Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 247

247 Chapter 247: Offer of tutelage

Frost savoured the first spoonful as much he possibly could, even going to the extent of sucking on his teeth, not willing to waste a single drop. Before Sam could even get an answer from him about the quality of the dish, Frost started shovelling mouthful after mouthful down his throat. Frost’s actions brought a smile to his face, there was no greater compliment than someone devouring the meal he cooked, Frost’s actions were clear enough for an answer. Not one to stand on ceremony Sam joined his wife, to partake in their own bowls. They actions were far less course than Frost’s which was ironic given the appearance of both sides.

Behind the rugged exterior of Sam and the experienced and wise eyes of Lola were two people of refinement and elegance.

Of course, Frost finished his meal first and clearly wished for more but given that he was a guest and done nothing to contribute to the meal he felt rather embarrassed about asking for seconds. Sam however simply chuckled before gesturing for the young man to help himself. His smile stretched from ear to ear as he watched Frost relax and dig in to his second bowl, he loved the look on people’s faces when they enjoyed his food. Unbeknownst to Frost however his look carried far more significance than joy, his actions brought Sam closer to a certain choice that was always at the back of his mind.

Lola caught on to her husband’s growing emotions, her eyes narrowed as she smiled in concert. She understood what her husband was thinking and was all for it.

She and Sam were not exactly young anymore, but they weren’t old either, but they had reached the limits of their capabilities. Perhaps if they trained without restraint and tossed themselves into dangerous environments they’d have a chance of reaching B-rank but what was the point. They were happy with their current level of strength and were feeling as though it was time to retire and take up a more environmentally friendly trade. This trip into the beginner’s ice magic monster lair was for a few reasons. One of which being a sort of last major adventure, at least for a while. They had three children that were waiting at home for them after all, they no longer had the serious drive to explore as they did when they were younger and being away from the kids for days or possibly weeks on end was too much to bear.

Sam’s thoughts were focused on his job after their retirement. The two of them had a decent level of savings so technically they could completely retire for at least a decade without worry but the two of them were quite active and hated not having something to do. Frost’s innocent expression and delight at his cooking allowed Sam to resolve himself into attempting what has been his dream for a fair number of years...to open his own restaurant.

He loved cooking and all aspects that came with it. It didn’t have to a large restaurant just cosy and friendly one in which he had a strong relationship with his customers. His wife and kids could help out when needed and when the time comes for his passing it would be a good family legacy to leave behind.

Lola on the other hand was set to take over after her father, the current mayor of their enclave. She was intelligent, charismatic and a natural born leader, a perfect fit and one that she dreaded when younger but had grown more and more fond of the prospect. After this delve in the monster lair they’ll likely put up their boots and immediately start on their new paths.

Meeting Frost must have been some sort of sign, a young naive adventurer with high amounts of potential, who better than to teach about all their experiences, it would be a respectful send off to their time as adventurers.


Lola looked towards her husband, and he looked back at her, both understanding the other’s thoughts, with a curt nod they turned back to examine Frost. After the meal they’d have a more through and in depth talk with the young man so as to teach him all that they’ve learned.

Frost was unknown to these thoughts, to engrossed in his soup. He almost wept as he compared the food he prepared last night to this glorious dish; they weren’t even in the same ball park.

“Burppp....excuse me,” after polishing off his second bowl, Frost burped loudly before apologising with a slight blush.

“In many cultures it’s seen as a compliment to the chef so thank you.” Sam replied with a proud grin.

“Then burppppp” Frost burped once again eliciting light chuckles from the three of them.

“So young Frost have we managed to enlighten you on how unprepared you really are for this delve of yours?” Sam questioned.

“Yes sir, I took even the basic things such as food for granted, thank you for the wonderful meal and more so the valuable education.” Frost gave a curt bow when seated, greatly appreciated Sam and Lola’s lesson.

“Good, good, young, talented and humble, you know when to accept advice and have great respect for those that try to help, you’re a good man Frost.” Sam praised his young guest while nodding his head, Frost revealed an embarrassed smile, but pride filled his heart.

Sam looked to his wife who nodded his way before she took over. “Frost as my husband said you are a good man but from what we can tell a little, well really naive when it comes to being an adventurer.” Frost felt an invisible punch to his heart but couldn’t retort, what she said was very accurate. Lola took a deep breath before continuing “so if you are willing, Sam and I would like to enlighten you, teach all of our skills and tricks to become an accomplished adventurer while we are here in this monster lair, what do you think?”

Frost was taken aback; he wasn’t expecting such an offer and immediately he wanted to accept. The lesson on food was enlightening enough let alone the other aspects that he was currently ignorant of but....

“Why? You’ve just met me, and you don’t owe me anything, in fact I’m the one that owes you.” He would greatly appreciating their teachings but didn’t feel right constantly being the receiver of their fortune without anything to give in return.

“Haaaaaaaaa you can call it fate or luck, Sam and I plan to retire after this foray into this lair, coming across you and seeing that you were of good character and in dire need of education we feel that it would be a good homage to our careers if we could educate someone such as you before calling it quits.” Lola smiled gently but behind her smile was a heavy sadness, the same was for Sam. Though they loved their family and had great ambitions in their next professions their love for adventuring would never fade.

The two of them originally became adventurers for the thrills of battle, the desire for strength and the wish to see the world. Well, they’d done a lot of that but now, they would struggle to improve and had other priorities but that didn’t make the decision any easier. They’d have to give up what they loved, somehow interacting with Frost made that decision easier, he could achieve what they could not and if he became strong and powerful they could believe that they played a part in it.

Frost looked at Sam and Lola in disbelief, completely shocked by what they just said. From their talk he learned that the two of them were in fact C-rank adventurers and by their own volition told him that their strength was probably just below his. Their ages were mid to late thirties not exactly old so the idea of them retiring felt wrong. Frost felt a pain in his heart for some reason.

“But...” His lips quivered slightly as he tried to question the reason, but he stopped when he saw the looks in their eyes. They were filled with unrelenting determination, sure in their decision. Frost didn’t know the full extent of their reasons but knew that no matter what he said he wouldn’t be able to convince them otherwise.

“Are you sure, the two of you are still quite young?” Though he knew the answer he had to at least ask. The husband and wife pair looked at one another and smiled as though a weight fell from their shoulders before turning back to Frost.

“Yes we are 100% certain, after this delve we will retire. I plan to open up a restaurant back in our enclave, somewhere I can cook every day and see the happy expressions of customers as they eat my food.” Sam spoke of his dream, probably the first time out loud to anyone bar his wife.

“And I’ll be learning to take over my father’s position back home, though being out on long adventurers with my husband is certainly exciting and even romantic I miss our kids.” Lola grabbed her husband’s hand and looked into his eyes with love, Sam grasped her hand back and returned a similar look.

Frost question was answered and after a few seconds of ruminating her showed a peaceful smile. “I’d be honoured if I could receive the teachings of such accomplished adventurers.”

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