Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 155

155 Chapter 155 The family gathering

After the four hours gruelling physical punishment, Frost was then assigned magic practise and finished with weapon training, far less painful experience but just as exhausting.

Once training was over the group ate a healthy meal before entering their usual studying session. Maya teaching Nanna and Loki how to read and write and him absorbing the contents of the 50 books he bought in Furano. Now they just needed to pass the time until the family gathering.

Once Nanna and Loki drifted off into sleep Frost and Maya toured the dungeon and discussed possible avenues in which to expand it. They met up with Findlay and got his opinion as well given that he was Frost’s monster commander.

Eventually morning of the next day came, all four of them woke up early and were a little nervous, Dark should be contacting them any minute now.

Bing Bong

A bell like tone suddenly came from the dungeon core at precisely 8am before a deep sonorous voice started to speak.

“Hello, my children and hardworking guardians how have you all been? Hopefully you’ve been having a lot of fun this past month and taken full advantage of the 1 month protection period. Its finally time for the great big family get together so all of you buckle up and prepare yourself for long distance travel. Your guardians will watch over your dungeon in the meantime, see you soon.” The voice spoke rather quickly and a couple seconds after becoming silent, a magic crest opened up underneath Frost without warning and began encapsulating him in a black bubble. Similar to the one that sent him the Glacial Mountains.

Fully expecting his Father to be terrible with his timings, he already informed Nanna and Loki about what would happen. He quickly turned round to face to two children.

“Listen to Maya and be good, I’l....” He didn’t get enough time to finish his sentence before the sphere completed covered him. It was then absorbed into the magic crest and Frost vanished leaving Nanna and Loki a little bewildered. They looked to Maya for guidance, but she just shook her head and shrugged.


“Looks like looking after the dungeon is up to us while the master is away. You up for it?” Maya asked gently to which Nanna and Loki both nodded in response.

This time the trip in the black egg was not nearly as long as his first. Only 5 minutes passed before he arrived at his destination, and it didn’t drop him from several metres up. The black egg arrived in a massive banquet hall along with another 99 similar looking eggs all of varying sizes. The black eggs all disintegrated away at the same time revealing their occupants. All 100 of them walked out of the eggs and looked around the room. Some were joyful, some nervous, some suspicious and others appeared aggressive in their demeanour. Throughout the banquet hall were large tables filled with tons of tasty looking food and drinks. A mesmerising fountain was in the middle of the room with crystal statues that sparkled within the water.

Frost looked around, curiosity in his eyes. The banquet hall was nice, and the food looked tasty, but he was more interested in the people here.

‘These are my siblings?’ Frost looked around each and every one of them, none of them looked alike, with many appearing as though they were different species. One in particular looked like a black dragon whereas another looked like a humanoid shark. It was perplexing to say the least and a little unnerving. From his knowledge, siblings usually carried similar traits but from what he could see very few actually even looked remotely similar to himself.

While Frost was checking out the 99 other people, they were doing the same. Many reaching similar conclusions, their wariness increased. The black dragon and what looked like some kind of fiery barbarian easily over 3 metres tall seemed to hold contempt for the others. Feeling superior due to their bodies and appearance. This instantly irritated Frost and a few others, Frost found the fiery barbarian to be especially unpleasant to the eyes. As though they were polar opposites.

Ignoring those two Frost looked for ones that looked somewhat similar to him, with appearances like that of elves. He could only find half a dozen or so. Two were particularly eye catching and seemed to have some natural aura about them that made even Frost feel that he was beneath them. One was a man dressed completely in black robes. He had pitch black hair and eyes, yet his skin was pure white, a powerful contrast yet it reminded Frost of Dark in many ways albeit less divine. The man was just as handsome as Frost, long dark eyelashes, blemish free skin and had a small obsidian diamond growing on his forehead, accentuating his appearance.

The other was a female, that would rival even Maya in terms of appearance and body proportions. She was tall, at least 180 centimetres, had long flowing sea blue hair and matching eyes. Her dress was deep blue and clung tight to her body showing off her impressive figure. A blue muslin sash seemed to float around her body as though in water, it was quite mesmerising. Frost found himself momentarily captivated by her which she noticed and sent a wink his way as though she was used to such looks. When she winked Frost could see what looked like shimmering scales near her eyes that danced in the light. These two were definitely superior to the rest of the group in some way, that was what his instincts were telling him. Plus, unlike the rest they were relatively calm as though they’d experienced this before.

For the remaining ones that looked like him, they didn’t gave off any overpowering aura but neither did they feel much weaker than him. One sibling in particular who was close by gave off a feeling that made Frost want to fight and test his strength, a natural rival.

Frost, it seems wasn’t the only one to feel this, the man in question was also looking at him in the same way and made his way towards him with a smile on his face.

“My name’s Indra what’s yours’s brother?” The man or rather Indra looked very similar to Frost in terms of body frame, yet whereas Frost had a scholarly, noble appearance Indra had a more brave, cool appearance. It reminded Frost a little of Leo.

Indra had long cobalt hair tied in a ponytail, with similar coloured eyes that showed flashes of lightning within them. He also had a scar across his nose, yet it took nothing from his appearance only enhanced it.

Indra had a confident and friendly look on his face as he extended his hand out in greeting.

“I’m Frost, nice to meet you Indra.” Frost grasped onto Indra’s hand a shook not forgetting to squeeze tightly. Indra laughed and did the same, they tested their physical strength against one another and found themselves pretty equal.

“Hahahaha not bad not bad at all Frost, what number are you? Are you my little or older brother?”

“Number 007 you?”

“Hahahaha number 006 looks like I’m just a little older.” Indra smiled proudly feeling a little superior before bringing Frost in for a bear hug.

“Nice to meet you little brother”

“Likewise, Indra” Frost refused to call him older brother out of principle, after all there was only a couple seconds between each of them hardly making a difference.

Indra wasn’t bothered in the slightest, laughing joyfully, he’d probably act the same if Frost was say number 005. Their conversation did however attract an unwanted visitor. Whereas many of the other dungeon cores were introducing themselves to one another like Frost and Indra, the fiery barbarian felt it beneath him to introduce himself first.

He happened to overhear Frost refusing to call Indra older brother and looking at Frost annoyed him for some reason, so he sauntered over with a lot of swag. Appearing very aggressive and threatening. His bright red hair seemed like flames and looked like a lion’s mane. His voice was much the same, loud, and demanding.

“Hoh what’s this then, a little piss ant that doesn’t respect hierarchy.” The large barbarian shoved his way through as he spoke with a booming voice, drawing the attention of the other dungeon cores.

Frost looked up at the man and frowned, anger in his eyes.

‘I was having a pleasant chat here with Indra, what pissed you off?’ He didn’t say that out loud, however. He felt pressured by this big ape with a fiery lion’s mane, but it wasn’t necessarily due to a strength difference. This man was poles apart from the man and woman from earlier no, it felt more to do with his innate element.

Indra however wasn’t flustered and was quite annoyed with the big guy’s attitude and squared up to him without fear.

“And what’s your number if you’re so bothered by it?” Indra looked up menacingly, fully prepared to throw down with this walking case of steroid infused anger management. The man was incredibly jacked even for his tall 3 metre frame, clearly a physical specialist.

Lightning dashed between Indra’s eyes as he waited for a response. He was the master of lightning, like Frost was the master of ice. His natural disposition was speed and explosive power.

The red barbarian looked down at Indra with contempt before bellowing his origin.

“I am Pyro, dungeon core 003, the master of fire. You can call me elder brother Pyro from now on.” Pyro then looked towards Frost, who looked more and more irritating to his eyes. “You however must call me elder brother Pyro-sama!” With his proclamation Pyro tensed up his entire body and released his pseudo aura and covered his body in flames while staring down at Frost.

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