Dungeons and Dalliances

6.41 – Sofia III

6.41 – Sofia III

Maybe Sofia had saved herself from further mortification from Natalie's earnest flattery—and where had that come from, anyway?—but having the girl naked, peppering kisses down her chest, stomach, and onto her thighs, was overwhelming in its own right. She was barely able to keep her eyes on Natalie in the first place, her gaze taking refuge instead in the ceiling, panting hot air as she tried to make sense of her thoughts.

"You're more pent up than I thought you'd be," Natalie said, running a finger up her slit. Sofia's hips twitched in response, her sex well and soaked with anticipation. "Look how sensitive you are, already. I'm wondering, should I get you off once, so you can last longer? Then again," she murmured, "it'd be pretty cute if you finished as soon as I put it in. I'm pretty tempted to try for that."

Oh, gods. That awful topic again. Her quickness. And the worst part was that Natalie might not be far off from the truth. Would she be able to last more than a few seconds, in the current state she was in? With her head a muddled mess, her thoughts slow and incoherent, and worse, her body tingling, hyper-sensitive to every touch? If Natalie's fingers could do this to her, then what would—well, something else of hers do?

She squeezed her eyes closed, feeling like she was overheating. The bed indented as Natalie shifted her weight around, and she felt the other girl adjust herself so that they were lying side by side, with Natalie's breasts pressing into her shoulder. One hand snaked around her leg to gently rest on her pussy. Not rubbing at her. Just sitting there, overtop her pussy, cupping her lightly—taunting in nature. Her sex throbbed, and she felt ready to explode. Natalie's breath was warm on her neck.

"I'm gonna miss the bet being over," she said, and with her voice so close to Sofia, she was forced to open her eyes again. She regretted it as soon as she met Natalie's gaze, the hungry yet soft expression there. It ensnared her entirely.

"There … will still be the collar," Sofia found herself saying.

"Sure. But that's not the same." Natalie pressed down, the base of her palm putting pressure on Sofia's clit. Her lower half jerked in response, and a sound between a whimper and a groan bubbled up from her throat, completely unbidden. "The collar is yours," she said. "You get to pick when to use it. Right now, with the bet still going, I own you. I get to do whatever I want, per the terms of our agreement. Since you wouldn't ever ruin your honorable reputation by refusing me, right?" The last sentence dripped with mockery, but not of the rude sort, rather more—a shared joke. Purposefully pointing out the pretense shared between them.

"Honestly," Natalie continued, slowly drawing her hand up Sofia's stomach, so that her middle finger could rub little circles around her clit. "I haven't made nearly good enough use of the bet in the first place. I mean, I could've had you in my bedroom every night, couldn't I? Using a lot more than just your mouth."

"That," Sofia breathed, head swimming. "That would've been your prerogative, yes."

"But I'm too nice," Natalie tutted, shaking her head. "I had to work you into it. And even with all your training, look how you're trembling."

She was, indeed, trembling. She hadn't noticed. Every inch of her skin tingled, the effect most intense between her legs, and also on her neck, where Natalie pressed her lips and began to nibble. She rubbed away at Sofia's clit with an infuriatingly gentle motion, bringing her closer to that edge with an unfair speed, despite the total lack of intensity in the movement.

Then, done playing with her, Natalie sat up. She pulled Sofia's waist, moving her legs, repositioning the two of them so that Natalie was kneeling between her thighs, her cock gripped in one hand. Sofia's mind went white as Natalie tugged her in, pressing Sofia's ass into her thighs. She slowly draped her cock out across her pussy, rubbing the underside of her shaft against Sofia's wet slit.

Sofia shuddered. Her fingers dug into the sheets, while Natalie let out a long breath of her own, looking down raptly at where they were pressed together. She pulled her hips back, and the hot, thick shaft slid down her pussy, parting her lips just slightly, rubbing against her clit. Sofia's hips bucked involuntarily upward, and another groan escaped the back of her throat.

She really might come undone as soon as Natalie put it in. That would be unbelievably mortifying.

Natalie stopped pulling back when her tip had lined up with Sofia's entrance. "So wet," she murmured, wiggling herself against Sofia, rubbing in little circles that just barely prodded her open. "You're ready?"

She froze at the question.

It was happening, then.

Natalie's cock was kissing her entrance, and all she had to do was say yes. She would be … deflowered. Taken. Claimed.

It should have been an easy thing, to simply open her mouth and confirm the obvious. She was already here, naked on Natalie's bed, her heart pounding like a drum, her body flushed and hot.

And one part of her demanded that she say yes, that she was ready. It was almost obscene how desperately she needed Natalie inside her. There was an emptiness aching to be filled. It was making it hard to think. Hard to do anything other than imagine what it would feel like, for Natalie to finally fuck her. Own her. Breed her. Looking down her body to see that thick shaft poised to slide inside didn't help matters; the sight made her dizzy.

But the less base, the less needy part of her, hesitated.

Her thoughts went to those conversations with Jordan.

"It's …" Sofia found herself saying. "It isn't just about the bet, though, right?"

Her voice sounded small to her own ears.

Natalie blinked.

"I… I don't want my first time …" Sofia found herself saying, the words feeling like they weren't even being spoken by her. "I don't want my first time, to just be someone's conquest."

Natalie froze.

Sofia instantly squeezed her eyes shut, mortification washing through her. Where were these words coming from? They'd bubbled up, born from insecurity, and she'd needed to say something. Needed clarification.

"I … mean something to you?" Sofia asked.

The question hung in the air. A long, infinite second. Then the bed was shifting as Natalie moved—and lips were suddenly on Sofia's own. Her eyes shot open to find Natalie there, holding her mouth against Sofia's in a tender kiss that left her entirely too stunned to reciprocate.

Then it broke, and Natalie spoke, barely a whisper. "You're not just another anything, Sofia. Are you kidding me?" She sounded genuinely baffled. "There's never been someone I've been so …" she trailed off, her brow furrowing in confusion. As if she didn't know what word to pick to finish the statement.

And Sofia didn't need her to. Relief washed through her, hearing her earnestness. And, honestly, Sofia didn't know how she would phrase her feelings, either. The two of them had spent the majority of their lives as ... not enemies, but definitely rivals. Frustrated admiration, competitiveness, and antagonism being the dominant theme of their interactions. But, also, maybe something else, that whole time, too?

Jordan's words, a second time, came back to her. Their discussions earlier.

Her strategy.

Sofia flushed, and glanced away, suddenly embarrassed. She bit her lip.

"It's just, you'll be my first, you know," she found herself saying. "Even if we aren't … a thing, maybe I would want … a bit of the girlfriend experience, first? To not just be used?" Was she really stealing Jordan's plan, play-by-play? If anyone understood Natalie though, it would be Jordan. Sofia's heart slammed so hard it felt like it would come out of her throat. "It would just, make me feel better about this arrangement, I guess?"

And how had Jordan said to end it?

She fluttered her big, blue, vulnerable eyes.

Natalie seemed almost like she'd been struck by lightning.

"A date? You want a date?"

"Or whatever," Sofia stammered.

"A date," Natalie said more firmly. "I didn't know— I thought you—" She rolled off Sofia, suddenly, her naked skin no longer touching Sofia's. "Of course," she said. "Okay. Yes. A date. I would love to."

She … would?

A warm feeling grew in Sofia's chest, replacing the anxiety, flooding it all away. A part of Sofia had almost thought she'd be laughed at for making the request. That Natalie would insist it was all just about the bet they had made, and how ridiculous of her for thinking otherwise. That she wouldn't get 'a girlfriend experience,' because that wasn't what this was. Tonight was just Natalie taking her long-awaited prize.

But no. Of course not. The charade was just a charade, as she'd always known. However little she'd inspected the arrangement inside her own head.

And not that she knew what was under the charade, either. Not truly.

"Great," Sofia said. "Um. Thank you."

With that clarified—though not much had actually been clarified—Sofia came back to awareness of their situation.

Now what?

They were still naked in bed together, after all.

And had—had Natalie taken all of that in the wrong way?

"Not that, um, I'm saying we need to stop," Sofia said.

Natalie paused, then turned her head to look at her. A smile slowly grew on her lips, and Sofia suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Nope," Natalie said. "Nice try. I've decided I've been taking things too fast." She placed a hand on Sofia's pelvic area and patted. "You're not getting fucked tonight." She pecked a kiss onto Sofia's lips—which, despite everything, managed to scramble her thoughts, even the brief contact—and sat up in bed. She shuffled off, stood, and scooped up her clothing, tossing Sofia's to her as she did.

"H-Hey," Sofia said, catching her blouse. "What? We're not done, are we?"

"The girlfriend experience means the date comes first," Natalie said authoritatively—no argument to be brooked in her voice. "So that's what's happening." She slipped on her panties. "What day are you thinking? Next week's probably gonna be busy."

Sofia lay there, gaping in disbelief at Natalie, her core aching with need. All of the effects of Natalie's foreplay hadn't gone anywhere. And in fact, with Natalie so easily accepting plans for a date, and … all of the things she'd said, her earnestness, any remote reservations and anxiety of Sofia's had been erased. She was, in fact, far more than just 'ready,' in that moment.

But Natalie kept putting her clothes on.

Sofia wasn't going to be getting any relief tonight, was she?

After all that?

After being more pent up and sensitive than maybe ever in her life?

Natalie laughed. "C'mon, princess. Get dressed. It's not happening."

One thing bubbled to the forefront of Sofia's confused thoughts, past the indignation, the lingering arousal, the embarrassment, the confusion, and even—the happiness?

That this was all Jordan's fault. She'd planted that seed, and Sofia had needed to open her mouth. And now the long-awaited night had been cut off unceremoniously.

Sofia would definitely be having some choice words with that woman, tomorrow.

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