Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 252

252 Chapter 252: Sparring against Sam

In regards to mapping, this was another key component of being a good adventurer. One must always know where one is going and where one had been. Although the world is teeming with kingdoms, empires, and billions of people, the majority of this world is uninhabited. The glacial mountain range alone spans tens of thousands of kilometres and is home to a near constant snow storm, finding one’s way is a dire necessity. Frost only managed to get to his intended destination for a few reasons, his highly detailed map that was given to him by Leo. The rather easy location of his destination – only going to the Gamma sector- and from asking Callie about the route there.

The deeper one enters into the glacial mountains the more expansive it becomes, and the maps become less and less detailed. For someone who is not a native or a skilled explorer they could wander for weeks without finding proper shelter.

Mapping didn’t just involve reading and creating a personal map it also involved being able to establish landmarks and notice the lay of the land and in regards to monster lairs, ruins, and special realms it was integral to be able to find your way around. Many monster lairs had very complex layouts and some even had labyrinths and mazes that spanned entire floors, thankfully [beginner’s ice magic] was quite simple in its design, pretty much being a straight shot to the next sections. Generating a map was key to not only making it to the next floor but leaving as well. Frost was a complete noob when it came to such things and in dire need of some education, what if he wandered the wrong way and was not able to find his way back to his dungeon, the shame would be unbearable as would the anxiety.

And finally, monster lairs. This topic would be incredibly dense and would highlight a lot of skills Lola already mentioned but it had to be thoroughly explained. How the things function, what to look out for, signs of danger, dealing with traps, boss monsters etc..... the list was endless with so little time.

“Oh yeah that’ll need to be compiled as well...” Lola rubbed her temples as she felt a headache coming on, so much to teach in so little time. “We’ll just cram in as much as possible in regards to enhancing our strength against the ice revenant first, the rest can come after we’ve defeated our foe, on the way out of the monster lair.” Lola nodded her head as she finalised the schedule.

“Frost do you have anything to do after this if not we could continue teaching you back at our home, it’s not far from here?” Sam asked his new student, if they could continue back home it would take a lot of pressure off. Lola wrapped her face around with an almost manic/desperate look in her eyes, such a situation would make things so much easier.

Unfortunately, Frost couldn’t agree to a long term education, he let out a small sigh and shook his head. “Sorry I’ve got to get back home and have another quest to complete. I can however if your home isn’t too far, go with you, I just won’t be able to stay long, not this time at least.” Frost needed to report on the scouting quest and couldn’t be away from the dungeon for too long, a night’s layover however wasn’t out of the question. It’d also serve him well to know where his new teachers lived in case he wished to visit in the future.

“I see, that’s a shame but of course if you’ve got things to do that’s fine. Our enclave is within this sector so it really isn’t far, we can at least treat you to a good meal and warm place to stay for a night.” Sam didn’t dwell on the fact and remained upbeat.

“Sure, that sounds perfect.” Frost responded with a smile of his own and nodded his head. Sleeping in an enclave sure beat out in the wild or in the monster lair.


With that it seems that their goals had been set, Sam and Lola would teach Frost as much as they possibly could in the few days they were staying in the monster lair. The night he would staying in the enclave would be full of celebration, so no teaching, it would be bad manners.

The camp that Sam had set up had all been packed up and put back in spatial rings. Their bellies were full, and it was time to burn off some calories. This time Frost wouldn’t be so reckless or rather he’d have someone to help pull him out of the fire if was.

First on the agenda was getting a decent read on Frost’s capabilities, Lola already had him demonstrate his magic but that was not in the heat of battle. Frost would spar with Sam to begin with, to test his glaive arts as well as chakra management which they knew was already quite impressive given the glorious ice armour they first saw him wearing.

“Alright this place seems as good as any, Frost lets have a little spar here, me and you, no magic just weaponry and chakra.” Sam stood up straight before performing some loosening up stretches causing his wife to wolf whistle as his thick muscles strained against his clothes. “You stretch too, can’t having pulling a stitch.” Sam kindly reminded while purposely tensing his muscles in front of his wife in response to her encouragement.

Frost’s lips twitched awkwardly but he acquiesced to Sam’s instruction, he followed the man’s movements and felt himself get more limber, a few cracks were produced down his spine, bringing a relaxed smile to his face.

Lola continued to enjoy the feast before her eyes but clearly more enamoured with her husband’s large taught frame over Frost’s pretty face and athletic body. Frost couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed as though his pride was challenged. Not even thinking of why he began to stretch further, posing in more enticing poses, his robes ‘accidently’ loosened showing some of his bare skin. Lola’s eyes that were transfixed on her husband couldn’t help but be torn away by Frost’s enticement, she licked her lips and smiled seductively.

Sam as though feeling the challenge upped his game, he smiled wildly before jumping into the air, he somersaulted backwards while at the same time releasing his outer garments, revealing his bare arms and torso. Lola’s eyes were once again draw towards him, but this wasn’t enough, Sam’s pecks then started to dance while he stared down Frost with a menacing glare basically translating as ‘you got a long way to go kid if you want to look this fine.’ This move of his was clearly a showstopper, Lola could barely contain herself, she had to wipe away her drool as her husband’s impressive physique was on display for all to see.

Frost’s lips twitched and his entire face warped ‘what the hell is this?’ He only wanted to challenge him a little because of his pride as a handsome man but this, this was active seduction. Far removed from ‘stretching’, Frost even with his handsome face and athletic physique had lost this battle

“Cough cough,” Frost audibly coughed to regain the focus of their little exercise just as Sam and Lola started staring at one another with heated gazes.

The loud coughing brought the two madly in love husband and wife out of their pink atmosphere. The two of them giggled cutely, not even slightest bit ashamed. They loved each other and found one another incredibly attractive, and they were always happy to show off.

Thanks to his wife’s choice Sam felt pumped up and ready to go, even though this would be a spar there’s no way he was going to lose while his girl watched. He quickly donned his outer garments once again. With his body nice and limber he drew his massive great sword from its sheath, holding it forward with both hands. His previous lovey dovey atmosphere vanished the moment he did so, he was the sword, and the sword was him. His aura was sharp and heavy, much like his weapon.

Sam and Lola were similar to Frost in regards to their auras, they could emit them but couldn’t physically pressure someone or something, but it was there and could be felt. In some ways it was even more established than Frost’s, Sam knew his path whereas Frost had only just glimpsed it.

Frost allowed the man’s aura to wash over him, a frown appeared on his face the moment he did. It was strong and pervasive, more solid than his own. With his aura Sam appeared far larger than he actually was.

Lola at this time had wiped the lovestruck look off her face and stared at the battlefield with dire focus, the ability to quickly alter one’s mindset was shared between the two of them.

She would be the judge and would analyse Frost’s style from the outside while Sam endured it from the inside.

Frost in response readied his glaive, pointed it to the side while outstretching his hand towards Sam. Normally he’d have an advantage in reach given that he used a pole weapon, but his glaive and Sam’s great sword were roughly equal in length.

‘My speed should be greater though,’ a focused look grew in Frost’s eyes as he too emitted his own aura, the air around him seemed to cool as he became closer to the ice element. This was his path, his future domain.

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