Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 261

261 Chapter 261: Battling an ice revenant (3)


The massive great sword met with the ice covered broadsword of the ice revenant generating a loud clang as metal clashed against metal. The over 4 metre tall ice revenant was forced back several metres from the resounding backlash. Sam’s attack not only contained his sharpest skill and own impressive arm strength but also the leftover force from Frost’s jump assist. It was an incredibly powerful blow, one that the ice revenant was not ready for. But this was a powerful C-rank monster, one powerful attack was not enough to knock it out of the game. Hell, the thing wasn’t even damaged just blown back.

Its runic armour shone with blue light as it absorbed the residual force, as did its broadsword that appeared to be undamaged but that was the thing with spirit or elemental type monsters. Their physical body shown was not their true body and could quite easily be repaired, to quickly defeat such foes, one needs to target their core. Unfortunately, not only did ice revenants have incredibly sturdy armour protecting their cores, Lola’s father needed one that was intact, with minimal damage, striking it with one’s weapon was a no go. They needed to slowly whittle the ice revenant down, until the core can no longer support its body.

“Tsk even though I knew it wouldn’t do much, being presented with it in person still stings.” Sam clicked his tongue in frustration, that was likely one of his strongest attacks ever, yet his opponent didn’t even have much of a scratch, pretty demoralising.

Frost wasn’t far behind, the moment Sam had launched from his glaive, Frost charged after him. Not off put by Sam’s failure, he dashed passed the man like an arrow, his glaive poised for a sharp thrust.

“[Viper’s thrust]” Frost’s glaive blade shone bright as its penetrative power and sharpness was increased. Over the 3 days of education and training Sam had him practise thrusting techniques in preparation for the boss battle. On the last day he comprehended the low level thrust skill for spears and other pole weapons, [viper’s thrust].

Frost’s movements were almost seamless and his timing perfect but so was the ice revenant’s. The monster was filled with fury at being knocked back by Sam, its core was drained of power as it held its body together.

“DAMN INSECTS!!!” The ice revenant roared in hatred as it forcefully brought its retreat to a halt, Frost arrived at that exact moment, his glaive already thrusting out, aiming at the revenant’s chest. His movements didn’t go unnoticed escalating the revenants fury to its upmost.

Its pale blue eyes burned with wisps of mana as it tensed its grip upon its broadsword and lashed out in a wide arc. Chilling winds escaped the revenant’s body creating a repelling force, along with the aggressive swing of his broadsword, Frost was sent reeling back.


Frost flew through the air before skidding across the ground, he remained on his feet, but his balance was unsteady. “Cough cough,” he violently coughed as the force knocked the wind out of his lungs, no blood but his chest hurt a little as did his hands but other than that he was fine, landing back roughly behind Sam.

“Frost you alright?” Sam quickly asked his young companion, his eyes showing concern.

“I’m fine just a little bit winded, no biggie.” Frost waved him off, grateful for his concern.

“You’re too eager, remember the plan, slow and steady, being reckless only leads to mistakes.” Sam patted Frost’s shoulder; he couldn’t blame Frost for being so aggressive, he was young after all.

“Hmph I was just unlucky.” Frost scoffed as he looked at the ice revenant seething in a chilling wind before them. If he was just a fraction of a second faster, he’d have knocked the revenant down.

Frost rose to his feet, to stand by Sam’s side, they were now in close combat proximity and needed to stay there. Sam since he was covered in the [veil of flames] and his skill set would take the tank position, right up in the revenant’s face while Frost attacked from the rear and sides, taking advantage of his glaive’s long range and his superior speed. Meanwhile Lola would support them with magic, like.


A couple fire balls were launched at the revenant as Frost was standing up, this wasn’t a solo battle, they were part of a team. Sam attacked, then Frost and then finally Lola, the revenant wouldn’t get any rest time.

The fire ball did little damage but neutralised the chilling wind, getting close would be easier now.

“Rahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The ice revenant roared with fury as it wiped the remnants of fire from its body.

“That’s my cue,” Sam smiled broadly before dashing ahead with his great sword, appearing right beneath the ice revenant. He swung upwards meeting the downward cleave of the ice revenant, it wouldn’t be taken by surprise again.

Donnnnnnn! Great sword met oversized broadsword, one swinging up and the other swinging down, at the onset the two were evenly matched. Sam gritted his teeth as he endured the crushing pressure being funnelled through his weapon. He was barely half the size of his opponent, from the outside it looked as though a child was facing an adult. Sam’s muscles weren’t just for show, he packed a hell of a punch but to compete against an ice revenant with pure strength was rather wishful. However, he wasn’t alone, the [veil of flames] helped to eradicate the chilling aura constantly emitted by the ice revenant as did the ice resistance potion he took earlier. His weapon was also enchanted with fire reducing the strength of the revenant’s broadsword, all these things together was what allowed him to come out even but where Sam was stuck in place the revenant could still move and move it did.

Covering its fist in a dense layer of ice chakra the monster moved to swat Sam like a fly as he was trapped under its broadsword. Sam simply smiled as the fist encroached him, he wasn’t worried in the slightest.

A moment later Frost appeared with his glaive ready, and with a sharp swing he deflected the revenant’s fist, shattering the ice chakra with the aid of the fire enchantment. Frost and Sam’s teamwork had developed quite a lot of the past three days, given that the two of them would be operating in the same area. Each of them knew the limits of each other’s strengths, what moves they could and could not endure or avoid.

With its fist knocked back the revenant was off balance, affecting the strength it could put in its broadsword. Sam took advantage of this moment to smack it away, leaving the revenant unguarded.

“Anytime dear!” Sam yelled out to his wife who responded with her magic.

“[Bondage of fire]” with the spell’s name invoked a magic crest appeared on the ice revenant’s torso. As it glowed ropes of fire spread out from the crest, wrapping around the revenant, constricting its movements.

“You got a couple seconds! Make it count!” Lola yelled back once her spell was complete. [Bondage of fire] was a 2nd circle restraining spell that bound the target in ropes of fire. With weaker monsters it’d not only hold but would burn their flesh however against the ice revenant it’d merely constrict it for a few moments. But a few moments were all Sam and Frost needed to deal out some damage.

With a curt nod the two men moved in tandem, one with a great sword and one with a glaive, both enhanced by fire.

“[Sky cleave]”

“[Shattering strike]” both of them swung at the same time, striking the revenant’s torso with fervent aggression. This time they could visibly see the damage. The chest armour of the revenant revealed blue light as a crack appeared at the point of contact. Not too large but certainly noticeable. This should put the ice revenant on the back foot, wary of their strength. With it being fearful of its core being destroyed it should protect it better, exactly what Sam and the rest wished for. They could then focus on other areas of the ice revenant while keeping the core undamaged.

From the two blows the revenant was blown backwards, distress clear in its eyes as it protected its chest from further damage. It slammed it broadsword into the floor to stop its retreat. Sam and Frost were close on its trail, they couldn’t allow the revenant a single break otherwise it’d end badly for them.

The [bondage of fire] was destroyed from the two weapon skills meaning the revenant was no longer constrained but it took a more passive approach, blocking instead of crushing.

Sam moved in first, swinging his great sword against the ice revenant’s broadsword. The two weapons clashed against one another, both holding their grounds. The revenant was wary of Frost who had circled around to the side, fearful of his glaive, the revenant summoned an ice chakra blade in its other hand, to fend him off.

Lola would occasionally launch some fire magic to assist, her main job at the current stage to make sure there was no lag between attacks and to help her teammates land a decisive blow.

Sam endured the vicious onslaught of the revenant’s broad sword while Frost attacked from awkward angles and fought his way passed the ice chakra sword which was much weaker than the runic broadsword. Several times however Frost was forced to rescue Sam when the attack was too heavy. Like a shadow he’d appear beside Sam, knocking his glaive up against the broadsword then the two of them together would force the revenant back.

This stalemate went on for 15 minutes before the next phase of the battle came about.

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