East Meet West

Chapter 253: Ambush 1

Chapter 253: Ambush 1

253- Ambush 1

After closing the status window, Orochi felt all the changes that took place in his body after his stats increased and got back to practicing the Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops. As he wanted to test how much has his comprehending speed increased.




And just after 2 minutes, the system notification rang once again,


Proficiency of [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops] has increased.

Current Proficiency- 4% [Entry stage].


Seeing this, Orochi was happy as his test succeeded.

Because just from this it can be understood that he will now be able to learn and comprehend fighting techniques at a faster rate.

And just to prove his conjecture as he continued practicing, once again, the system notification rang after 5 minutes,


Proficiency of [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops] has increased.

Current Proficiency- 5% [Entry stage].


Now, he has reached the peak of the Entry stage, and next, he will step into the Starting stage, there will be a big change in the degree of difficulty to learn and increase in power after he steps into the Starting stage.

Orochi wanted to test the power of [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops] at his current proficiency, so he used the machete in his hand and attacked a tree with the technique,

Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops----- First chop


The machete blade was able to penetrate a few inches deep into the tree only.

Seeing this result, Orochi was slightly disappointed and roughly calculated that the power behind his attack barely reached 50-60 kilograms.

But he knew that due to his low proficiency in the Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops technique, he can only show the fur of this technique.


So, throwing this matter behind, he decided to practice.

Like this, Orochi continued practicing and stopped once in a while to recover spiritual qi.

And finally, after 10 minutes, Orochi was able to grab a key point in the technique and immediately the system notification rang.


Proficiency of [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops] has increased.

Current Proficiency- 6% [Starting stage].


Seeing this, once again Orochi tried his technique on the tree,

Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops----- First chop


This time, when Orochi executed the technique, he felt the huge change. During execution, he felt his movement was much smoother than previously and the way spiritual qi traveled in his arms felt much quicker and smoother. Not to mention, he clearly felt that the attack power behind this attack also increased drastically.

This time the blade was able to penetrate more than one inch deeper when compared to the previous time.

Don't underestimate this one-inch difference, because the harder the target object is, the more difficult it is to destroy/penetrate/cut it.

This time, according to Orochi, the power behind his attack easily reached about 75-80 kilograms.

Barely enough to seriously injure a peak Evolver stage cultivator.

Orochi thought in his heart.

But anyhow, Orochi felt his improvement, so he was satisfied with that and continued with his practice.

Like this, Orochi practiced for another hour and decided to stop his practice because his MP was now less than 50 thousand.

And he didnt want to buy MP potion for now and decided to stop for now and recover both MP and stamina.

Not to mention, in this 1 hour, Orochi was able to increase his proficiency to 14% in the Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops and was now able to deliver a strike of more than 200 kilograms in power.

Seeing this speed of learning, Orochi started to have an itch to increase his Intelligence and other stats but held it back because his Free stat points exchange business will suffer a huge loss.

Done with his practice, Orochi got back to Armelia and June, who were silently cultivating.

Seeing Orochi return, Armelia was the first to greet him,

How was it, husband? Any gains?

She asked with a sweet smile on her face.

Orochi replied with a nod,

Yes, I stepped into the High level Demi-Human stage and gained some mastery in a Normal grade 11 fighting technique.

Hehe... then that means your strength increased by a large degree... wow I am so envious of you husband.

Armelia said with envy face but her tone was full of teasing.

Orochi looked at Arnelias expression and asked with a smile,

Although you look like you are envying my cultivation speed and strength, but why is your tone so playful?


Armelia giggled as she hugged Orochis neck and whispered in his ears.

The stronger my husband gets, the safer it gets for me, as I know you will always protect me.

Suddenly, her tone turned slightly seductive,

Not to mention, the more your cultivation increases, the higher the benefits for me when we Dual Cultivate.

When she said that, suddenly Armelia licked Orochis earlobe

Orochi was slightly startled by this action of Armelia, but he teased her,

So, you mean to leach of me?

Orochi acted as if he was hurt by her words

To this Armelia replied with a cute smile,

Hehe... since you decided to marry a Lamia then you should be prepared to be leached.

Hearing this, both of them laughed.


Like this, another 3 hours passed and Orochis group was having a small chat.

Suddenly, June spoke,

They are here.

Hearing this, both Orochi and Armelia looked at June in surprise and immediately turned their head in the direction June was looking at.

More than a kilometer away from their location, a few dotted bodies were moving in their direction at a moderate pace.

A few minutes later, the dotted bodies got clearer and, in their vision, a carriage surrounded by many horses were galloping on the road, appeared.

On horses, guards were sitting and moving at a uniform pace.

Soon, the group of carriage and horses got closer to the cliff, where Orochis group was hiding.

And Orochi was also able to spot the word Willow on the guards dresses, which confirmed that they were the target.

After viewing for some time, Orochi understood that apart from Alex Xaviers family, who were sitting inside the carriage, everyone else including the Steward numbered up to 30 people.

And in these 30 guards, only 6 people had the cultivation of Evolver stage and 1 Demi-Human stage, while most of them had the cultivation of Refinement stage.

Orochi signaled at Armelia and June. And three of them took their positions behind the huge rocks and waited for Orochis signal.

Finally, when the Willow sword sects entourage reached a certain position, Orochi gave the signal to both Armelia and June.

And immediately, Orochis group took action and pushed the rocks down the cliff.




Huge rocks landed at the back and front of Alex Xaviers entourage, completely catching their group off-guard and blocking their path.

But this did not stop, as continuously more rocks started to fall on the group of guards, such that few of them immediately got crushed under the falling rocks before they could even react.

And many other guards suffered various degrees of injuries.

But the people inside the carriage were fast to react and immediately a shadow broke out from the carriage and punched a rock that was about to crush the carriage.


Quick Recap:

Martial arts and Fighting techniques: Proficiency stages: --

Entry stage 1-5% (barely able to execute)

Starting stage 6-20%

Initial stage 21-49%

Advanced stage 50-89%

Success stage 90-99%

Perfection 100%

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