Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 284

284 Chapter 284: Doctor Mira (2)

“There’s no problem with this core in the slightest, a perfect specimen for creating the anti-ice veins potion.” Mira quelled Lola’s worries, showing a gentle smile on her face as she spoke, bringing relief to the young mother’s heart.

“As long as I have the other secondary and tertiary ingredients and a prepared room we should be able to create the medicine within an hour.” Mira spoke while counting the many other side ingredients required with her fingers. All of these they had in spares thanks to Mira as well as Sam’s diverse gardens and the prudent buying from passing merchants.

“Doctor Mira I’ve already had my subordinates retrieve the medicinal herbs and other ingredients from our reserves in preparation, everything including your workstation should be ready within the next ten minutes.” Saras the head servant spoke up at this time. The moment Lola spoke of her success he arranged everything in advance so as to cure his master all the sooner. When Yarrow first contracted the illness [icy veins] they immediately got to work finding and retrieving all the necessary ingredients, keeping them safely stored within the vaults to be ready at a moment’s use. All they required now was a monster core that had high mana affinity and was at the very least C-rank which Lola, Sam and Frost successfully brought back. With Mira’s confirmation on it meeting the required quality it was time to cure the mayor and put this whole dreadful situation behind them.

The people in the room all turned to face the old servant who had clearly aged rapidly over the passed few months with a mixture of grey and white hair dotted on his head and beard. The man was actually only 60 years old the same age as Yarrow, and before his master contracted his illness he too was as fit as a man half his age with barely a grey hair in sight. Emotional pain had clearly taken its toll.

Lola’s eyes reddened slightly as she took in the old servant’s frame only now realising that it wasn’t just her, Sam and Chia that suffered from her father’s current state.

“Thank you uncle Saras, it’s honour for our family to have such a wise and dedicated head servant.” Lola called him uncle like she used to do as a child which brought a happy tear to Saras’s eye. He had served their family since he was but a boy and grew up alongside Yarrow. If one ignored their stations and bloodline the two of them were akin to childhood friends or even brothers.

With a servile bow Saras left the room to personally assist in setting up the medical room as well as help collect the remaining ingredients. Ten minutes later he returned with a bright smile on his face.

“Doctor Mira the room and ingredients are ready and waiting.”

“Good work, Lute come we’ve got work to do.” Mira who was sitting on the sofa and enjoying a nice cup of green tea to help relax her mind before performing alchemy stood up with the aid of her white oak cane. The bright light of passion once again shone in her eyes as she followed after Saras towards the medical room. She loved alchemy even if it had become a strain on her body and having such hopes placed on her shoulders only excited her more. She was confident that with Lute assisting her she’d have more than a 90% of creating the medicine, far higher than any other alchemist or doctor.


“Yes grandmother,” Lute who was chatting with Sam instantly responded, jumping to his feet he followed after the old woman with a determined look. The concoction they planned to create was the hardest medicine Lute had ever attempted, he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, but like his grandmother he too was excited by the prospect. The grandmother and grandchild were cut from the same cloth.

Lola, Chia, and the kids watched the two doctors leave the room with heavy hearts, their fingers crossed with hope.

“Do you need a hand at all?” Sam asked before they left. Though he was no alchemist or doctor he was pretty good at handling materials and had a somewhat decent knowledge base in regards to medicinal herbs.

“No need, Lute will be enough for assistance. With this concoction more cooks would simply spoil the broth especially ones with so little experience.” Mira bluntly replied. She wasn’t intending to be mean but just stated the facts. Sam was a good botanist and had a decent head on his shoulders but to take part in alchemy and one of such high level was beyond him. He’d be more likely to cause problems than help.

Sam felt an invisible punch to his heart but understood Mira’s intentions. He was only offering out of kindness not expecting to be accepted.

Frost on the other hand was feeling a little disappointed. He hoped to watch as Mira and Lute perform their alchemy but was immediately refused. Alchemy required intense concentration and alchemists tended to keep their techniques close at hand, refusing to reveal their abilities to people who weren’t their apprentices. Unlike battle skills and magic spells that could be immediately learned through magical tomes as long as one met the requirements. Trade skills such as those in alchemy, artificing and blacksmithing all had to be learned the old fashioned way. Resulting in people being more guarded in regards to personal skills and techniques.

It’s unfortunate that he couldn’t view alchemy first hand but there’s always basic knowledge to be found in books. Surely with such an accomplished alchemist within Kranor they’d surely have profession books for him to look at. Frost was still keen to try out trade skills to see what profession suited him best.

The mood within the reception room was rather sombre and tense, even the three children were a bit on edge though they didn’t quite fully understand what was going on. Lola, Sam, and Chia never fully explained the situation with their grandfather, avoiding the issue. Explaining the concept of death to a child was a gruelling experience that none of them wished to do at the moment. They’d rather hold out hope till the last possible moment.

After 10 minutes of silent waiting eventually Jasmine couldn’t take it anymore and started causing mischief in an attempt to lighten the mood and get some attention.

“Haaaaaaaa, how about we all go and keep the old man company, I’m sure he’s dying of loneliness right now.” Before Lola lost her temper with her unruly daughter Chia sighed and offered up a suggestion. This mood was a bit unbearable for her too and to be honest she’d rather keep her husband company as they waited for the medicine to be brewed.

“Good idea mother.” Lola quickly picked up her unruly daughter, preventing her from causing any more trouble. Tulip and Ren followed after their mother and restrained sister, giggling as they walked. There was never a dull moment whenever Jasmine was around.

Sam and Frost smiled wryly at one another before following Lola towards the mayor’s bedroom, Chia followed close behind.

At this moment Yarrow was begrudgingly sitting in bed, an empty tray that once held his breakfast lay at top the bedside cabinet. He was incredibly bored and worried. Frost’s magnetism caused him no small amount of worry, even more so when the group decided to go the reception room to eat breakfast together while he was remanded to his bed, unable to leave under the threat of more punishment.

“Atiitititititi” as he moved to punch out his aggression into one of his pillows his body was struck by a stinging pain, not from his wife’s beating but from the [icy veins] illness. It was a sign that another part of his body was succumbing to the freezing ice mana. In response he could see the blue coloured skin slowly encroach further along his body. Thankfully no one was within the room, so he didn’t need to put up a front.

“Stupid illness it’s almost as if you know that you’re about to be cured.” The stinging pain was followed by a freezing cold as the areas of pink turned blue. Just as he was about to curse and shout profanities at the newly blue skin his door was opened up, immediately forcing him to hold his tongue. He doesn’t curse in front of his family or even servants, preferring to keep up a noble image. Even when his wife beats him senseless he only curses internally never out loud.

“Hey Dad, we’ve decided to keep you company until....” Lola walked in with Jasmine in her arms but was frozen solid after she saw the state of her father.

“Pffffttt haaahahhahahah!” She couldn’t hold back and started laughing her guts out. Her unrestrained laughter was quickly heard by those following, who walked faster to see what was so funny. Only Chia slowed down as a slightly guilty expression adorned her face, but it was fleeting. She had nothing to be guilty about, the old man deserved it.

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