Dungeons and Dalliances

5.09 – Plant Magic III

5.09 – Plant Magic III

"Wow," Camille breathed. "Is it … is it bigger than before?" While amazed and admiring, she also sounded confused. "It is, isn't it?"

Natalie paused. Right—Camille had spied on her back when [Heavy Weaponry] had been at first progression. Her skill upgrades had left it noticeably larger since then. Two inches, which wasn't a lot, objectively speaking, but six was a big difference compared to eight, especially when it had gotten proportionally thicker, too.

And while those were ridiculous thoughts to be having—how was she supposed to explain to Camille that her class upgraded her cock?—Natalie's heart fluttered at the shock on the woman's face. Having a weapon that literally stunned other girls silent was, well, pretty great for the ego. She waggled her hips, letting eight heavy inches of girldick sway side to side. Camille's eyes went even wider as she watched it.

The mage hopped off the sink and walked over, getting down on her knees, putting her eye-level to Natalie's cock.

"Where did you even get this thing from?" Camille murmured. She laughed, suddenly. "And, you know, most guys with oversized weapons are compensating for something," she said, thumbing over her shoulder, indicating Natalie's hammer, "But not you. You're packing in both regards."

Natalie snorted. She guessed that was true. She waggled her hips a second time, enjoying the way Camille's stunned expression tracked it. Her cock twitched under the attention—and the proximity of Camille's face.

"You can touch it," Natalie teased. "Don't be scared. Where'd all the confidence go?"

Camille rolled her eyes. Despite playing it cool, her hand approached slowly, shying away before actually working up the nerve. A tentative grip wrapped around the base of Natalie's cock. Natalie tried to reach down to put a hand on the back of Camille's head, but she was quickly reminded of her bindings. In fact, her hips might have the most freedom across her entire body; she was well locked down, both her ankles and wrists entombed. Wiggling was all she could manage, and not all that well.

"It's … hot," Camille murmured. "And … oh, it's twitching." Natalie snorted at the surprise in her voice, which Camille eyed her for. "And, really, I swear it's bigger than before." She bit her lip, then finally tore her eyes up to meet Natalie's. Vines were still sliding around Natalie's body, squeezing her breasts, thighs, ankles, and just about everywhere else, but in a subdued manner, not as distracting as before—Camille giving the two of them space to talk. "This might be rude, so feel free not to answer. But how did you get this thing? Were you born with it? I've been wondering."

Natalie had already given the truth of her class to Sammy—part of it, at least—since any consistent partner couldn't really avoid knowing, seeing how Natalie literally had a cock that grew in size as she upgraded it. She wanted to keep her class on the down-low, but with obvious giveaways like that, she could only hide the details.

"My class gave it to me. And no, I've got no idea why. Through a skill called [Heavy Weaponry], and yeah, it is getting bigger."

Understandably, Camille stared at her. "Are you fucking with me?"

"Nope. No clue why it happened. Believe me, I feel the same way." That was the truth. Maybe lying by omission to some extent, since explaining she had a lust-based class would clear some things up, but even accounting for that, why it'd given her a cock was a mystery. She hardly needed the extra equipment to indulge in lustful actions. Even if she would admit she did appreciate the addition, by this point.

Camille spent a second longer looking disbelievingly between Natalie and her cock, then finally, she shook her head. "Well, however it happened, lucky me." She hesitated as she stroked up and down Natalie's length, as if considering something. She let go and stepped away. "My vines get their way with you first," she announced firmly—more to herself than Natalie. "It'd be a waste to go all vanilla when we have so many better options."

With that said, Camille walked back to the sink, hopped up, and pointed her staff back at Natalie, taking control of the vines. The brief respite ended. All across her body, squirming green plants tightened, pulling Natalie taut, massaging her flesh. One set of vines wrapped around her cock and began to work, twisting and thrusting with a slippery, tight grip that left her moaning. Being jerked off by vines. It was really something, exactly as Camilla had promised.

It also made a question pop into Natalie's head.

"How much can you control the shape?" Natalie asked, panting. The words were interrupted by a loud groan of hers. The vines were really going at it.

"What'd'you mean?"

Her mind had wandered, of course, to that first encounter down in the dungeon, so similar to this one. There, the vines assaulting her hadn't all been—well, typical vines. There'd been a squeezing, slippery hole for her to thrust into.

"Can you make them into something else? Change their shape?"

Camille tilted her head. "Elaborate?"

Natalie's hips jerked forward subconsciously, almost to emphasize the point. She was beyond being embarrassed, by this point, so she said it out loud: "A hole? Can you make me a hole?"

The mage's eyebrows went up. Her face reddened. Despite the embarrassment, though, she seemed immediately curious. "I don't think so?" she said. "But maybe ... if I try something like …"

Her staff still pointed forward, energy pulsed through the air, the familiar sense of mana being channeled. The vine massaging her cock pulled away, then started to pulse, rippling waves of green flesh coursing through its length. Camille's brow stayed furrowed as she worked. The end of the vine expanded, morphing until there was a bulbous knob at the end, the plant-flesh folding in and smoothing, creating a familiar sight. Something surprisingly similar to that first encounter in the dungeon.

"Huh," Camille said. "Seriously. I did not know I could do that."

At this point, Natalie was confident Camille's spells were being influenced by her class. She doubted the mage could change the shape of her vines to that extent under normal conditions. So Natalie's class was helping her along. Again, what did that mean, practically speaking?

But those thoughts were quickly muted. The majority of her attention was focused on the lewd display in front of her. Fucking Camille's newly formed plant-pussy. It hovered forward to rub into her, and Natalie shoved her hips forward. She missed, her cock sliding on slippery lips and thrusting past. Natalie whined in annoyance. She wanted in.

"Don't be hasty, now," Camille scolded, amused at her eagerness. She guided the vine up, positioning it right at the tip of Natalie's cock, teasing her—then darting it backward when Natalie thrust again. Natalie whined louder. "Say please, first."

Natalie panted. She barely hesitated; again, her shame was gone, by this point. "Please," she said. "Please, Camille. I want inside. I want to fuck your tight pussy."

Camille laughed, though Natalie's bluntness instantly had her face flaming. "W-Well. Who am I to deny a polite request?"

The vine approached. This time, Camille didn't jerk it away. Natalie thrust, and finally, she sank into tight, slippery vine-pussy, groaning as squeezing pleasure washed through her.

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