Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 165

165 Chapter 165: Dungeon war (4)

“Point taken, in future depending on how they perform in this battle I’ll move to try and expand our ranged capabilities.” Frost nodded agreeing to Findlay’s suggestion. “What about the first section, the winter highlands?” This was the first area in his dungeon and the greeting room wherein he’d first meet the forces of Gobuske. The wide open snow covered areas and roaring blizzard would be great for ambushes. He added a fair amount of the bear traps and spike pitfalls to this room in preparation, hidden underneath the snow. He also decided to temporarily deactivate the bottomless pitfall trap, can’t have his opponent finding a shortcut.

“We’ve set up a few defences in a few of the rock formations where the goblins like to hang out, but other than that not much has changed. But to be honest there’s not much point in retrofitting the first section, if it’s too daunting, we’d put off the adventurers. Best to build up areas deeper in the dungeon.”

“Agreed, anything else we can do, we’ve got very little time left?” The battle would begin in less than 20 minutes.

“I can have some of the monsters stationed in the castle ruins sections create some simple barricades in the hallways, should buy us some time if the opponents get that far.”

“Alright do that but have them be careful not block the new bolt traps. I’ll return to the private space and let everyone know what’s happening. Also choose one of your frost troll lieutenants to act as an on the field commander for the defence force.”

“As you wish master” Findlay receiving his orders bowed and left the room whereas Frost activated the dungeon’s teleportation feature and returned to the private space, where Nanna and Loki were waiting. Maya was still lying on the sofa, being lazy, while Nanna and Loki had moved their chairs next to the dungeon core, along with one for Frost.

The first thing Frost did was kick the sofa, rudely alerting Maya before taking his seat in front of the core.

“What was that for?” Maya asked with a disgruntled tone.

“Your appearance irked me that’s all.” Frost responded curtly but paid no attention to her annoyed expression, bringing up the communication features of the core.


“Hello, can everyone hear me, ok?” He spoke into the core, yet throughout the entire dungeon his voice was reverberating in every area. The monsters looked up instinctively, trying to find the source of their master’s voice. “In about 20 minutes we’ll be taking part in something called a dungeon war, with my younger sibling Gobuske. My father the Dark God, decided that this would be a good way to test our battle prowess as Dungeon cores. In 2o minutes, a large horde of monsters under Gobuske’s command will invade our home, in attempt to reach my core.... We shall do the same, Findlay will be in command of the assault force, leading you into the opposing dungeon to cleave apart my brother’s monsters. The first one to either eliminate the other’s forces or reach their dungeon core wins, and my Father has promised a grand prize for the winner...I want that prize.” Frost spoke with strong desire towards the end and all his listening monsters, Findlay included could understand. Pride and fire filled their hearts. Their creator, their father will be leading them into war and desires victory, what kind of son or daughter would reject that desire. All the monsters listening could feel their blood pumping, adrenaline beginning to flood their system.

Frost smiled and paused for dramatic effect, as he continued to rally his monsters into a fervour.

“Those assigned to the offensive team, I want you to rip your way through my brother’s defences and reach his core while those in the defensive team give the intruders no quarter. Prevent them from gaining any traction, they do not reach my core room am I clear....” He paused once again. “....Am I CLEAR!!!!!!” He roared the phrase again, his voice filled with passion. A moment later raucous yelling and grunting could be heard throughout the dungeon in reply. Many were thrusting their weapons in the air as they yelled at the top their lungs. Wishing that the opponents were here right now.

Even in the private space, they could feel the Dungeon lightly shaking from the noise. Nanna and Loki were just as affected if not more so than the monsters. They were sitting right next to Frost as he declared his intentions.

“Good, bring me victory and I’ll ensure that each of you are heavily rewarded!” This last sentence caused another round of yells and applause throughout, much to Frost’s pleasure. Happy with their response, Frost then relayed his orders, dividing up the offensive teams and defensive teams and arranging the defenders locations to guard. He’d leave the attackers to Findlay to manage. They already discussed possible attack patterns and monsters they’d encounter but it was only speculation at best. They won’t know what’ll hit them until it hits them, so having Findlay there would make sure the attacking force had high morale regardless of what they face.

With 5 minutes to go, Frost gave out his final orders and the majority of the monsters were in place, just a few teams left helping to build barricades in the castle ruins section. Most of the forces were arranged on the top floor, with many escape routes to allow them to fall back to the next defence zone. Ideally Gobuske’s forces wouldn’t be able to reach the second floor, but if they do, he kept a few back up forces there with orders to not take part in the battle unless absolutely necessary.

His body was lightly trembling, and goosebumps covered his arms, a mad smile adoring his face and he struggled not to start laughing. He was truly excited, eager to begin this war, inspired by his own encouraging rally.

“Not bad young master, pretty rousing.” Maya spoke honestly from the comfort of the couch, still refusing to move off it.

“That was the plan, now to see how effective it’ll be. Nanna, Loki, are you ready?” Frost turned to the two young kids by his side, they each brought up the dungeon map and were watching all the monsters get in place. After calibrating the dungeon menu to allow them access, they like Findlay could use some of the menus basic functions. Frost assigned them to be in charge of the first contact -with his oversight of course. They would give the defending ambushers the order to strike or retreat.

“Yes master”

“More than ready master.” They both answered with confident and eager expressions. Frost tussled their hair with a smile before simply responding with.

“Good answer” The three of them and the many monsters on their side were ready and waiting, watching the clock count down until the hour passed.

“You know, Father said you can’t take part in the war, but he never said anything about you preparing drinks and snacks.” Frost turned around to speak to the lazy bum that was on the sofa, finding her more and more irritating the longer he looked at her. He still hadn’t decided on an effective punishment for the tricking him into asking for Dark’s personal stash, but this would be a good start.

Maya opened her eyes wide, blinking a few times as though she could not recognise the young man before her.

‘What happened to the meek little lamb that was my young master?’ She remembered the first few days they were together when he was always very respectful and at times even fearful towards her. She couldn’t help but smile at his growth. But this and that were different things, she slowly rose up off the sofa and made her way to the kitchen, not forgetting to give Frost, an irritated look as she did so. She was quite comfortable lying down while her young master did all the work and really didn’t appreciate being interrupted. However, Frost was right, she could be doing something like this to help, so she acquiesced, however she wasn’t against using any underhanded means to get a little revenge. An evil smirk adorned her face once she turned around, hidden from Frost’s view but after being together for a month how could Frost not understand her personality.

“Maya if there’s anything wrong with my food or drink, such as you making them incredibly spicy, I’m confiscating your alcohol.” Frost spoke with a harsh tone filled with authority. Maya over the past month had attempted many pranks such as this, much to his displeasure. He unfortunately didn’t have much in the form of ammunition for pranks of his own, but he did have the alcohol card.

His response caused Maya to stumble, almost tripping over her own feet, she was seen through. Biting her lower lip and clicking her tongue she entered the kitchen, no longer willing to prank her young master.

A few minutes later Dark’s voice could be heard from the Dungeon core. “Hello contestants are the two of you ready to begin this dungeon war? Cause all of us are ready.” A holographic image appeared from the dungeon core showing all of Frost’s siblings sitting in chairs with snacks as though they were about to watch a play. Chatting amongst one another, he could even see what looked like a board behind them detailing bets.

‘This old man started a betting ring.’ Frost’s face twitched as he felt the need to punch his father in the face. Ignoring Frost’s annoyed expression, Dark continued.

“Frost, Gobuske in less than a minute I’ll connect your two dungeons and we can start the first dungeon war. Have your offensive teams ready to enter the connecting space. After that we can begin.”

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