Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 213

213 Chapter 213: Fighting yetis (2)

The four yetis surrounded Frost in four different directions, thumping their chests as they waited for the eldest to give the signal. Meanwhile Frost stood in the centre with his glaive pointed forward, awaiting their charge.

The yetis weren’t quite as cunning as the frost wolves, Frost only had to wait a couple seconds before they ran out of patience.

“Rahhhhhhhhh!” With the eldest roaring out the four yetis lunged at him with incredible speed. Frost smiled and welcomed the charge, truly enjoying the stress of the situation, feeling a true threat to his life. No longer able to hold back he used magic.

“[ice grow from the ground and pierce my enemy, ice spike]” Frost channelled his mana and chanted the aria of his 2nd circle level spell [ice spike] and a large 1.5m long spike of ice quickly grew from the ground before one of the charging yetis. It wasn’t enough to kill the thing, but it still stabbed through its foot and stalled its charge, reducing his immediate opponents to just three. Even Frost wasn’t arrogant enough to fight against four yetis from all cardinal directions at once with only his adept level glaive mastery.

In the same moment he charged towards the already wounded yeti (the one he sent flying), hoping to deal with this one first before engaging the others. His movements were swift and unflinching, dipping his glaive low and facing the blade upward, he swung to the sky, aiming to carve up a nasty gash on the yeti’s chest.

“[Crescent slash]” he shouted out the command word of his skill, generating a beam of energy to escape his glaive, improving its swing speed, and cutting power.

Shwing! The glaive cut through the air at supersonic speed and quickly met the flesh of the yeti. The monster wasn’t prepared for such a deadly and fast blow. Unable to reduce its momentum in time it went for an offensive approach, speeding up. The glaive quickly started carving up the yeti’s chest, threating to split the thing in half. The pain was incredible, but the yeti was unfazed. It tensed up its chest muscles to forestall the glaive travelling through its torso before lashing out with its fist, aiming at Frost’s face.

Boom! The punch was true, Frost reeled backwards, his vision shaking. Pieces of ice armour flaked off from the blow and his hair splayed outward, but his glaive still cut deeply. The eldest yeti now spotted a large gash that spread across its entire torso. Its powerful muscles helped to protect its vital organs, but it still looked devastating and the blood loss significant.

However, Frost couldn’t celebrate coming out better in their exchange. The other two yetis were upon him in a flash.


Boom! One of them struck first with its oversized fist, slamming right onto his shoulder blade, knocking the wind out of Frost’s lungs, and firing him a few steps forward. Another section of his ice chakra armour shattered, but it successful prevented any real damage.

“Urgh!” Frost grunted as he took advantage of the blow, distancing his body enough to turn and use his glaive to block the punch the second yeti that followed close behind. With great dexterity Frost used the shaft of his glaive to redirect the punch to the side while at the same time he stomped down with his right foot and round housed the yeti in the chest with his left. He enhanced his foot and leg with extra chakra resulting in a powerful physical blow that even a yeti would struggle to endure.

The eldest yeti had collapsed to its knee, holding its carved up chest as every movement resulted in excruciating pangs of pain. The second attacker prepared to launch another punch seeing as the first one was successful but was unfortunately interrupted by the large frame of its brother, hurtling his way from a chakra enhanced roundhouse kick. This whole battle was playing to Frost’s tune, he easily manipulated the positions of his foes and knew exactly what blows he could and could not endure. Yet even so a single misstep could prove fatal, this was by no means an easy fight. Frost’s entire focus was being consumed.

For example, he underestimated the anger of these monsters, the final yeti in particular. It had its foot punctured by a thick spike of ice, having its charge slowed but not stopped. With its foot pierced the yeti was off balance but its charge continued forward, smashing the ice spike with its knee, it continued towards Frost who was now, after dealing with its three siblings facing away from it. Blood gushed from its foot, but it still stomped down and reeled back its massive arm.

Boom! An unexpected punch came from Frost’s blind spot and smashed into his head, cleaving through his ice armour, and striking his skull, rattling his vision.

“Ugh!” With another grunt he refused to fall unconscious or even fall down, biting his tongue and clenching his teeth he reached out his hand and flipped forward while.... “[ice bolt]” he channelled his mana and summoned two ice bolts from his other hand mid flip, firing them directly at the final yeti’s smug face. It quickly changed expression after being faced with close proximity bolts of ice barrelling towards its eyes .

Don don

The bolts smashed into the yeti’s face, narrowly missing its eyes but still dealt some serious damage, one bolt exploded and carved up the left side of its face while the other struck one of its protruding fangs, cracking the thing in half.

“Gyahahhaydbahdbash!” An incomprehensible howl came from this yeti, as it immediately held its face in pain and backed away from Frost. However, this was not a good thing, the remaining three yetis suddenly exploded with intense anger. The final yeti was the youngest and weakest, their precious baby brother. Even the eldest yeti who’s chest was carved up completely ignored his pain, standing up and charging back at Frost. Whereas the other two quickly regained their balance and attacked in tandem.

“Well...shit,” Frost winced, slightly regretting his counterattack, they were already angry enough, now it seemed that they blew their tops and no longer felt pain.

Don! Don! Don!

The large fists of the yetis struck against Frost’s glaive all within a moment of each other. Each blow forced him to take a step back and retighten his grip on the glaive’s shaft. It was far harder to deflect an oversized fist from a D-rank monster than it was to deflect throwing daggers or iron bolts. Thankfully his glaive was of a high quality, such blows left no damage and reduced a great amount of the vibration. With a large aggressive swing Frost forced the three yetis back with brute force and technique.

In the moments reprieve he readjusted his battle stance, pointing the glaive low and to the side, while having his hand outstretched for balance, looking very much like a hardened warrior. His ice chakra armour slowly repaired itself. With his mana levels Frost could maintain his complete ice armour for tens of minutes, before succumbing to the strain. Of course, if he increased the layer count and density of the armour it wouldn’t last nearly as long.

The two least injured yetis frowned as they outstretched their arms, blocking their eldest brother’s next charge. His blood was still pouring and had painted their white fur. Fearful for their older brother they took a step forward and took up the vanguard, indicating for their elder brother to see to the youngest.

Still mad with rage the elder yeti tried to force his way through, but his younger siblings didn’t budge. Given their lack of injuries they were the most clear minded as well as the most worried.

“Huuuuuuuuu.....bring it on.” Frost took a deep breath and beckoned the yetis in close, ready to face them with his glaive. He could feel the stagnation on his adept mastery lifting. The stress from the fast and powerful punches from the yetis were more than enough to test his limits.

“Rahhhhhhhhhhh!” The eldest yeti roared before dashing towards his youngest brother, checking on his situation while the other two moved in tandem against Frost. They were twins and had the best teamwork. Frost didn’t relax, two D-rank were still pretty difficult to handle.

With fluid motion Frost lunged forward and sliced at one of the fists coming his way, slicing in a few centimetres, and knocking it to the side while at the same time reinforcing the ice armour on his left elbow. He twirled and smashed the other yeti’s chest with his enhanced elbow, digging in deep but not enough to completely stop its momentum. With his smaller mass, Frost was sent back towards his original position yet looked unharmed. He skidded across the snow and realigned his glaive in defence for the next strike.


The first yeti stuck with his unharmed fist against the glaive shaft while its twin leaped into the air in preparation for a slam.

Boom! Frost endured the crashing blow with his powerful leg muscles, bending slightly at the knees as the snow compacted under his feet.

Swoosh! Frost slid to the right, tipping his glaive at an angle, causing the yeti to fall. He then tensed his arms and threw the yeti right into its charging twin before regaining his battle stance. Not a single hair was out of place on his head, showing just how smooth and precise his movements were.

“Huuuuuuuu” Frost released another deep breath while showing a wide smile, his battle lust had been activated....time to truly enjoy this fight.

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