Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 194

194 Chapter 194: End of the family gathering

Dark had thought long and hard about how much he should reveal to the inhabitants of Nova. What would grant his children the best chance at survival while at the same time allowing them to interact with the world. He wouldn’t shield them from all danger in fact he planned to shield them from very little. That’s why he assigned them guardians and gave them high battle potential.

Dark didn’t have any massive cults that followed him or misinterpreted his intentions like Light, but he could still reveal information to the current inhabitants without much issue and to be honest it wouldn’t be anything new. Dark was always known as the more creative of the creation Gods, always coming up with new and interesting things to try. Whether that be items, oddities, monster lairs or even separate realms, the populace was used to the Dark God tinkering with things on a regular basis. If Dark said he created a new type of monster lair, then pretty much everyone would respond with “Oh really what’s this do then?” Before going to investigate the new thing without too much fear. Many of Dark’s creations had brought an untold number of profits and technological advances to the many empires and kingdoms in Nova.

Monster lairs for example were incredibly profitable so much so that countries could come into existence due to one with high level and size. A group would establish residency near it and that would eventually snowball into a village then a town then a city and then finally a country. All thanks to the profit presented by a high level monster lair. So, a new type of monster lair was sure to go down well with the majority of people.

The only thing he was really worried about was the Church of Light as well as Light himself. The Church of Light was a shell of its former power but still greater than most empires and kingdoms and they abhorred things created by Dark, they may see this new creation as a sign to make another move, excising his taint as soon as possible. And Light he hoped that his measures would not be too drastic, he still wished that they could reconcile their differences. Many times, over the past month he tried to contact his old friend, but he never replied, and he couldn’t gain access to Light’s domain without his permission and using force was a definite no go. Dark couldn’t help but sigh as he was reminded of their argument.

‘Light, please don’t do anything rash, please understand how much I care about these kids.’ He looked over every one of his children and welled up with pride. Each of them looked different from the last and had their own individual personalities and specialties but they were still a family, one which he would protect. He raised his hand up to stop everyone talking amongst each other, it was time to bring this gathering to a close.

“We’ve first had the DP ranking competition which Yami, Aqua, and Pyro won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Then we moved onto the dungeon war demonstration between Frost and Gobuske and now we’ve concluded the final part of this gathering. It’s time now my children to say goodbye. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our time here today and loved getting to know each and every one of you, but I can’t keep you. You must return home and manage your dungeons, continue to expand, and improve, aiming to move up on the DP leader board. I’ll see you all again (hopefully) in eleven months, on your first birthday, ciao.” Dark spoke with slightly reddened eyes, but it didn’t stop him swiftly flicking his wrist to summon 100 magic crests beneath each of them. His trademark rapid goodbye was still in effect. His children all used to this by now didn’t even feel disappointed, quickly waving goodbye before being encapsulated in the usual black egg.

A moment later everyone disappeared, well almost everyone, what appeared to be 100 magic crests was actually 99. Gobuske was left alone, stunned by what was going on around him. Why was he the only one left behind?

“Gobuske come, come, we still need to introduce you to your new guardians.” Dark beckoned his anxious looking son over. He still needed to have a good talk with this son of his. Thanks to his error he had to suffer unneeded torment. He thought some quality one on one time before summoning Charlotte and Lily would be good for their relationship.

Gobuske nervously pointed to himself in confusion before shaking his head a waddling over to his father. If his siblings were to know of his special one on one time with Dark, would they not kill him out of jealousy.


A couple minutes after Frost was encased in the black egg, he was returned to his dungeon’s private space wherein an excited fenrir was waiting. For hours and hours, she was left panicking, even the cuteness that was Nanna and Loki could not calm her down. That was the ‘wine of the abyss’ after all and her young master had it on him for nearly a day without her ‘protection’. Although she clearly gave him a warning signal, Frost had been getting quite arrogant lately, could he have ignored her warning....it was possible. Mad thoughts filled her mind as she prayed, threatened, bargained, promised whoever or whatever to make sure that the bottle of wine was still unmarred, Frost’s personal safety depended on it. Though she was immensely attracted to Frost and his handsome face and dynamite body that was that and this was alcohol and not just any alcohol but the holy grail, of course Frost came second.

The moment Frost arrived, and his vision was restored from the egg’s black nothing he saw Maya right up in his face with bloodshot eyes and severely bitten lips as though she’d been without sleep for days.

He recoiled at the sight of her appearance but failed to move at all. The moment he was in her sights she fiercely gripped onto his arm, holding him in place refusing to let him go.

“THE WINE!?” She stared into Frost’s eyes with fervent desire, emphasising every letter. She was mad, no insane at this moment. Frost violently shivered as he was looked at by those insane eyes, it was disturbing.

‘God damn alcoholic!’ His face visibly warped in contempt as he struggled to imagine Maya and whatever this thing in front of him were the same person. If this was a few weeks ago he would have immediately reeled in fear and obeyed her every whim but now, their positions had more or less stabilised as equals and now he had something she wanted......time for some payback. His lips imperceptibly curved upwards, and a glint appeared in his eyes.

During this time Nanna and Loki wisely chose not to interfere with Maya’s current state, leaving it up to Frost to deal with. They silently watched by the side as though watching a play, all they needed were some snacks.

“Let go Maya” Frost spoke with an authoritative tone, letting out his distinct aura as he did. But she was too focused on the wine to care, her grip on his wrist only increased in strength as did the desire in her eyes.

“......THE WINE YOUNG MASTER NOW!” She roared in protest; demanding Frost reveal the treasure now otherwise she wouldn’t be held responsible for what happens next. This was the closest she’d ever been to wine of the Gods and wasn’t going to allow Frost to stand in between her and her prize. Frost was unfazed, moving his face in close.

“Let go or no wine for you....ever!” He brought out the big guns, instantly threatening Maya with his one trump card.

“....” The room suddenly became silent, and the room dropped several degrees in temperature becoming eery. Nanna and Loki instinctively shivered and gulped as they felt a chill down their spines.

Maya’s grip didn’t relinquish, and her eyes became even more frightening, staring deep into Frost’s eyes, standing her ground.

“You wouldn’t dare” she replied with a threatening tone but behind that fa?ade she was terrified, Frost really wouldn’t do that would he? She didn’t want to risk it, but she also wasn’t in the right mind at the moment plus if she really backed down right now it would surely change the dynamic in their relationship, and she wasn’t one for being in the passive/submissive role.

“....Try me” Frost replied with an open provocation, looking down on his guardian without the slightest hint of fear, he knew the worth of the card he held and knew that she would be the one to crumble. Maya was the alcoholic not him; he didn’t have this weakness...at least not yet.

“......” Lightning seemed to zap between their glares for a few seconds before Maya ultimately relented, releasing a depressed sigh she let go of Frost’s arm and stepped backwards. The tension in the room instantly evaporated.

“Good girl” Frost rubbed his previously gripped wrist, Maya gripped pretty hard.

“Don’t push it” Maya instantly flared back up, spitting out a warning.

“Hahhhaha sure,” Frost started laughing loudly, caring not for her feelings, he knew he won this little exchange of theirs, giving the flow and momentum to him. The ‘good girl’ comment was a gloating jab that he couldn’t resist launching. He became cocky.

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