Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 155: Lamia

Chapter 155: Lamia

The three headed hellhound boss died soon after to its accumulated injuries, the meat was inedible so Yunan stored it for Drogon to feed on after it woke up from its evolution, it had taken a long time, long enough that Yunan tasked Lina and Nina to feed it monster cores and lava wine to keep it alive.

Yunan had left most of the boss corpses for Drogon as for the rest they were added to the lava wine, creating more and more of the stat boosting wine and the corresponding fruits. According to the genie, eating the fruits with the lava wine would yield the best results and that is how most of the progress Yunan and friends was made.

It would take much longer to reach the 25th floor for ordinary adventurers, even if someone was carried to the 30th floor, they would take a longer time eating and fighting to reach the same level as Yunan and friends.if we add in the cheat armor Yunan had, there would be no comparison between Yunan and any other in the dungeon, especially since Yunan taking the time to map out each and every floor was simply so that he wouldn't be a brat in the middle floors.

After taking the items in the chest Yunan used the claws of the boss to make an iron claw for Kitty since it was her favorite weapon, since she was staying in the party, he thought making something for her would be a good gesture. Having finished with the 26th floor it was time to descend to the 27.

Inside the 27th floor was filled with snakes, all kinds, shapes and sizes, they drilled from the walls and dangled from the ceiling, they curled ready to strike on rocks and his in crevices everywhere, some were bold and big and sauntered on the floor, trying to swallow anything that was not itself, and some displayed their beautiful colours to show off how venomous they were, Daring anything to approach and try to harm them.

Girls and snakes did not make for the most agreeable partners so Yunan just sent them to his portable home and told them to wait there until he found the boss room, he would send in some of the harmless snakes for them to fight while Ophelia was once again elbow deep in venom glands making an antidote to keep the girls safe when they were ready to fight beside Yunan.

Half a month later Yunan had flew around the floor mapping it and feeding snakes to his armor and lava wine. Yunan received a new addition to his weapons, he could now chose the intensity and effectiveness of his poisonous touch. Spider venom and snake venom belonged to two different categories, one was designed to liquify the victim while the other was made to shut down its nervous system. Having both would give Yunan a good control over the kind of venom he could use at any point in time.

Around that time, Ophelia had successfully created antidotes for all types of snakes Yunan had caught, although it was useless when healers with cleanse exist, it was a very good when mana was scarce and the healer could not help, therefore with the help of the genie she set up an automated factory for antidotes, in hopes of selling them, since the antidotes were useful and rare, they could sell for quite a sum.

The main reason for things like plague cures and venom antidotes being scarce in the early floor is the alchemists are mostly born after the 40th floor and the occasional alchemist that is trained before the 20th floor would provide the greatly limited amount of cures and antidotes, hence the exorbitant prices that Ophelia could sell her creation for were justified.

After two weeks of getting used to fighting snakes, the girls once again joined Yunan, and tw party merrily looked for the bosses room, what they found was a charming Lamia that danced in the room for them. Leol, Lili and Sarah were almost immediately enchanted by her and were about to stop Yunan from fighting her. The Lamia is the queen of snakes, half woman half snake, it had a very rare magic in the dungeon, charm, it uses it own body and hypnotic movements to send the watcher into a trance, if the watcher lets their guard down, the mana of the Lamia turns them into her allies and even soldiers who fight for her.

Yunan slapped the three back to sense, and faced off against the Lamia. She continued to make those charming moves as she watched Yunan approach once he was within range of striking she talked "why must you resist my charm?". Yunan froze in place, he sheathed his weapons after a moment and sent a message for his teammates that if they attacked there will be trouble.

"It is not that I resist your charm Lamia, your charm is not effective against me" Yunan took out a comfortable chair and laid back face to face with the Lamia. "Are you not going to attack me?" The Lamia was confused so she stopped her dance and moved closer to Yunan inspecting him, she even feigned trying to bite him but when she saw he did not react she slithered around the party making sure her charm was working properly, then returned to face Yunan.

Since her charm was ineffective and her attack did not even faze the man in armor she knew well that she was no match for him and since the man made himself comfortable, she did too. "Could you please entertain me while we wait?" She figured out there was something the man was waiting for since he neither killed her nor fled away.

"You are not like your sisters Lamia, you fear death and can think clearly without the shackles of instinct, you can speak too, and you are much smarter than the rest of your sisters" Yunan told her that he knew she was not the same. "I am not the first Lamia to achieve such lofty place, nor will i be the last" she responded seriously.

" Yes that is true, however, there will come a man to claim you, he will take you to a place where you will not be the only one, you will find many like you, not just Lamia, but all kinds of monsters that have reach your lofty place, and if i keep you safe i can meet that man, i would rather not fight nor harm you, nor would I let you attack us as you will". The Lamia frowned at the words Yunan said.

However just as she was about to retort she felt an irresistible attractions to something behind her, she looked to find an old man walking towards her, she could not help but wrap herself around him and then shrink her size to a tiny thing that weaved along his fingers and wrist.

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