Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 278

278 Chapter 278: Welcome to Kranor (2)

Lola and Sam’s dedicated explanation continued until the end of their journey, the mayor’s quarters within the last section of the 2nd floor. Lola’s family also had homes within the fourth floor but the mansion here was solely for the mayor and his family. He preferred staying here since it was close to work and looked good to the populace, showed that he was dedicated to his position. Even after contracting his illness and being confined to his bed for most of the day he still chose to remain within the mayoral mansion. His wife respected her husband’s decision, supporting him in his time of need.

While Lola was not here she along with her husband’s able staff took over running the enclave. She’d always report in summary the day’s activities to her husband as he’d worry if he could not be kept abreast of the situation. She also took it upon herself to prepare most of his medicine and meals, a very dedicated and hardworking woman. Having their grandchildren over for the past several days was a blessing for her. She saw her weary husband’s face truly smile as the little darlings surrounded their grandpa and listened to his stories. It allowed her to focus more on keeping the enclave afloat.

“This is where I unfortunately leave you Sir Sam, Lady Lola, and Sir Frost, duty calls.” The vice commander spoke out once he finished guiding the group to the gate of the mayor’s mansion. An almost pleading tone could be heard within his voice. This commander hoped with all his heart that the curing of their mayor would be successful, he was well loved and respected after all. With a full military salute and bow, the vice commander left them and headed back to his station. Sam and Lola thanked him and replied with a military salute, determination flashing in their eyes.

“Welcome back lady Lola, Lord Sam.” The two gatekeepers said while pushing open the gate, allowing access. Sam and Lola nodded slightly before walking into the mansion with Frost close behind. Unlike Leo’s mansion this building was in far better condition, nary a blemish or crack in sight. However, it was a fair bit smaller than the viscount’s manor and held far less grandeur but none the less was an impressive building. Frost couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous as he observed it. Though his private space was miraculous and could be designed however he wished -as long as he provided DP- it was an internal area, lacking this external presence that screams look at me. These building all scream that someone important dwells within, a symbol of status that Frost now wanted.

The head housekeeper was polite and graceful unlike the one that greeted Frost at the viscount’s manor, though it looked as though the man had aged quite rapidly, random patches of white hair was mixed within his beard and hair, likely caused by stress.

“Welcome back milady, did your quest prove fruitful?” The head butler had hope within his eyes as he asked. Truly the current mayor was greatly loved by his subjects, especially those close to him.

“Yes Saras it was, thanks to our young friend here.” Lola gestured towards Frost “Is Mira within the mansion?”

“Good, good, thank the gods for their blessings.” Saras’s eyes grew red as he struggled to keep his composure. His gaze turned to Frost, filled with gratitude. “Unfortunately, not, she returned to the herb garden a couple hours ago after giving your father his morning medication, but I’ll have someone send word immediately.”

“That would be best, the sooner we act the higher our chances will be” Lola nodded, her eyes growing red.


Mira was the most skilled alchemist and doctor within the enclave and would be the one creating the medicine that would cure her father. So far she’d been preparing medicine that would help delay the progression of his illness but was powerless to stop it with her current herbs. They needed the core of at least a magically gifted C-rank monster in perfect condition to create the required medicine. Now that they had the last ingredient it was time to make the medicine.

The head butler Saras immediately ordered one of his subordinates to send a message to Mira, summoning her to the manor with the fastest pace. He would remain here and help prepare the area.

“Lady Lola, your mother is currently handling the enclave’s affairs within the mayoral office, but Tulip, Jasmine and Ren should be with the master in his chambers. He tends to read to them at his time before they have breakfast together.” Saras reported the current positions of their family. This was glorious news and each and everyone of them need to be notified.

“Thank you Saras, if you could let my mother know the good news, Sam and I will go and see my father.....how is he?” Though she had gotten the last ingredient required to cure him, Lola was still worried about her father’s current state that surely must have progressed since she was last here.

“It’s manageable, he’s still able to get out of bed and do some less strenuous activities but his body is gradually being corroded. Nearly 40% of his body is now blue and cold to the touch.” Saras spoke with red eyes. “....The pain must be great, yet he never lets the younglings see it.” Lola and Sam replied with downcast and hurt looks. Lola’s father was a strong and stubborn man. Even if the pain was ten times as much he’d make sure to smile in front of his grandkids and daughter. Sam understood this stubbornness more than most, he was exactly the same personality wise...perhaps that’s why his wife married him, reminded her of her father.

‘Haaaaaaaaa’ Sam sighed internally as he remembered the talk he had with his father in law before they left in search of a C-rank core.

“Sam you’re going to need to be the rock which the family relies upon, you must be unrelenting and steady. Dealing with the issues that’ll come and the grief my passing will cause, you cannot show weakness or pain, you must be the one that carries the enclave through the dire times. Lola will be too emotional, I know my daughter well, she won’t be able to think clearly for a long time so I must rely on you my son. The man she chose and the one I allowed to marry my precious daughter, be the beacon in the darkness and help Kranor overcome this turbulent time.” Lola’s father spoke to Sam alone and with hard, piercing eyes. He knew the chances of him surviving were low and that Kranor was currently in a soon to be desperate situation.

Knowing that his son in law was a strong and brave man like him he placed his hopes on him. This was the main reason why Sam felt so much pressure, a burden that only he could carry as he agreed with his father in law. Lola though the better leader would be broken by her father’s passing for a great deal of time. Time in which Kranor may not have before things get messy. That day he promised his father in law that he would not fail him if such a situation came to pass, he steeled his resolve, but it didn’t make the pain any less.

He too would greatly miss his father in law, yet he would not be allowed to truly grieve. For someone as gentle and kind as him it would be a great torment. Thankfully such a situation will no longer come to pass, at least not immediately. He wasn’t an idiot, his father in law wasn’t exactly a spring chicken anymore, even if he’s cured he’d still be an old man. The issue was the timing of his death, Lola wasn’t ready to take over the reigns of Kranor and the looming issue of food was present. Now however he’d have time to pass on the reigns and happily retire along with the love of his life. And when he does eventually pass, hopefully it’ll be due to old age and by then his family and territory will be better prepared to deal with his loss.

As this memory floated through Sam’s mind he unconsciously clenched his fist until it grew white, and a solitary tear dripped down his cheek. If his father in law did pass from his illness he knew that him having to be the rock of the family would permanently scar him.

“Thank you Saras, we’ll go see him now.” Lola nodded in thanks before leading Frost and Sam to her father’s bed chambers. The mayor’s manor had two floors and over a dozen rooms on each. Her father’s chambers were actually on the ground floor, right next to a large office, much to Lola’s displeasure after he contracted his illness.

Knock knock

With a nervous knocking on the door Lola let herself into the room with Sam and Frost following close behind. Inside was a massive king sized bed with a canopy, there an old man with white hair and glasses sat up against his pillows. A smile was on his face as he read a large book. Three children lay at his side, enamoured by his voice, it was a beautifully warm and peaceful sight.

At the sound of the door opening the four people on the bed looked up and when they did.

“Mommy!” all 3 kids roared in excitement before launching themselves of the large bed and running towards her.

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