Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 249

249 Chapter 249: Ice revenant

“The final floor’s boss is currently said to be an ice revenant.” The moment Sam said that knowledge came to the forefront of Frost’s mind, a mixture of information he learned from his books as well as Maya.

Ice revenants were powerful C-rank monsters, akin to half spirits. Their bodies were part physical and part ethereal, their cores were situated within their chests and their base body was made of chilling ice mana in the form of a humanoid, all protected by thick powerful armour. The monster was similar to living armours, yet its origin was not darkness aligned and contained intelligence, nor were they ghostly or soul based. The best representation were spirits, yet they were different thus the term half spirit. This however didn’t make them any less of an opponent. Ice revenants were powerful close combat monsters and boasted high defence, with very little weaknesses plus they were very adept magic users, not a simple opponent even by C-rank standards.

Apart from the core or nucleus that was present in monsters such a revenants, elementals, slimes, and other spirit like monsters the thing’s armour was incredibly valuable. Even on a normal ice revenant the armour was equivalent to 3 star metal a great haul given that revenants were usually a minimum of 4 metres tall. Their weapons were usually made of equally powerful material and came in a range of types, it could be a mace, an axe, a great sword or even a spear, it was all up to chance. Among C-rank monsters normal ice revenants were considered upper tier of the beginning stages possibly mid ranks. Frost was eager to test his metal against a C-rank opponent, but this monster was a bit risky. He struggled with just a great frost centipede due to his inexperience and no longer thought of himself as invincible.

That thought caused another issue to crop up, were Sam and Lola really a match for such an opponent? He couldn’t help but bring it up.

“From what I know of ice revenants, they’re usually classed around upper beginner or middle grade of C-rank, powerful monsters that have very few weaknesses with a great range of attack styles. I don’t presume to understand your full strength but earlier you said that your abilities were similar to mine, are you strong enough to take down such a foe?” As Frost asked his question tentatively, frowns appeared on the faces of Sam and Lola. The answer was a resounding no. If they were lucky and had a field advantage then maybe they could take down such an opponent but even then the risks of one them dying in battle would be high.....unfortunately they didn’t have much choice, it was a risk they’d have to take.....but now that they met Frost the outcome could change.

Sam took a deep breath before replying, “you’re correct with just the two of us it would incredibly risky to take down such an opponent but unfortunately we don’t have much choice, we’re running out of time.” Lola’s eyes grew red from Sam’s words and tears started to accumulate at the sides of her eyes.

Frost instantly understood, Lola’s father must not have much longer left to live. Unless they get this last ingredient for his medication soon the man would pass away. Being the man’s daughter and son in law they needed to take a chance, they were very filial.

Frost understood but it didn’t change the fact that it was incredibly dangerous and in many ways foolhardy and reckless.

Sam’s frown grew even more pronounced as he continued. “That’s why Frost we’d like to ask for your assistance. We saw your capabilities against the great frost centipede and felt the strength of your aura. When it comes to battle your abilities may even be higher than the two of us, with you by our side we should be victorious...in exchange for teaching you all we know about adventuring we hope you’d aid us in this fight.” Sam spoke with difficulty, he felt that they were scamming this poor young man. “...But that wouldn’t be right, whether or not you aid us we’ll still teach all we know, asking someone as young and inexperienced as you to aid us in such a dangerous quest is not right and we will not force you.” Unable to withstand the possible guilt Sam quickly took back their demand, offering Frost education without charge.


Lola and Sam both looked at Frost with determination, even at their lowest point they would not drag down an innocent bystander, especially one as young and kind as Frost. Pain was clearly evident in their eyes as they fought against what was logical for their needs and what they themselves stood for and in the end their principles won.

Frost saw all the minute changes in their expressions, the biting of lips, the reddened eyes, clenching fists, difficulty in looking his way and then he heard their determined response and bathed in their righteous gaze, he couldn’t help but be moved. Warmth filled his heart, and his eyes grew red.

‘Such kind hearted people,’ he thought, ‘this is a family, a true family.’ Frost was reminded of his own and wondered if they could ever be so close that they’d be willing to risk their lives for one another without hesitation and even when faced with great adversity continue to hold to their beliefs, never making the end justify the means. Frost’s respect for Lola and Sam was boundless, and regardless of what they said he would help them.

His lips curled upward into a smile as he looked downwards. ‘Didn’t I come here to train, to learn and for the possibility to fight against a C-rank monster.....when would I next get such a great opportunity?’ As he thought this his smile continued to grow and his heart started to pump faster, more vigorously as excitement filled him. Frost was not a man to take and not give anything in return, he would receive Sam and Lola’s education and in return he would help them take down the ice revenant. After which it’d be nearly time for him to head back to the dungeon, his talk with Sam and Lola had made him homesick.

Frost raised his head and showed a happy and excited expression, much to the confusion of Sam and Lola.

“I Frost am not an ungrateful man who only takes and does not give. Not only did you save my life earlier, you explained to me the art of cooking and are willing to educate me fully in the adventurers profession and you wish for nothing in return, or rather you’re not willing to ask it...then you do not need to, I Frost will aid you in this endeavour of my own volition, I came here for training and with you I will get that training and to finish I wished to fight against a C-rank monster, this too you are granting me so why would I refuse? Hahahahaha.” Frost spoke with earnest, declaring his intentions and hopefully lifting the weight from Sam and Lola’s shoulders. Whether they believed that this was his true intentions or not the husband and wife pair were moved beyond words, tears just silently dripped down their faces.

No one could understand their burden, the hopes, and dreams of not only the rest of their families but the entire population of the enclave and most of all their own. When they finally had some light at the end of a dark tunnel it was laced with such danger that it may not even be a solution....now however an even greater light shone before them, and it was in the shape of the young man sitting across from them.

With Frost’s aid there would be three C-ranks, much better odds when facing down an ice revenant, though risks were still present they were drastically reduced and the prospects of actually succeeding became highly possible. They could save their father.

“Sob sob thank you Frost, truly thank you.” Sam spoke through his tears. The pressure on him was most of all, he was the man, the husband and always took great pride in protecting his family, seeing his father in law so weak and his wife crying when she slept was agony. Finally, that anguish would be over, the heavens truly were shining down upon them when they crossed paths with Frost and decided to aid this struggling adventurer.

Frost’s excitement died down and his face bore a gentle expression. “No need for thanks Sam, we’re friends and soon to be teacher and student, such a small thing needs no gratitude, just promise that when you do open up that restaurant of yours I can come and partake in your delicious cooking.” Frost outstretched his hand as though to cement this with a handshake, a little formality which Sam greatly appreciated. Wiping away his tears the brave looking man let out a smile and grabbed Frost’s hand with a strong grip, though Frost could feel his hand’s trembling as he did.

“No problem you can eat free for the rest of your life hahahaha.” Sam laughed out loud, finally feeling at ease for the first time in weeks.

Once Lola finished crying the three of them felt much, much closer and were all full of smiles. It was now time to begin their lessons on adventuring, all while steadily making their way to the 6th floor’s boss room.

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