Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 216

216 Chapter 216: Beta camp (2)

Even at this time of the night, the camp was full of noise and activity. Dozens of adventurers were happily sitting by the firepits cooking up food while partaking in alcohol. Vendors were open as well, barely anyone here was asleep. Adventuring was not your standard 9 to 5 job. Commonly the monsters they sought or herbs they hunted only revealed themselves at night.

Frost entered from the south side, one of only two entrances. This was the area where the guards in charge of the camp resided as well as the camp managers. Frost had a few questions in regards to prices for the shelter as well as some local tips. He also fancied taking a look at the notice board in the centre of the camp, perhaps he already had some materials that people were looking for.

On shift at this time was camp manager Stuart, he was currently at his desk going over some daily reports. His head was already aching from the endless documents splayed across his desk.

“Haaaaaaa god damn monster stampede always making my life here a living hell.” He let loose a complaint before a knock was heard at his door.

“Yes what is it?” He spoke with an irritated tone.

“Sir a young adventurer is new to the area and wishes to speak to you about the camp and the local area.” A deep voice replied, a guard in charge of protecting and aiding Stuart reported to him while Frost waited outside. Usually, the camp managers had quite an open door policy without the need to wait outside no matter the time of the day but at the moment Stuart was completely swamped.

“Haaaaaa have him come back later or better yet in the morning when Julia’s on call. I’m too busy to deal with this.” Stuart replied with a deep sigh, refusing to see Frost.

The guard on the other side sighed as well knowing the amount of work his superior was under as well as his lazy personality in regards to these things. Always preferring to pawn it off to his colleagues.

Taking a few steps from the door the guard returned to Frost. “Sorry Mr Frost but camp manager Stuart is currently unavailable, you’ll have to wait until morning.” The guard spoke with sympathy before nodding his head and returning to his post.


“Well, if he’s busy then he’s busy.” Frost didn’t feel slighted, thinking that getting in touch with the man in charge without an appointment and at this time of the night would be difficult. With a shrug of his shoulder, he left the camp managers office and headed towards the far north side where the dorms were.

He brought a decent amount of coins with him, so cost wasn’t an issue, just vacancy. To be honest he didn’t really like the idea of sharing a room with a bunch of strangers but that came with the profession.

As he passed the central area many adventurers briefly looked his way out of habit before looking back, with only the women fixing their gazes upon him as well as a couple men. Not disturbed by this he continued on towards the dorm managers office.

Knock knock

Frost knocked on the door to the dorm manager’s office, there weren’t any guards here.

“Come in come in,” a friendly voice of a middle aged woman could be heard from within. The dorm manager was far less busy paper work wise, her duties being more social. Her job was just to manage the dorms and yurts making her quite sociable.

Frost walked in with a smile, the woman’s office was quite tidy and cosy reminding him a little of the reception in Kathy’s inn.

“Hoh well aren’t you a looker, come, come let an old lady get a closer look at you.” The dorm manager was incredibly friendly showing a bright smile towards him. She looked to be in her late 40s perhaps early 50s, yet her body appeared to be very fit and healthy, stronger than a woman in her early 30s. Of course, to be working amongst adventurers and in vicious monster territory one could not be weak.

Frost didn’t feel irritated by this woman as her interest in his looks weren’t driven by lust but more like an older woman appreciating a son or grandson.

“Hello mam, I’m Frost an adventurer from Furano. I was told to speak to you about finding a room for the night.” Frost smiled gently as he walked into the office, finding the woman to be very warm.

“Ah! Mam no, no, no I’ll have none of that, call me mother Callie that’s how I like to be addressed.” Callie frowned at being called mam, waving her hands vigorously in protest. She hated being called mam, far too formal and made her feel old without the warmth.

Callie was a beast woman of the sheep tribe, she had fuzzy wool like hair covering areas of her body and head, making her appear even more amicable. She was well known in this camp as well as others, been working in the camps for nearly three decades, making sure each and every visitor had a pleasant experience while in the camps. Even the camp manager was but a junior to her and relied on her advice a great many times...she was well loved, with everyone willing to call her mother Callie...she earned that title.

Frost felt weird calling someone mother but if that’s what she was called by everyone then he wasn’t one to disagree.

“Well then mother Callie, it’s nice to meet you.” Frost outstretched his hand in greeting but it was quickly shoved to the side.

“Pshhhh too informal come here handsome lad.” Mother Callie without hesitation moved in close and wrapped Frost up in a bear hug. She always greeted newcomers this way.

Frost was suddenly being hugged by a woman he didn’t know and couldn’t help but blush. Callie though old was still rather pretty but more than that he could feel two heavy orbs pressed up and deform against his stomach, they were even larger than Maya’s and Cassandra’s.

After having her fun teasing the handsome newcomer, Callie backed off and patted his shoulder. “Hahahah you’re such a cutie, if I was a few decades younger hahahha.” Frost blushed even more from her words. Mother Callie then returned to her desk, her smile even brighter after the teasing. Frost felt as though he was always powerless against confident woman. First there was Maya then Cassandra, his sister Aqua and now this old lady.

“So young Frost, since I’ve never seen that impressive face of yours before I’m assuming that you’re new here.”

“Yes mother Callie.” Frost nodded his head while taking a seat opposite her.

“Did the guards at the gate give the usual quick rundown of the rules here?”

“Yes they did, I tried to speak with the camp manager to get a better understanding of the camp and the surroundings, but he was too busy to see me.”

“Oh yeah around this time Stuart would be swamped with work plus with his personality if he could he’d shift it to the day manager.” Callie straight up insulted Stuart while shaking her head in dismay. “I can probably fill you in on whatever you wanted to ask him, but first since you came to see me you’re likely looking for shelter.” Callie opened a drawer under her desk and removed a large book.

“How are you with money?” She asked a simple question while opening up the book to a page halfway through. This was the register for the dorms. She kept track of all tenants and payments with this massive ledger, keeping a very tight ship.

“Pretty well off,” Frost replied honestly, if he could spend a little extra for a better sleep he was more than willing.

“Alright then you’re in luck. If you wish to splurge your money there’s a private yurt available for 30 silvers a night.” Callie tested the waters.

“Ugh....perhaps something a little less expensive”

‘Holy crap I didn’t even spend close to that for four days at Kathy’s inn, this must be daylight robbery.’

“Hahahaha good answer, we only have one private yurt and its only used by nobles or high ranking military men when they’re passing through. The price is grossly inflated for that reason.” Frost could easily afford such a price but what’s the point, it’d just be a waste of money, but he did wonder why it costed so much in the first place.

“For reals though we have yurts or dorms each with their own sizes and prices. The yurts are more expensive and the largest can fit 6 people and the smaller fitting 3, excluding the private one of course. The dorms however can go all the way to 24 cots, and cost from just 10 coppers a night. Very cheap and cramped but shelter is shelter, far better than out in the wilderness. Since you said money’s not an issue, I recommend a yurt. They’re more spacious, far warmer, seated further away from the hustle and bustle as well as being closer to the guard patrols and much nicer bedding. Plus, they have bathtubs for a nice, good soak. Pricing starts at 1.5 silvers for the 6 people yurts and 2.5 silvers for the 3 person yurts.” The prices for yurts were far greater than the dorms yet still cheaper than Kathy’s inn, though he still needed to share.

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