Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 255

255 Chapter 255: The dreaded health potion

Frost and Sam lay on their backs, their bodies completely exhausted from the battle. Sam was enjoying his reward, sucking on his wife’s lips, and refusing to let her leave. He worked damn hard for this victory and was going to savour every millisecond of his reward.

Frost meanwhile was going over what he learned from the spar, his glaive mastery now had a more solid foundation, allowing him to be more efficient in his movements like Sam but of course not quite at his level. He still needed a lot more experience to be his match in efficiency.

His chakra on the other hand improved by leaps and bounds. By the end of Sam’s hands on lecture, he had completely retrofitted his armour. Now it wasn’t nearly as ostentatious when formed but still quite majestic none the less. There were no more spikes or unnecessary adornments, and it was strong and thick where it needed to be and thin and flexible near his joints. Frost never really felt that it impeded his movements but after crossing blades with Sam he was thoroughly proved wrong. Dozens of times when he went to parry or attack he’d find his glaive a fraction of a second slower because of unnecessary thickness or poor fitting.

He learned a lot in regards to chakra from Sam not just in terms of forming an armour but how to attack. Several times when Frost’s glaive managed to find its mark, the moment before the blade dug into Sam’s flesh his metal chakra would distort, forming spikes that blocked the glaive’s path. It delayed the glaive long enough for Sam to move out the way or deflect it with his great sword. His control over his chakra was incredibly skilled despite his rather low mana levels. He knew best how to utilise every scrap of his chakra, not wasting a single morsel. He knew what he was innately born with and lacked the backing and financial capability to seek those priceless herbs that could change one’s innate mana levels. Personal training could only raise it so far, this was another reason why he didn’t hold much hope in regards to B-rank.

Fighting Sam allowed him to realise the finer points where battle with Maya overlooked. It was hard to find out which part was wrong/needed improvements when she annihilated the entire thing with a single strike.

His thoughts and revelry were unfortunately interrupted by blood flowing up his throat. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he forgot his injuries. If he didn’t act soon he may even bleed out.

‘Fuck do I really need to drink another one of those god damn health potions.’ The pain he was enduring was nothing compared to that disgusting concoction.

At this moment Lola had finally pulled herself away from her husband’s lips, much to her displeasure but like Frost, Sam was injured, and blood interrupted their little moment. She wasn’t a fan of the thick metallic taste even if it was part of her husband. She reached down to a small pack by her waist and removed a vial filled with red liquid.

Popping the cork with her teeth she forced her husband to glug down the potion without so much as a warning bringing a ghastly look to his face. For someone with a delicate tongue -a requirement for any good chef- the rather ‘unique’ flavour of low level health potions was quite overpowering. He hated the taste just as much as Frost, if not more so.


He gagged as his mouth attempted to reject the vile liquid, his mixed in blood somehow exasperating the situation but his wife was having none of it. A little payback for the current metallic taste dancing on her fair tongue. She clamped her husband’s mouth shut and massaged his throat, forcing him to swallow the entire potion without wasting a drop. She acted like a skilled professional, being a mother of three or rather four in this case gave her lots of experience in making people take their unwanted medicine. She smiled while performing this ‘barbaric’ act making her look all the more intimidating.

The large brave looking man that was Sam was nothing in front of his wife, he had to simply grin and bear it while his tastebuds were assaulted all while appearing grateful to his lovely wife.

Lola nodded her head once she knew the entire potion had entered her husband’s bloodstream and had gotten to work. She fed him a high quality low level health potion brewed and bottled within their enclave, more than enough to deal with his extensive injuries. Thanks to their chakra armour and Sam’s high skill none of the wounds were fatal well as long as they were treated. Cuts and gashes weren’t that much of a danger when not over one’s vitals but if such injuries counted in the dozens then that became another story. A health potion was a requirement to survive, that or a healing spell but none of them knew such magic nor did they have any magic imbued scrolls.

Magic could be written onto scrolls allowing one who isn’t even a mage to use magic but the price for such things were incredible and the resulting spell would be weaker than if used by a mage. They could only be created with high rank materials as well as the skills of a high ranking mage with a relatively low success rate. They were the kind of things only the really rich would use, not something Sam and Lola had access to.

After nodding her head and patting her husband’s shoulder in praise she sauntered over to the unfortunate loser of this spar to perform the same treatment.....the potion not the kiss. Though she admitted that Frost was very attractive she was a one man woman, she could look but anything beyond that was a no go, she took her vows very seriously.

“Frost are you doing alright?” She asked him in an almost teasing tone. Crouching down over Frost she inspected his current state and noticed his shaking eyes filled with no small modicum of fear. Her brash actions against her husband were seen by him and it filled him with dread. Unfortunately, he was too injured and exhausted to make a break for it, his mouth was also filled with blood making talking difficult. The most he could do was turn his head to the side, avoiding her gaze.

“Hmmmm a talented and handsome young man such as yourself surely understands your body’s current predicament. Why then I wonder have you not taken a health potion?” Lola held her finger on her lips as her eyes turned upwards. “Could it be that little Frost doesn’t have any on hand, that’s fine then teacher can let you have one.” Her teasing tone only grew more insidious as she removed a second health potion from her little pack. Frost’s body shivered and retreated as she brought the vial close making him look very pitiful. Lola couldn’t help but lick her lips, enjoying his squirming. “Hoh it can’t possibly be that little Frost is afraid of health potions, no that can’t be it can it?” She brought the health potion right next to Frost’s eyes, fully enjoying his reaction. She’d gone through the same faze with her three children and every time with her darling husband yet with Frost for some reason it was a fresh experience and far more enjoyable.

‘A demon she’s a demon, all of them are, women are sadistic demons!’ Frost screamed internally as he condemned the entire gender but that was all he could do or rather dared to do.

Lola felt a jolt of electricity through her body as Frost’s expression was too pitiful, anymore and she would fall off the deep end. With a swift shake of her head, she regained focus, changing her persona to that of an experienced mother. “Frost this has to happen since none of us know healing magic so be a big boy and open up please, otherwise I’ll have to be forceful.” Though Lola appeared to be smiling in a gentle manner, behind that fa?ade was an unrelenting demon who’d get her way.

Tears threatened to pour from Frost’s eyes, but he knew what he needed to do. Lacking the ability to drink the potion himself he reluctantly opened up his mouth so she could pour the liquid in.

Lola’s smile widened “That’s a good boy,” after a short word of praise like she did for her children she removed the vial’s cork and proceeded to pour the liquid down Frost’s throat, careful to not spill a drop. She did it rather slowly, much less forceful than with her husband, Frost was grateful for her caring methods, but it didn’t make dealing with the horrendous taste any easier in fact going slow may have been worse.

Once the entire vial was gone Lola removed it from Frost’s mouth and the moment she did he started coughing and retching, unable to endure any longer. Thankfully once the potion reached the user’s stomach there was little they could do to remove it; the liquid would immediately set off to enter the bloodstream. Frost’s coughs were violent but only air was released.

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