Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

I let out a long sigh, looking down at Monk's outstretched hand.

"Save the city? Fight a monster that's killed thousands of men stronger than you? The only reason I came here was to get my teammates and leave this place. I'm always up for a good fight, but it has to be winnable in some capacity and have great rewards afterward. Do you expect me to just agree to help because it's the right thing to do...?"

There's a pause and a moment of silence, but Monk doesn't move from his position.

I speak again.

"What's in it for me? What kind of training can you provide, and what other information do you have on this Dark One that may be useful to know?"

He nods, still keeping his hand outstretched.

"There are no conditions to the training. You may take any gear or materials you need from our monastery if you wish. That includes knowledge, ask me anything. If you don't think you can win the fight, then there's no reason for you to put yourself in harm's way. However, I have a plan to lure them out of hiding. I'm sure you want to fight more of those Ghouls if you could get the chance to, right?"

I think about it for a moment, then reply.

"Yes, if you say there are nearly 900 of them left. The level gains could be very profitable. I'm just... unable to use my soul energy for very long. One or two long battles at most before I need to take a long break to heal."

Monk's gaze tightens, then he looks around the room.

"It's only us in here. Whatever you tell me will never leave my lips. I need to know as much as I can about the Soul Energy you used during your match last night to help with controlling it. On my ancestors, your secrets are safe with me."

He looks me in the eyes and continues to speak, explaining that the rate at which high-level fighters, mercenaries, and even strong travelers that come to this city are disappearing the moment they're put in a very compromising position. The new midnight tax has taken many good people's lives, turning them into tools for the Dark One. At the rate the city is changing, the deal with the Galeheart Guild for protection will be meaningless and the Dark One's army will force them to leave or fight very soon.

In response, I decide to give a rough explanation of how my teammates and I came to obtain the soulstones, bonded with them, and how they work. Of course, excluding the parts about many of my unique skills and our past affiliation with the Association, but there's enough information for him to fill in the blanks.

"Very interesting... So it seems borrowing the power of a monster with soul energy even after their death has major side effects and limits to the user's body. I've only ever seen Manifested Soul Energy like this from the Top Elder who passed last year and the Dark One itself..."

Monk pauses again.

"I'll teach you how to wield your own soul energy. Well, in its base form when not linked to a user, we call it Qi. The soul energy that is linked to the system reacts with mana or certain rank-up processes. Some buffs like the one you have allow the user to manipulate Qi along with the mana manifested essence of a creature. Just like the Dark One. However, Qi itself does not react to the system or mana at all. It is the power passed down from the originators."

He looks down at the floor, stomping lightly two times to show me he is pointing at the black material itself.

Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

"Qi can't be learned naturally, it needs to be shared. Either from a person that awakens another, or through powerful deposits like the soulstones you mentioned. I'm sure if you used those stones enough they'll either run out eventually and the buff will stop working, or you'll unconsciously absorb some of the energy it grants you and awaken yourself. That would take quite a while though."

My mind races at this information, thinking back to some of the explanations Ember gave me when I asked him about the Soulstones and the Monsters that rank up again at higher levels. Pairing this knowledge with the fact that this "Dark One" is most likely a monster that ruled an A-Class Dungeon, we could be dealing with a monster over level 1000.

If what Monk is saying is true, Qi is another power source like Mana or Demonic Energy. Though, it seems not to be rooted in the system. At least, not for anyone below A-Class.

Just like Demons and Demonic Energy are a mystery to most of the world, this seems to take things a step even further.

I take much longer to think about my response, but finally do.

"I'd like to learn more. If you're able to teach me this power with no strings attached, I'd gladly accept."

Monk smiles and I see his eyes sparkle with excitement.

We shake hands, then stand up from the table and walk over to the center of the black-walled and glossy-floored training room.

I speak, very excited, but pretty nervous at the same time.

"Let's do this."

I knew coming in here he would have a proposition of some kind for me, but I didn't think it'd be this intense and secretive. However, this only makes it more intriguing. If I can learn how to wield this new energy source stronger than both Mana and Demonic Energy without the bodily harming limits of the Red Hydra's Buff... I could be unstoppable.

Monk instructs me to sit down on the floor with my legs crossed and close my eyes as he places a hand on my back.


I nod, and Monk explains to me I need to stay still until he speaks again. It may feel unnatural, but that is part of the process.

The moment I take a deep breath in and out through my nose, I feel a warm energy in the shape of an open palm leave Monk's fingertips and enter my back. It immediately spreads through my shoulders and down my arms. Simultaneously, it flows down my spine and into my hips to trickle through my legs.

After just a few seconds, it feels as if my entire body is full from my toes to my fingertips.

It feels like warm waters flowing through my body, but there's no weight to it at all, it just feels as if a liquid is constantly flowing through me until Monk releases his palm from my back and the stream of more warmth stops.

After a few seconds, my fingers and toes start to get colder.

The warm water flows away from them and it all begins to settle near my stomach. There's no weight to it, only warmth.

As the energy leaves my hands and feet, then even my arms and legs, I feel Monk's palm fall onto my back again.

The flow of warm energy crashes in like a calm ocean wave, filling my body entirely just like the first time before it even got the chance to settle in the invisible resting place in the center of my being.

He releases his hand and the warm energy goes through the same process, eventually trickling back into my core and leaving my extremities.

Then, again.

Monk does the same thing a third, fourth, fifth, and finally a sixth time before finally stopping.

At this, all of the warm energy leaves my body and finally settles in my invisible core near the bottom of my stomach. This leaves me shivering as if I just walked out of a hot bath without a towel.

Monk's voice calmly speaks to me.

"You may open your eyes now. You have an impressive amount of energy capacity. Even without any formal training, I can tell your natural talent will be incredible."

I open my eyes and take a deep breath, still shivering. The more I move, the colder I feel, but I manage to stand to my feet and face the man that just shared his power with me.

I feel disoriented, but the sensation of being powerless and systemless while making contact with this mana-negating stone is gone.

I can sense something in the air, there is definitely energy to feed off of here that I couldn't sense previously.

Monk speaks as we make eye contact.

"You took the instant exposure very well too. Most people can't move for hours or possibly days after an awakening like this."

My vision is doubled, and it looks as if I should feel dizzy, but my mind is actually crystal clear. My body just needs to catch up.

A moment later, my vision focuses and I see Monk bow in front of me with clasped hands.

"Let us spar. We don't have much time, and you have much to learn."

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