Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 182

182 [Bonus chapter]Chapter 182: Dungeon war (21)

Findlay’s charge shattered multiple bones in the spriggan’s body and forced it to violently spit up a fountain of blood as it and Findlay continued to fly towards the opposite side of the room, smashing into the wall. Their positions were thus reversed albeit the spriggan being far more injured.

Its entire lower half was paralysed, the bones in its hip and legs pretty much turned to dust. They were already at their limits, held together only by the spriggan’s anger filled state. Findlay’s mad charge pushed them over the limit and then some, any stronger and the spriggan would have literally exploded into a blood mist.

Findlay was in a good deal of pain as well, his calves were trembling from the exertion, covered in blood- some of its his but most of it the spriggan’s- but nothing crippling. He rose up to a standing position, observing the state of his victim with fire filled gaze. He could feel it inside him, the anger, the wrath. It was taunting him, pushing him to eviscerate the monster before him, to tear it limb from limb and bathe in its ruby red blood. The feeling was incredibly convincing and intoxicating. Findlay barely managed to keep his focus by clenching his teeth down hard, he refused to lose himself to madness.

The spriggan was panting and sweat could be seen dripping down its forehead, even with the amount of adrenaline pumping in its body it could still feel the pain of its bones turning to dust. It didn’t give in though, craning its neck to glare at Findlay in hatred. It allowed a spurt of blood to fill its mouth before spitting it at Findlay’s face.

“Ptuah” the blood was launched and accurately landed on Findlay’s face, temporarily blinding him. Findlay promptly moved to wipe away the blood, giving the spriggan a chance to attack albeit with limited options. It couldn’t use its lower half and its arms were unresponsive leaving its head as the only weapon available. With its remaining strength the spriggan head butted Findlay in the only place it could reach......his groin.


“Bleurgh!” Regardless of being in a mad filled state any force applied to that area would be felt. Findlay spat out in pain as the spriggan’s head smashed against his jewels, hidden behind his loincloth. He felt as though a bolt of lighting erupted from his groin, surging through his body and into his head. The pain was incredible, forcing him to bend forward instinctively, and forcibly dragging him out of his enraged state, the blow was that devastating.

Hitting him for a double whammy, immense pain that you couldn’t just grin and bear against and a sudden depletion of energy, sapping the strength out of his body. Findlay’s mind became blank, and his breath eluded him, it was this first time he’d been struck in such a vulnerable place. His eyes bugged outwards looking down at the spriggan as though in complete shock. How could such a weakness exist on his strong and powerful ice troll body and how dare this spriggan attack such a forbidden area. The spriggan was male too shouldn’t it know that such attacks were off limits even when one’s life was in jeopardy. The amount of insults and curses going on in Findlay’s mind were endless and not fit for anyone’s ears, but they paled in comparison to the ones that proceeded.

With him buckled over and momentarily unable to move, Findlay’s eyes opened ever wider as he saw that the spriggan wasn’t finished. His face was the very aspect of horror when he realised the spriggan’s intention.


In the spriggan’s eyes all bets were off, its body was broken, and death was near. It failed to beat a mere troll no matter its rank, it was injured, and he failed. It’d never felt so humiliated in its life- even though that life was relatively short- plus why would it care about decorum in a fight against a troll. With a mad look in its eyes, the spriggan reared its head back for another strike but with a little something extra. Taking advantage of its large head and large mouth, it opened up its jaw to reveal sharp fangs, it planned to bite Findlay. And not just any bite, one filled with its remaining strength, a death bite on Findlay’s most sensitive area. Now you could understand the horror on Findlay’s face as he saw the large set of teeth begin to draw closer to his precious jewels.

‘You fucking spriggan!’ With a face as white as a ghost’s Findlay ignored the pain in his body and forcibly moved, using anger as well as fear as fuel. Both sides moved as quick as they were able and unfortunately for the spriggan, it was a tad slower.

“Umph” thankfully Findlay’s right hand reached the spriggan’s mouth in time to protect his jewels and personal dragon. But the spriggan was going to bite regardless.


“Ahhhhh Mother fucker!” Findlay cursed aloud as the spriggan’s jaws clamped shut on his right hand, instantly tearing into his skin, and crushing a finger. The pain was great but a far better trade off than the alternative. Findlay couldn’t help but sigh in relief as his right hand started to drip blood, a cold breeze brushed against his nether regions as though teasing him with the future that could have been.

His relief then quickly turned to anger and then to fury. The spriggan only had enough strength to attack once and now that it got grip of something it was not going to let go, continuing to bite down on Findlay’s hand, increasing the pressure and pain but this only aggravated the ice troll commander. Findlay found the spriggan’s mouth incredibly irritating and decided to remove it.

Crack! With impressive strength Findlay grabbed onto the spriggan’s jaws from within its mouth and squeezed like a vice. “Gyahhhhhh!” the spriggan let out a muffled scream as Findlay continued to squeeze its jaw, crushing the bone one millimetre at a time. He was going to do this slowly, after all such an attack deserved such treatment.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The spriggan’s jaw continued to crack loudly as Findlay’s fingers drew ever closer to one another. The spriggan’s screams never ended, constantly wailing throughout the room, giving Findlay a headache but it was worth it. He gazed down into the eyes of the spriggan, relishing in its agony, his rage only increasing as he increased the strength in his hand. He couldn’t get over the possibility of being wounded down there, who knows if something as delicate as that could be repaired by the dungeon or low level health potions that his master had access to. Though Findlay was a dungeon monster and served Frost he was also a male and instinctively had the desire to pass on his lineage at some point, yet this spriggan nearly ended that possibility.

Crack! With this final crack, the spriggan’s jaw caved in and bits of the bones dropped to the floor along with a bucket of blood. Tears filled the spriggan’s eyes, it could feel the agony and for the first time in this fight, it felt regret and fear. Findlay however wasn’t done quite yet.

“That’s the bottom half gone, now for the top and that insidious tongue of yours.” Findlay planned to rend the spriggan to pieces one area at time.

“Hiiiiiiiiiii!” The spriggan let loose an ungodly squeal as Findlay got to work, breaking him apart, slow enough for it to feel like an eternity. The nearby hob goblins had woken up a few seconds ago and originally planned to get back into the fight and aid their spriggan comrade- even though it was the one who knocked them out. But when they heard the horrible screaming, they kept their heads down, afraid to even move in case it drew the ire of Findlay. They trembled and shivered in terror as they heard the anguish their former comrade went through, a couple of them unfortunately getting spurts of spriggan blood on them.

Eventually however the spriggan croaked, what was left were just pieces of the creature. Its large size seemed far less intimidating while sprayed around the floor in parts.

“Hmph!” Findlay shook his hands of the leftover blood as well as wiped his body the best he could, but the blood had already stained his skin and loincloth, much to his displeasure. He appeared more like a red skinned fire troll than an ice troll. He crushed the remains of the spriggan’s oversized head under his heel before finding his way to the chute’s entrance. He spotted no other exit other than up the chute, well he could always break his way through the walls but that would be incredibly time and energy consuming plus he could bring the entire roof down upon himself. He didn’t even take notice of the quivering hob goblins at the edges of the room, focusing entirely on returning to his soldiers.

‘Getting up’s going to take a lot more time than getting down, especially with this arm.’ Findlay frowned as he stood at the entrance to the chute. The thing was narrow enough and low enough in incline that he could scale up it without too much difficulty it’d just be slow and tedious. The health potion was completely used up at this point and his current wounds weren’t much better than before he arrived, in fact in many areas they were far worse.

“Owowowowo!” His ribs and chest screamed out in pain as he pulled himself up into the chute and began the long arduous climb, cursing the spriggan with his every movement.

The 3 remaining hob goblins remained where they were, completely terrified and traumatised by the events that just transpired. Who knows whether or not they’d ever be the same again. They even envied their fourth comrade who was frozen solid and then shattered into many pieces before the nightmare began.

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