark, and the night air is cool. Every few minutes a light breeze passes through calming the nerves of the group.

Although they all agreed with cheerful attitudes, I can tell everyone is still on edge.

A small valley in the landscape dips far below the natural desert's rising and falling altitude.

"This is the perfect place."

The dunes that surround us create the perfect light-blocking barrier to conduct this test.

I take out the briefcase and open it up on the desert floor. The stones light up the surrounding area with a red glowing light instantly.

Everyone takes a step back.

Using telekinesis, one of the crimson gems floats into the air and I hand the case containing the other 6 to Arie; he stands by my right side. With two clicks, it closes and the archer leads Chester, Maria, and Fisher a safe distance away.

The red stone floats above my head. Only Abby stands near me, less than 2 meters in front, staring straight ahead.

Everyone watches with anticipation, readying their magic skills for whatever happens next.

I take a deep breath in, then out; letting the glowing red gem drift down toward my fingertips.

Abby's eyes track it, glowing brighter green as the stone gets closer. She whispers under her breath.

"Area of Total Restoration."

Beneath the healer, the same green energy that glints in her eyes erupts outward in a wave of light flowing in all directions, creating a wide circle. It covers a diameter of almost 10 meters and glows brightest beneath my own two feet, gliding upward and encapsulating me in a green humming glow. It feels warm and soothing, just like her normal healing magic but with an aura of strength deep within it far beyond her capabilities before.

At the same moment, the red gem falls into my open palms and thick red wisps of energy start to leak from its core. On contact with my skin, it burns. The sensation feels as if boiling water is being slowly poured down my wrists.

The Soulstone's contents twist slowly around my arms and energy makes its way to my shoulder and eventually over my chest.

The searing pain is intense but bearable as it hasn't even entered my body yet...

I've felt the agony of many mortal wounds far more painful in my previous battles to make these burns feel like a walk in the park, but I'm well aware the worst is yet to come.

I grit my teeth as the dark blood-red matter seeps into my chest and the absorption process begins.

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