Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 235

235 Chapter 235: End of a hard battle

‘Damn I really can’t let my guard down with these guys.’ Frost inwardly complained as he turned his gaze towards Kargul. ‘I didn’t have so many issues while dealing with the yetis with the same numbers so why is it so hard to fight these four?’ Frost really couldn’t put his finger on the exact reason, given that technically one on one a D-rank adventurer would lose to a D-rank monster. But teamwork as well as attack methods seemed to play a big part.

Frost himself was not a monster per say, his body was very much like that of your standard elf, so he didn’t have the advantage of a tough hide or ethereal body. He was competing with the same skills as his foes making the number advantage more difficult to manage. The yetis all attacked with the same weapons i.e., their bodies and their teamwork was nowhere near as fluent as these four however that didn’t mean they could fight against four yetis and win like Frost. This question was very complicated and depended on a great many factors that not even the most battle hardened could answer, all that mattered was that these four were strong and that meant they had won Frost’s respect.

With the hammerer pretty much out of commission, the battle was effectively 3 to 1, numbers that Frost could deal with a lot easier. Picking himself up to his feet, he raised his glaive and dashed towards the pugilist and hammerer, hoping to nip this one in the bud. Of course, the group wouldn’t make it so easy for him, the pugilist stood guard before the hammer after passing him a health potion, willing to fend off Frost alone while their leader catches up and Kargul reorients himself.

A low level health potion would not bring the hammerer back to full fighting quality, but it should be enough to staunch the bleeding and let him get back in the fight focus wise. Him wailing on the ground would only get it the way and unfortunately unlike actual bandits these four weren’t willing to abandon one another. They were far better in that regard than the sanguine snakes.

30 minutes later the battle finally came to a close, and it was far from easy. When a rat is cornered it may even have the courage and sometimes strength to fight a cat. The more Frost pushed the group of four the more they pushed back. The pugilist and ugly leader put in their all to help out the hammerer, giving time for the potion to work its magic. He stopped wailing and retreated to Kargul’s side, to act as a shield for him. He’d be useless in the fast paced back and forth combat so removing himself from the battle was actually a boon.

The pugilist was the first to fall, after receiving several deep gashes from Frost’s glaive and bruising from his punches, the rat beastman couldn’t avoid a thrust in time and was stabbed through the lungs. But he still didn’t give up, he gripped onto Frost’s weapon for dear life while the ugly human leader swung his sword, knowing he was done for he did the best he could for his remaining allies.

Unfortunately given his blood loss and injuries his grip wasn’t strong enough. Frost easily withdrew his glaive from the man’s chest in a swift and fluid motion, with bits of his organs and blood still on the end he swung to deflect the oncoming sword. While the pugilist spurted blood out his mouth and collapsed to his knees. His face losing all colour and his eyes growing darker, he passed away silently.

Next was the human leader, though it actually took quite awhile after the death of the pugilist, the cornered rat thing actually referred to the human. It was as though he found untold potential in his body, with the death of his friend his every attack was faster, sharper, and far more powerful, so much that Frost was hard pressed to block several strikes. But even so, potential has a limit.

Frost used his new skill [claw of the ice wolf] to carve up the rest of the leader’s shield as well as his torso. His subsequent strikes were no longer that deadly, but he gets an A for trying. Frost cleaved off his two legs, yet the man still vehemently crawled towards him in attempt to punch and bite. It wasn’t until he crushed his skull with the butt of his glaive that the man stopped his attacks.


The last two, Kargul and the hammerer didn’t last long. The hammerer was practically missing an arm and his morale after seeing his friends die was at an all time low, he practically gave up in the end, putting up no real fight.

Kargul passed last, he refused to back down in the slightest just like the leader, using his gauntlets to endure blow after blow until they turned to scrap along with his hands. Frost ended it with a swift decapitation before collapsing to the ground himself, completely exhausted and his entire body wracked with pain.

His robes were coloured red not just by his victim’s blood but also his own. Several desperate strikes easily made it through his chakra armour, striking his flesh. There was nothing to serious but there was quite a lot, his blood loss was substantial, and he couldn’t get away with not taking a health potion, though he really didn’t want to.

Lying there, he reluctantly withdrew a low level health potion from his spatial ring. “Bottoms up,” he held his nose to somewhat weaken the flavour, but it barely helped, he gagged as the liquid went down his throat before it proliferated through his body, healing his wounds, and regenerating his blood loss.

“Uwaghhggh! I’m never going to get use to that, never!” Shaking his head in disgust he tossed the empty vial into the distance out of anger. The glass shattered on the floor, but it didn’t matter, a monster lair could pretty much eat anything, it was like the perfect garbage dump. Though it is frowned upon to treat it as such, given that they are creations of the Dark god and or nature.

Thankfully no monsters dared to infringe upon this glorious battle, the loud sounds and bloodlust seemed to separate this area from the rest of the monster lair. This prevented adventurers coming near as well, plus several knew that the now deceased group were operating in this area and chose to keep their distance.

The health potion got to work quickly, sealing up the small gashes and staunching the larger ones, his energy seemed to be refilled a little and his mind was clear. Jumping to his feet as though to prove such a state Frost casted clean up magic on himself before activating the repair feature of his robes.

“My new leather armour is still in decent nick, easily repairable.” He examined the leather armour pieces he bought back in beta camp. Most of his wounds were in areas that weren’t covered by the armour, another trait of the intelligent humanoid races, they knew where to strike. If he wanted to be fully protected he needed full plate armour with a sealed helmet, but Frost wouldn’t be caught dead in that, so not his style, fashion wise and practicability.

He discussed attire a lot with Indra and Aqua. Aqua obviously had very high fashion sense, her eyes sparkled with interest when the topic for fashion or armour came up, well when it came to dressing up Frost. She didn’t care too much for Indra, his temperament, appearance, and taste in fashion was too free and wild for her, much better to imagine Frost in noble and glorious scholarly attire.

Frost however was quite interested in Indra’s suggestions and style, though slightly less wild looking, half way between Indra’s and Aqua’s style. Indra himself went to the gathering with half his torso exposed, revealing his well-defined lightning physique and that was a lot better than Pyro’s style of completely bare top half.

His ice chakra armour was one of his own design, it certainly could be more practical in some areas but that was left for him to find out on him lonesome. Maya only praised how valiant it made him look but nothing on the defence quality....well she didn’t in words, but she did repeatedly smash it apart to let him know it wasn’t good enough.

Fighting against Maya with his chakra armour on was actually a negative thing. It gave her an excuse to hit him harder all while having an evil provocative smile on her face. He much preferred dealing with the yetis in the valley than her, at least they couldn’t shatter the thing with a single blow and mock him with a sexual innuendo such as “oh young master I thought given your age and vitality it’d be harder than that.” God sometimes he really wanted to spank her ass red as punishment, see how she’d laze around on the sofa after that hehehehee.

Frost shook his head to get back on track. “Well then let’s see what non-DP rewards I gained here.” He was more than willing for groups such as this foolish bunch to come at him with greed in their eyes, easy DP, and money at the same time.

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