Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 348

Chapter 348

The next few fights that follow play out exactly the same as the first. Monk adjusts his speed and power to whatever opponent he's facing and takes them out in about 2-3 minutes each time; dodging the incoming hits and only throwing normal punches at the monsters' vital points.

In stage 2, a level 113 Orc gets pummeled around the ring and is defeated in 17 punches.

Next, in stage 3, a level 251 bloodhound gets circles run around it and is defeated in 14 punches.

After this, in stage 4, a level 340 humanoid creature with three eyes and a heavy club is taken out in 15 punches.

Every round that passes makes me question what powers this man really has more and more. He's clearly using mana in some way, but it's invisible to the naked eye. There's no shielding that covers his body, and not even a layer of mana over his punches either.

I know there's a trick, I just don't know what it is...

Stage 5 comes along, and he takes out an enormous mutant bear-like creature with long white claws and a thick brown hide in just 13 hits.

The man doesn't break a sweat.

Every round that passes, the fights look exactly the same. Each time I think I'm going to witness him slipping up and showing a hint of mana or hidden ability, but I'm mistaken with every stage that follows.

The 6th stage comes around, and the man gracefully jumps around the arena with ease, twisting and turning away from the same lizard archer creature that Max faced in his fight.

Monk's speed matches the lizardman without a problem, and the arrows seem to fly by him mere millimeters away every single time. After his careful dodges, he manages to get in close, and just like every other opponent, the monster is taken out in just 14 punches.

My mouth is left wide open after this fight.

I saw how fast and powerful these stage 6 monsters were against seasoned battle veterans even with their ranked-up skills activated. For this man, he's using the same effort in this fight as he did in the first hobgoblin's brawl.

"This makes no sense...."

Although I may have this reaction, the crowd outside is going wild. Newcomers to the arena don't know what to make of his battle style and are hesitant to bet on him in these higher rounds, opting for the monsters, while regulars are betting solely on Monk every round and making a small fortune.

This must be the real money maker of the night. Even if it seems predictable, there are always new people coming into the city to enjoy the show.

My eyes stay glued to the screen as stage 7 begins, and the exact same level 672 Ghoul from the previous round against Ace enters the ring.

Monk does a bow before the match starts, unlike any of his other matches. Then, begins his fight with the pale-skinned beast with orange energy leaking from its eyes and pores.

Because of the starting bow, I thought maybe this fight would be different, but the man just speeds up more, running around the ring with ease and punching the Ghoul with lightning fast fists when it leaves itself open after each sword swing.

Without activating my perception buffs, it's almost difficult to track their movements. However, the fight just looks exactly the same. Dodge and punch, that's all this man does.

None of his punches show any signs of mana imbument, but an interesting phenomenon I see is every time he makes impact, the glow in the Ghoul's eyes gets brighter for a fraction of a second. Then after, it dims slightly lower than before it was punched.

Over and over, 15 punches later and the orange light in the Ghoul's eyes goes out. The creature falls to the floor, seemingly unharmed on the outside, but devoid of energy remaining within.

It's overwhelming speed and strength against Ace, the swordsman last round seemed as if it wasn't even there anymore. The creature in the ring seemed like it was helpless against just simple punches.

Monk steps back and bows again at the spot where the remains of the monster once stood. Its teleported away and the crowd erupts in cheers.

"There you go folks! Our one and only stage 7 victory of the night! What an amazing showing! That only begs the question, Monk, are you ready to proceed to the 8th round?"

The moving picture display pans to the fighter standing alone in the ring. He crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"Still not ready yet I see! Well, you'll all have to come back tomorrow to see if Monk will take on the undefeated 8th stage..."

Monk is transported back into the training room in front of me as the crowd cheers his name and the announcer continues.

"Now... We usually end our showings on this stage 7 victory, but tonight we've decided to throw in an extra wildcard that you're all sure to enjoy!"

The audience goes silent and begins to whisper among each other, trying to figure out what's going on.

Monk gets off the transport platform and makes eye contact with me for the first time. I see an orange shimmer beneath his gaze for a split second but can't tell if it's just his robe's reflection or my imagination.

Either way, the announcer's words are my cue to get onto the stage.

I reach into my item storage beneath my cloak and pull out The Flame Emperor's sword while smirking inwardly and whispering under my breath.

"Now, it's time for the real show to begin."

The moment I step on, the transfer magic of the teleportation circle reacts with my wristband, and I'm sent into the fight arena with hundreds of people looking at me from every side. The blinding mana-imbued lighting fixtures make it almost impossible to see outside the ring; the only thing clearly visible is exactly what's in front of me.

"Welcome, The Flame Emperor! This is a fighter debut, with 0 wins in any event so far. A true wildcard, and an exhilarating event to end the night off. He could be defeated in stage 4, or he could make his way to the 8th. We have no information on this fighter other than his signature elemental skill, fire."

At this, there are some oohs and aahs from the crowd around me, then a notification pops up on my wristband in blue text asking how much I'd like to bet on myself.

I smirk and place 1 gold credit on myself as a starting bet to see how it all works. In the same instant, the announcer starts the show.

"The stage 1 fight against a level 17 horned rabbit will begin in 10... 9..."

As he counts down, I hold my sword steady and point it forward where the monsters appeared in every event prior to this one.

I have two options right now. I can take things slow and work my way up like Monk and Ace did, or be flashy from the start like the Stone Maiden and Max.

Once the transfer magic on the other side of the ring begins to shimmer and a fluffy white rabbit with a long brown horn appears in front of me, I activate my fire magic and run forward.

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