Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 200

200 Chapter 200: Evolution paths

“Three lucky fellows have reached max level, with another couple in the late twenties for their levels, pretty impressive....let’s see how lucky I am this time.” When his frost goblins reached max level, he got three options with none of them being that spectacular. He was limited by his archetype, focusing on the ice element rather than individual species. However, he truly wished that his frost dwarves would be included under one of his specialties. He could envision great things from this monster type, especially once he unlocked the ice dwarves, which differed very little from regular dwarven sapient races. Able to speak common tongue and possessed high intelligence and dexterous hands, perfect for forgers as well as powerful fighters. He could outfit them in different classes just like the adventurers that frequently visited his lair.

After putting down his wine and removing Maya from his shoulder-much to her reluctance- he contacted the three lucky frost dwarves as well as the all the other monsters that achieved their max level and had them move to a large foyer in the 4th section. Far enough from any possible intruders.

“You gonna come or you going to stay here and drink on the sofa until I get back?” He spoke gently to the pouting Maya, finding her quite cute. She downed the rest of her wine and looked into his eyes.

“I’d rather stay here in comfort but works a calling I guess....lets go young master and see how lucky you really are.” she smiled coyly with a glint in her eye, subtly hinting a double meaning.

Frost’s brow rose in surprise before he smiled like a predator, his blood heating up as he was nearly overcome with lust.

‘This temptress will be the death of me.’ He internally complained as his throat ran dry, he was finding it harder and harder to resist this beautiful woman whenever she acted so....inviting. Perhaps it was the wine acting but when this situation would usually end with Maya laughing him off, treating her words as a joke or him eventually turning pure red from embarrassment instead they stared into one another’s eyes for a couple minutes, with neither pulling away.

“...Y...Young master the monsters.” Maya stuttered her words slightly as a pink blush grew on her cheeks-not from the alcohol.

“Ughghhhh” Frost uttered some kind of groan, not hearing her words as he continued to stare into her deep blue eyes.

“The monsters young master, they’re waiting.” She backed away slightly, struggling to endure under her young master’s heated stare.


“Ahhhh....ugh....cough cough....yeah the monsters got it.” This time Maya’s voice got through to him and he was torn from his fiery emotions. He coughed to regain focus and to cover up his awkward expression before taking advantage of Maya’s words, he teleported out the private space and into the 4th room of the dungeon.

While Maya was left alone on the sofa, her face still beet red. The moment Frost left her emotions went haywire, her skin felt as though it was on fire, she started sweating and her chest started heaving up and down as her breath became heated, resulting in her dresses’ buttons having to work overtime from the strain. The mood between the two of them was rather dangerous, for the first time in their relationship she really didn’t know how the next few seconds would have played out if they remained in the same room. She knew she was incredibly attracted to her young master and him to her but tonight the situation nearly evolved to an incredible level.

She was still at the teasing stage....this development though desired at some point seemed to come all too soon. Her face grew even more red, and steam practically came out of her ears, this was too much. She looked like a lovesick teenager and in some ways she was.

Though she played a strong game and appeared to be rather experienced, her actual experience was not only lacking but....non-existent. She’d certainly been close to those of the opposite sex and even dated for a while, but the most she’d done was kissing, intimate hugging, perhaps a little heavy petting but the actual deed no.... she was an innocent rabbit wolf, like her nickname implied.

“Oh god we’ve not even kissed yet and her I am practically offering myself to him haaaaaaa.” She grabbed a nearby cushion and screamed into it, letting out her emotions. Her teasing was all in good fun but now that this happened, she wouldn’t have the stomach to act the same way as she used to. It’d be too embarrassing and no longer a joke.

“Come on Maya girl, deep breaths deeeepp breaths.” She chanted a mantra in her mind to help calm herself down before closing her eyes and emptying her mind of all distracting thoughts.

Meanwhile in the 4th room of the dungeon, a spatial tear opened up and Frost appeared with a rather interesting expression. He had a giddy smile on his face and rosy, red cheeks and no matter what he did his lips wouldn’t droop. But could you blame him, after a month he finally breached Maya’s defences and not by accident thanks to her clumsiness i.e., her waking up in front of him in very revealing pyjamas or the incident of her sitting on his personal weapon. No, this time was different, something had changed, and he was over the moon. It was a shame that duty calls but in hindsight it was probably for the best, moving too quickly may ruin a good thing.

Ten minutes or so later the summoned monsters all arrived with smiles on their faces, they’d been called specially by their father after all. Once they arrived, they noticed that their father was smiling as well and it was really big, making the atmosphere even more joyous.

Maya arrived shortly after everyone was present, she’d managed to calm down her restless heart and returned to her usual powerful image though she kept her distance from Frost and didn’t look his way. Whether she was too embarrassed or afraid of what would happen who could say but she was here and ready to work.

Frost was much more direct and honest with his feelings, smiling her way and very rarely taking his eyes over her curvaceous figure. His heated stare caused her skin to involuntary heat up wherever Frost’s eyes loomed. Her perky backside seemed to receive the majority of the gaze, probably because she subconsciously covered her chest and was a little out of view. His monsters present were not smart enough to pick up on the vibe, thinking the happy smile on Frost’s face was solely for them.

Along with the three frost dwarves there were another 9 monsters that successfully reached their max level. This dungeon war was very, very beneficial. The other nine were two frost wolves, another 2 winter boars, an artic fox, and the last four were frost goblins. Unfortunately, the frost goblins didn’t unlock anything new, the same three options, rogue, fighter, and archer, it was the same with the artic boars, so only the dwarves, fox and wolves would grant him anything different.

After he had his fun ogling Maya he turned to his monsters, still in a good mood and asked them all to line up. He first brought up the status page of the three frost dwarves, he’d start with them.

“Each of you have successfully reached your maximum level thanks to the dungeon war. Congratulations, where many of your colleagues have died you have prevailed and will now be rewarded for your efforts.” Each of the 12 monsters couldn’t help but arch their chests out with pride as they looked at one another. “I’ve pulled you all from your regular duties so as to sanction your path to the next level, you’ll all be evolving today, you excited?” Frost asked with a toothy grin, all his monsters smiled and nodded their heads.

“Good, you three step forward,” he gestured towards the frost dwarves who stepped forward nervously, they felt butterflies in their stomachs. The three of them knew the strength of their evolved colleagues, Findlay being the most obvious. His power was greater than all of theirs combined. Then there was the spiked artic boar, with that in existence, the artic boars became a real force to be reckoned with, trampling a great many goblins in the war. To be honest far more of them would be here today, getting a chance at evolution if everything had remained in their favour. Unfortunately, the enemy hob goblin commanders got involved personally, causing great losses among their numbers so only two managed to make it here today. The three frost dwarves took a deep breath, trying to calm their nerves.

“Good attitude, you three will be the first.” Frost nodded his head in appreciation before bringing up the dungeon menu from his wrist. Their evolution paths were thus brought up, he picked out a single dwarf first, the one of the right.

Frost dwarf warrior, E-rank 200DP: stronger version than the regular frost dwarf, much more capable in using weapons and shields. Comes armed with a reinforced iron weapon and studded leather armour. Great combatant for its rank.

Frost dwarf quarreller, E-rank 150DP: not much different in comparison to a regular frost dwarf, just has slightly better eyesight and comes armed with a crossbow for a weapon. Sturdy ranged unit that can hold its own in close combat fight.

Frost dwarf smith, E-rank 180DP: intelligent frost dwarf that is skilled in smithing, less combat strength than even a regular frost dwarf but makes up for it with dexterous hands. In the wild tribes and monster communities, frost dwarf smiths are left in charge of arming their allies with weapons and armour. They are usually more docile than regular monsters, their minds focused solely on smithing.

Frost dwarf rune mage, E-rank 220DP: a frost dwarven mage that uses special magic style called rune magic. Focusing on a unique set of magic crests that can buff allies as well as cause devastating damage through in their case, ice. They come outfitted with large hammers adorned with rune crests, their version of staffs making them great in close combat as well, making up for magician usual weak bodies.

Frost dwarf priest, E-rank 220DP: a frost dwarf that specialises in healing through magic as well as special prayers. Can buff allies natural immunities and regenerative qualities. Not bad fighters like most frost dwarves. Armed with a thick stave and robes made from monster skin, usually artic boar, or equivalent F-rank monster.

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