Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 222

222 Chapter 222: Beta camp (8)

Frost took in the cool air, enjoying the vast change in temperature from the heavily insulated yurt. Whereas others felt at great ease in warm temperature, he felt it in the cold as well.

He wasn’t the only one getting up at the crack of dawn, many others could be seen exiting from their yurts or the nearby dorms, whereas others entered where they once slept. A change in shift between the nocturnal and diurnal. Several nodded their heads towards Frost before moving to the canteen. After a hearty meal these adventurers would get to work as was their routine.

Frost also planned to do the same before having a quick browsing of the merchant sector. He was too tired before, and the night sky made viewing products difficult. Though he technically had all he needed, it was nice to browse, who knows something might spark his interest.

With a smile and large stretch of his body Frost followed the group towards the canteen, queuing up for his turn. The food was pretty much the same at all times given the adventurers varied schedules but at the crack of dawn the guard’s chef offered to make breakfast for a small fee. He was up and cooking anyway so it wasn’t too much extra work and got him some extra cash. The timing however only lasted an hour from when the sun rose. After that the adventurers and non-camp staff where on their own cooking wise.

Most adventurers in the camp looked forward to this meal, some even delaying their rest just to enjoy it. Food cooked by someone with actual skills made for a massive difference and with such a dangerous profession, eating good meals when possible was a necessity.

“Alright, alright no need for a fuss, there’s plenty for everyone, just line up and wait your turn!” some of the on-shift guards shouted from the canteen after seeing a fight about to break out. Though the chef did this breakfast service for an hour, that was dependent on the ingredients lasting. The adventurers were afraid that they’d run out of meat before it was their turn.

The breakfast offered was 70 coppers and contained sausages, fried potatoes, black pudding, an egg and finally mushrooms. The ingredients weren’t that high in quality but the fact that they were present here in the glacial mountains was impressive.

Like the guards said, there was enough for everyone Frost included. After handing over 70 coppers he received a decent helping on a large plate that was to be returned after eating, damage of said plate would induce an extra charge. Another rule was that the breakfast on the plates must be eaten within the canteen. Rows of simple benches stretched alongside a large wooden table. Many people had already sat down and were wolfing down their breakfast with relish, such glorious bounty would give them strength for the rest of the day or days.

Frost took his own seat, alone and took a deep whiff of the still sizzling breakfast. Sausages made from highland cows-regular beast species that were reared by many of the enclaves and villages in the glacial mountains as well as throughout Northrend, a hardy species that could thrive in harsh climates. They were tender and juicy, perfectly cooked. The camp chef really had some impressive skills, the dish was even tastier than those at Kathy’s inn. The rest of the items were just a well-cooked and tasty even though they were nothing but common ingredients. A smile adorned Frost’s face before he copied everyone else and shovelled down his meal before the cold wind froze it.


As he ate others swiftly entered looking for the breakfast as well, the large canteen quickly became crowded so much so that Frost wasn’t able to remain alone. A group of three adventurers sat by his side, two male and one female, all elves. Frost wasn’t wearing his mask right now so the three assumed that he was an elf like them, the female even let out a slight “wow” as she sat next to him, enamoured by his pretty face. It was common for people to sit with their own kind when they had a choice of stranger, Frost’s good looks just made the choice easier.

“Hello friend do mind I we join you here?” The oldest of the three and the leader of the group asked Frost in a friendly as he and his colleagues sat down.

“Sure,” Frost replied with a friendly smile and nod, he wasn’t against sharing his table with these three. The aura that they gave off wasn’t threatening in the least.

“Thanks...my name’s Pagon, and these two are Liana and Horbest.” Pagon placed down his breakfast and introduced himself and his friends.

“Frost, pleasure” Frost shook Pagon’s outstretched hand in greeting. A moment later the female elf Liana interrupted by shoving Pagon to the side and taking up his seat next to Frost before showing an innocent yet mischievous look. Pagon and Horbest looked at one another and shook their heads, choosing to ignore Liana’s childish antics.

The three of them were an adventuring party known as the frost lilies, elves born and bred in one of the larger native kingdoms of the Glacial mountains where sapient and intelligent monster races lived together peacefully. The glacial mountains have their own adventurers guild though it is not the same as the massive organisation present in Northrend and the rest of the Yangmir continent it is very similar. They dish out quests just like the guild in the sapient kingdoms and use guild cards and have the same ranking system, but they accept monsters into their ranks therefore there are two separate entities, though they worked in a symbiotic relationship. Elves such as Pagon, Liana and Horbest would be allowed to accept and turn in quests from the adventurer’s guild in the sapient kingdoms.

The three of them were each D-rank in strength, young and with decent potential. They were out gaining experience and fortune from their homes in their native kingdom. The three of them were good friends knowing one another for years, a bond akin to siblings.

“Nice to meet you Frost, in advance I apologise for Liana here, she can be a bit pushy ugh!” Pagon suddenly groaned in pain as Liana elbowed him in the gut, not allowing him to spoil her good name in front of such a handsome man.

“Don’t listen to that old brute, I’m just a gentle and friendly soul, eager to meet new people” Liana shifted slightly closer to Frost while she spoke, finding him more and more pleasing to the eye. She was always on the lookout for handsome elves as possible dating candidates and thanks to her stupid friends she had to be a little upfront otherwise they’d always assume that she was just with one of them.

Frost stared at Liana in silence, blinking his eyes. He wasn’t put off by her actions simply finding her to be friendly. She wasn’t like Maya or mother Callie who openly flirted, Liana was quite reserved in comparison.

“Nice to meet you Liana,” He showed a gentle smile before continuing with his meal. Liana nodded in approval before digging into her own food but with much better manners so as to give off a good impression. Pagon and Horbest let out a small sigh before they too dug into their meals.

“Are you an adventurer?” Liana started to ask questions between bites.

“Yes from Furano.”

“Oh, the that’s the territory right passed the southern exit of the mountains no?”

“That’s the one, what about you guys?” Frost’s belly was now filled, and he was in the mood for a little chat. Having friends was never a bad thing.

“We’re from the glacial mountains, born and bred. Here in beta camp for a spot of rest before we head back home.” Liana spoke with longing for her home, it’d been weeks if not months since they last set foot in their houses, seen their family. Seeing the expression on her face, Frost couldn’t help but feel a little homesick despite him only being gone for a single day.

“What about you Frost, you here on a quest or heading back home?” Pagon asked this question since Liana was in a daze.

“Just left home actually, heading to the gamma sector for a quest as well as personal training.”

“I see, the gamma sector huh...” Pagon frowned as he remembered something. “If that’s so you might want to be careful, the monster stampede has kicked up a frenzy in some of the external regions, the gamma sector being one of them. Rumour has it that a C-rank monster as recently made it its home.” Pagon warned as he remembered the rumours floating amongst the adventurers. Most people in the glacial mountains would struggle against C-rank monsters and would wisely avoid them if possible. Pagon felt good about Frost plus the fact that he was an elf- or so they assumed- he felt it was right to give him some warning.

Frost looked over at Pagon with gratitude, Bastion had already warned him of such a possibility, but it was a nice gesture to receive from a stranger.

“Thank you Pagon, I’ll keep your reminder at heart.” Frost smiled in thanks but was not dissuade from the information in fact he was emboldened, his target was to fight against a C-rank monster after all.

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