Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 209

209 Chapter 209: Frost wolves (start of volume 4)

Frost travelled through the white expanse and the cold biting wind, alone. Holding his left arm up to shield his eyes he made his way to a clearing. A rocky outcrop that would shield him from the snow.

“Phewwww even with my cold resistance I can tell that its much, much colder than at the entrance of this place.” Frost shivered as he shook the snow off his body. Thankfully there were multiple outcrops such as this one that would allow one to gain a short moment of respite.

“Haaaaaaa lets see where I am for now,” Frost removed the map from his spatial ring and opened it up fully. He’d been travelling through the Glacial mountains for the past few hours and had only just recently found the right path. “Ok so I need to travel north for another half day or so and I’ll come across a more sustainable rest site, then its several hours west to avoid the crevasse of Ymir that expands for hundreds of kilometres. That’ll get me to the edges of the Beta sector, with the Gamma sector being right next door.” Frost plotted his future journey with his finger, it was anything but a straight path and had no small amount of danger.

The crevasse of Ymir for example was incredibly deep and was significantly colder than the surroundings, equal to the frigid temperatures of the core regions. Legends say that an ancient ice giant named Ymir cleaved the crevasse with his axe once he ascended to godhood. The area still contains remnants of the God’s mana, resulting in the drop in temperature. The area is also claimed as a holy land by the ice giants with a community taking up residence deep within. Anyone not of their kind that trespasses is killed on sight. Frost wasn’t arrogant enough to think he could deal with a large group of mad ice giants all at the minimum of B-rank. Like everyone else he was going to avoid it.

Another danger area on the way was actually a wild abandoned garden, also supposedly left by a powerful figure of the past, their name and race unknown. The garden was protected not only by magical arrays but was filled with incredibly poisonous herbs that could kill a powerful D-rank monster with a single whiff. Thankfully in the external regions there were very few of such areas. The deeper one goes however the more of such areas one would find.

All these detours were necessary since his strength was too pitiful, but it had its advantages. This path would take him through a plethora of different monster territories allowing him to let loose and train. So far, he already came across a few artic boars but that wasn’t enough to even get his blood pumping. In a few hours however he’d be entering frost wolf territory as well as other E-ranks plus if he was lucky, he’d run into some yetis or frost trolls. But what he truly hoped for once he reached the scouting location was a C-rank monster, something that could truly put him on the knife’s edge.

He subconsciously smirked with evil intent as he thought about fighting a C-rank monster. “Well, the sooner I get there the sooner I can fight.” Rolling the map back up he left the outcrop and once again entered the endless white expanse. His aura being not that of loneliness but that of a warrior seeking a challenge, the environment seemed to sense that.

Not long after he left the outcrop, something answered his aura.

“Awoooooo” a range of howls went off in the distance, a total of three frost wolves came across the solitary Frost.


“Perfect I’ve been dying to work out an ache in my shoulders.” Frost grinned while summoning his glaive. The blizzard obscured his vision so he still couldn’t see the wolves, but he could hear their howls and feel their killing intent.

Bracing himself with his glaive in hand he stopped moving forward, awaiting the inevitable strike of the wolves. The storm was not that loud but heavily obscuring, even with his abilities seeing more than several metres ahead was difficult. Yet he did not feel panic from the situation only enjoyment as the threat felt more real and substantial. The frost wolves unlike him relied on smell and could easily point him out in the blizzard. The three of them were hungry and ravenous, madness in their eyes as they slowly began to surround Frost awaiting the perfect moment to strike.

Frost awaited with his glaive raised for what felt like tens of minutes in this blizzard with no signs of movement from his would be prey. “Ahhhhhhh are coming or not, I’m not waiting here all day you damn wolves!” Swinging his glaive to be rid of the nearby snow and let loose his impatience, Frost roared out loud to the surroundings hoping to taunt the wolves into action. It worked.

Not a moment later before he could drawback his swing one of wolves lunged out from behind, jaws open, and claws extended. The time was now, and it wasn’t alone. These three wolves were siblings and had very good coordination, in the same moment the other two magically appeared from the snow. One aiming high while the other aiming low, appearing very experienced in hunting humanoids.

“Hmph! That’s more like it!” With a joyful smile he moved his upper body to the side, narrowly dodging the fangs of the first wolf and at the same time he brought up his elbow upon its undefended ribs.


“Awooooo” with a single solid blow the first wolf felt a couple of its ribs crack causing it to howl in pain as its body was forcibly launched backwards. Next was the attacks of the second and third frost wolves. One aimed for his neck while the other for his legs and thanks to his movements to deal with the first wolf, Frost lacked much time to react.

“Good timing,” he internally applauded their movements, finding that these three were incredibly coordinated and most likely near evolution. But it wasn’t enough to faze him and his C-rank strength, his mad smile only grew as he dealt with them both at same time.

Bang! Boof!

For the one aiming for his neck he headbutted the beast without mercy, knocking the beast to the floor. For the second he whipped its snout with his leg, sending it flailing backwards. “Oomph that’s one solid head,” Frost was forced to shake his head from the pain that continued to rattle his skull, a few drops of blood could be seen dripping down his forehead.

With another solid kick he booted the second wolf that was slammed into the ground by his headbutt back into the blizzard as he once again readied himself with his glaive, a mad look on his face. “Great, come again!” He wasn’t going to finish this fight quickly, there’d be no fun in that. Refusing to use magic or even chakra he’d rely solely on his physical skills and techniques.

The three frost wolves each being sent reeling backwards and a couple with rather painful injuries instantly became wary. They proceeded to hide in the storm watching Frost with trepidation, this humanoid prey was far more dangerous than they bargained for.

Rumble! Unfortunately, they didn’t have much choice, their stomachs desired filling.

“Hmph! Bunch of cowards! If you’re not coming at me then I’ll come to you!” Frost was not a passive person and really didn’t want to play the waiting game for who knows how long so he burst forward, using his mana sense to locate his prey. His movements were so sudden that the wolves had barely enough time to react. Frost appeared before the third wolf in an instant and with his glaive ready he swung down upon the monster with incredible ferocity.

Shwing! With great speed the glaive cleaved through the snow and produced an ear piercing howl as it cut. The glaive was aimed downward hoping to cut at the wolf’s spine. If this was another E-rank monster then this could very well spell the end of its life, but frost wolves were agile, very agile.

Bang! The glaive came down upon the frost wolf, but it reacted quickly, retreating backwards with upmost speed. However, it wasn’t quite quick enough, the glaive’s blade cut deep into the wolf’s side, drawing a great deal of blood, and carving out a deep gash.

“Awoooo” the wolf whimpered as it rolled on the ground struggling to rise back to its feet, a pool of blood quickly dying the ground red. It scowled at Frost with a mixture of hate and fear.

Frost meanwhile was nodding his head in appreciation finding the monster’s reactions impressive. Rivalling that of his own high level frost wolves and like them it was not alone.

Seeing the dire state of their sibling the other two went on the attack, ignoring the threat Frost posed they lunged at his back with fervent aggression.

“Let’s dance,” fully in battle mode and enjoying the experience Frost turned around rapidly. With his glaive in hand, he battled with the wolves, savouring every last moment.

After ten minutes of fighting Frost finally brought the matter to a close. “[Crescent slash!]” He activated his glaive skill, summoning a blue crescent beam of energy that quickly tore through the air and cleaved the last wolf in twain. This skill was an upgrade from the usual slash skill, larger beam, and much sharper. The frost wolf’s sturdy body was cut in two like it was butter, providing little resistance.

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