Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 157

157 Chapter 157: Introductions

With Dark’s announcement, everyone in the room turned towards him, their eyes filled with reverence, some clearly more than others, practically fawning. Even Pyro looked towards Dark with admiration, his anger completely deflating.

Yami kept his stoic expression while removing the overbearing darkness that encompassed Pyro. He listened to his father without complaint, taking a step back, no longer involving himself in this argument between his younger siblings.

With the weight removed from Pyro’s body he rose up off his knees, back to his over 3 metre hulking frame. His eyes fixed upon Dark, feeling ashamed inside for showing such an embarrassing situation.

Frost too was looking up at his father with pride, subconsciously dusting off his robes and tidying up his hair. Wanting to appear in perfect form.

Dark smiled gently towards Yami, before gazing over his other children. Each of them looking different from the last, but his children they were.

“Welcome to the family gathering my children, I hope you’ll meet and mingle with one another, and develop friendships.” Dark then looked over towards Pyro, slightly disappointed but doing his best to hide it. “Or rivalries,” he wasn’t against his children having some or many disagreements. Even developing hatred or rivalries amongst one another was fine in his eyes, it was a part of life as an intelligent species after all. As long as they lived their lives the way they wished and did their best to enjoy it he would be happy, no matter how short it ends up being. Of course, he wished that such feelings wouldn’t crop up at the very first meeting, so he was more than a little annoyed with Pyro but then again, if anyone was going to cause trouble it’d be him or...

Dark then looked over another few Dungeon cores that he felt would be possible problem children, the large black dragon was one of them. Another was a sort of spider woman with the upper half of an elf and the lower half of a giant spider, she appeared innocent and smiled gently but Dark knew her true personality. Insidious and manipulative. But not everyone could be a goody two shoes, that would be incredibly boring and cringey after all.

Dark’s gaze then drifted over toward a massive giant, that towered over even Pyro. The man was easily over 5 metres tall and 2 metres across, a walking powerhouse, yet he had an incredibly gentle smile and passive aura. His skin was brown akin to the colour of earth and looked to be made of some sort of stone in areas. This Dungeon core was number 005, Terra, master of earth and by far the most gentle of all his offspring. Dark looked over many of his children’s experience of the past month and found that Terra never killed a single intruder, rarely even harming them, yet his DP levels were on the higher end. His son was so friendly and charismatic that many monsters willingly came under his rule, generating a constant passive income.

Many of his children found their own methods to grow and increase their DP income, some even astonished him, a God. He couldn’t feel more proud. He created them due to the stagnation in Nova and his own dull uneventful life, and so far, they proved to be bringing great change to the world. Bringing him joy and excitement to his otherwise mundane activities.


‘Haaaaaaa if only Light could understand?’ Dark sighed internally as he thought about his counterpart, the Light God. The two of them hadn’t talked since their rather heated argument a month ago. Dark felt depressed about that fact but was incredibly stubborn, he wouldn’t change his mind, and neither would Light. However, he had a bad feeling, Light wasn’t one to accept a loss and would act in a manner he thought best. He needed to prepare his children for his possible intervention.

Dark had roughly planned what he originally wanted to do at the gathering but considering Light’s stance and the weird feeling he was getting he changed the schedule slightly.

“Now however, I hope that you can introduce yourself to one another and enjoy the many snacks and drinks available. During which I’ll speak with each of you individually before we move onto the main event of this gathering.” Dark summoned a glass of wine which he toasted towards the 100 dungeon cores before taking a large sip, bringing a start to the gathering.

With Dark’s announcement, no one dared to cause any more trouble. Following his suggestion, they each moved to introduce one another. Frost and Indra decided to continue their earlier conversation, already finding one another quite likeable.

“You got guts Frost, very manly.” Indra smiled at Frost while giving him a thumbs up. He was more than impressed with Frost’s physical capabilities even if he was severely outmatched element wise.

“I could say the same to you, if I didn’t respond you’d have probably struck out right?” Frost responded back with a knowing look, he felt Indra and he were quite similar.

“Hahaha of course, I’m not one to back out of a fight.” Lightning started to subconsciously dance around Indra’s body.

“We should definitely spar sometime, ice vs lighting, it’d be an interesting matchup.” Ice slowly covered Frost’s hands as his blood started pumping. The two siblings grinned at one another and shook hands before laughing out loud. They then discussed more personal details such as their monsters, experiences, and stuff they’ve found out during the past month.

“Hoh so you’re in the Glacial mountains, that practically makes us neighbours. I’m in the Storm mountains, the western side of Yangmir.”

“Really, then we should definitely meet up at some point.” Although they could be considered neighbours, the distance between them was thousands of kilometres, not an easy journey. But it was nice to know that he had such a friendly sibling on the same continent.

‘He must be one of the other 2 Dungeons with multiple floors.’ Frost learned a fair bit about Indra. Their experiences were quite similar, both utilised the one month insurance protection given by Dark to explore the nearby inhabited territory. Indra like him had enrolled as an adventurer but his rank was already D, clearly taking on far more quests, usually hunting.

“That would be great, I could introduce you to my guardian, Izuna. She’s a bit of an acquired taste but a great woman, and a great friend.” Indra’s eyes lit up as he spoke of his guardian. Like Frost he got along well with his assigned protector, quickly becoming friends.

“I could say the same about mine, Maya’s a bit forceful in ways, but very easy on the eyes if you know what I mean.” Frost then gestured Maya’s explosive body shape, as though bragging. Which Indra replied in kind, generating a tit for tat of them trying to one up another. Their bond growing greatly. Unfortunately, they couldn’t spend their entire time talking to solely one another, there were far more siblings to meet after all.

After splitting up with Indra, Aqua squeezed herself towards Frost making herself known. She had a bright smile on her face as though waiting for Frost to say something specific to her.

“Uhhh hello Aqua, was it?” Frost didn’t really know how to greet her. She was incredibly charming, more powerful than him and saved him from Pyro.



“Aqua nee-chan,” Aqua enunciated each letter, while wiggling her finger in front of Frost. She was quite adamant about being called such, staring deeply into Frost’s eyes, generating an invisible pressure.

“....Aqua nee-chan” Frost succumbed to her silent pressure, responding as ordered.

“Good boy,” Aqua then proceeded to go on her tip toes and petted Frost’s head similar to what he did to Nanna and Loki. He couldn’t help but blush slightly before stepping backwards away from her hand. Though he was thankful to Aqua and respected her, the petting of the head was a no go.

“Aww you’re no fun.” Aqua pouted cutely, placing her hands on her hips. She appreciated Frost a lot, she didn’t treat anyone else here like this, only him. It was a mixture of his looks, demeanour and his natural element that attracted her. Stroking her urges as a big sister, this was the primary reason she stepped in so quickly against Pyro.

Their conversation after that was quite pleasant, Aqua continued her elder sister routine, asking a long series of questions about how Frost was doing, looking genuinely concerned. Claiming that he could come to her whenever he needed help and she’d look after him like a good big sister. Her attitude was a bit much for him, but Frost appreciated the sentiment and had to admit that having a reliable older sister was comforting. From what Aqua told him, her and Yami had been in contact with Dark several times over the past month. The two of them were to be the beacons of the Dungeon cores so they were a fair bit stronger and placed in the most dangerous areas of Nova.

Yami who went back to being stoic and silent, not introducing himself to anyone after dealing with Pyro was placed in the central continent where the Holy White empire reigned.

Dark didn’t wish to forsake the entire central continent due to the Church of Light and their Holy White empire, so he sent his most powerful and trustworthy child, Yami. His powers were that of darkness, a very adaptable and powerful ability and synonymous with the Dark God. Unlike the other dungeon cores, Yami had already encountered members of the Church of Light.

Whereas Aqua’s Dungeon was underwater where the massive, powerful underwater empires and dynasties reigned. The land countries and water countries usually kept their distance from one another, with their respective wars not affecting the other. While the Holy White empire was by far the most dangerous and powerful empire on the five continents. Their actions had little bearing on the ocean dwellers.

The monsters and sapient races present in the oceans were powerful and extensive. So Dark sent Aqua his eldest daughter, she would lead and manage the other water based cores.

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