Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 211

211 Chapter 211: Jared Bando (2)

“I see, so much has happened in the time I’ve been stationed here, I’ve missed so much.” Jared spoke with melancholy, it’d been over ten years since he was last in Furano and even then, it was for less than a week. He met Douglas and his family as per military tradition before heading into the Glacial mountains with the rest of his brigade, he was only a sergeant then, so much has changed.

“Thanks for keeping an old soldier company Frost, it means a lot to me knowing that my hometown is not only in good straights but has many prosperous individuals such as yourself working for it.” Jared smiled gently but it contained a great deal of repressed emotions, Frost felt a pain in his heart as he looked at Jared’s expression. He pitied the soldier and was happy he could help him in some form.

Frost also benefited from this long chat that went on for over an hour. Jared spoke of the military and the current situation within the external and inner regions of the Glacial mountains. He gained a great amount of insight into the native kingdoms of the area as well as the more dangerous tribes in the external regions where he’d be likely active in.

As a weight seemed to be lifted from his heart, the giant bear beastman stood up with a straight back and smiled. He could feel the boundary to A-rank loosen for the first time in years. He turned towards Frost and performed a military bow full of gratitude.

“Thank you, young Frost, you’ve helped me resolve a deep regret and have allowed me to glimpse the door to the next level of power, I owe you a great debt.” Jared spoke with complete honesty, not caring about his position as a major in the military or as a senior. He was not one to care about such formalities.

Frost was taken aback by the powerful gratitude and instantly replied with a shaky expression. “No, no Jared all I did was talk, there’s no need for a debt.” Although a great debt from someone so powerful and well connected could prove very useful, Frost thought of himself as an upright individual, he wouldn’t feel right receiving something so grand just for chatting about local events that anyone could find out. Plus, he’d already been paid, with the amount of knowledge he received from Jared.

“No Frost I am a man of my word, I owe you a debt, please don’t decline as I’d feel insulted.” Jared spoke with fierce determination, he wouldn’t take a refusal. Frost’s face twitched as Jared’s aura pressured him.

‘Really you’d use your strength to force me to accept your gift.’ He felt the urge to smack Jared for his shamelessness but held back.

Disgruntled Frost nodded his head in acceptance bringing a smile to Jared’s intimidating face.


“Good, good, now I’ve rested here long enough and taken up enough of your time.” Jared started to shovel all his gear back into his spatial ring, preparing to leave, he had a mission to complete after all. “Time we get back on the road.”

“Agreed I need to head to the Gamma sector to complete my quest.” Frost felt both happy that he could get back to his training excursion and sad that he’d be saying farewell to Jared.

Jared stored all his belongings within 40 seconds, very military like, super speedy. After a quick double check he turned to face his new acquaintance. “Here take this, perhaps it’ll save your life one day.” Jared handed Frost what looked like some sort of metal medallion with the image of a great bear carved into it. Frost took hold of the medallion and asked, “thank you Jared but what is it?”

“It’s a token of the War Ursa battalion, whoever bears that token will be seen as a friend to the battalion and if need be can seek sanctuary within our territories. If you ever make it to the inner regions of the mountains this token will allow you to meet me once again.” Jared spoke with a serious tone, hinting towards the importance of such an item. Frost grasped the medallion tightly against his chest, feeling the weight of such a gift. It was almost certain that he’d be reaching the inner regions eventually given his talents. This token would allow him easy access through such an area.

“Farewell lad, thanks for the lovely chat....may we meet again.” Jared waved goodbye before quickly vanishing into the white expanse. Frost lost sense of the man almost instantly proving either that he hid his presence and or moved with super speed. The latter being more likely, Jared did say that he was on a mission, spending over an hour chatting was clearing not on his schedule.

Frost brought up the War Ursa medallion “I wonder how useful this thing will end up being?” He looked at the medallion with curiosity and fondness, even if it proved useless to him, he would keep it as a memento of Jared. “Perhaps the next time I’m in Furano I should mention of my encounter to Douglas. He’d surely be happy to know that someone from Furano had achieved such a high rank in the military as well as personal strength.” Frost knew that Furano lacked any A-ranks, it’d be hopeful news for the younger generation.

“Well, best that I get going too.” Frost needed to reach the more established campsite before deep darkness strikes. ‘When the moon doth shine, danger be abound.’ A famous saying of the adventurers and well as everyone in Nova. During the night most monsters are stronger and more aggressive as many are naturally nocturnal whereas the sapient races are generally diurnal. Though Frost wasn’t to adverse to combating at night as it would be even greater training but what he did not look forward to was camping out in a constant blizzard.... Alone. But he would never say that out loud, less a certain guardian poke fun at his bravery.

With a warm heart and revitalised vigour Frost stepped back out into the white expanse to continue his journey. His destination was north through known yeti and wolf territory, beyond would be his resting place for the night before heading westward to avoid the crevasse of Ymir. Then he’d be on the edges of the beta sector with the gamma sector in sight. He’d have to go through a few more loops to reach sector 23 which where he was assigned but if there’s little interruptions, he’d make it by tomorrow evening. The quest didn’t say that he couldn’t hunt the monsters that show up in the area just to note down what appears. There were also a few well known monster grounds in the gamma sector that could prove worthy of training. He’d just do the scouting on the way.

Frost gave himself around a week to train in these mountains, with a few days extra as contingency. His target was mainly large groups of E-ranks or even D-rank monsters, hopefully spurred on by the frenzy of the upcoming monster stampede, that way they wouldn’t flee.

His robes no longer reeked of fresh blood given that he would not condone chatting with a new acquaintance in such dirty attire, but he wasn’t too worried, by walking straight through monster territory it would but an insult to them, a taunt.

With the thought of battle Frost could feel an aching in his bones begging for relief just like when he faced against the frost wolves. He smiled wildly as he embarked through the snow, his hands ever so twitching, ready to summon his glaive at a moment’s notice.

The medallion from Jared was safely tucked away near his chest, right next to the teleportation talisman. Even after holding it in his hands and feeling it so close to his chest, he could not ascertain what metal the thing was made of but given that it was from the War Ursa battalion it was sure to be strong. Keeping it safely near his chest not only protected it from being lost but would also guard some of his vital organs if a strike came to pass.

Frost continued walking for several hours, northward and as expected the local fauna could not resist attacking a lone adventurer. First was another set of frost wolves wish he made short work of, once again relying solely on his physical abilities. Next was some sort of ice snake, quick and agile it pounced out from underneath the snow, fangs open and ready to bite down hard. Frost reacted well, severing the thing’s head mid strike.

A sliver of cold sweat dripped down his spine as he looked towards the split in half snake. It was easily 2 metres long and at least 15cm in diameter. Its speed was so quick and silent that he couldn’t hold back, utilising his entire strength. Frost, thanks to personal experience was not a fan of poison and he knew from his monster encyclopaedia that snake monsters commonly had some form of venom, he for one was not keen to suffer such pain again, least of all in the middle of the glacial mountains without any back up.

“Ssssss,” near the mouth of the slain snake, a blue liquid seeped from its fangs and caused the snow to sizzle, giving off a nasty smell as it did. Frost sucked in sharp breath at the sight, praising his own reaction speed. He was right to avoid such a bite.

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