East Meet West

Chapter 259: Back to the Border City

Chapter 259: Back to the Border City

259- Back to the Border City

After the Willow sword sects people arrived at the place where Orochis group and Jack Xaviers group fought, they started to frown when they saw the numerous corpses that were scattered all around.

7th Elder was the first to speak,

It looks like 5th Elder- Jack Xavier and his family were attacked by a group of experts while they were returning to the sect. Look over there, I recognize that person, he is the steward of Xavier's family.

He said while pointing towards the corpse of an old man, who was none other than Steward Rake.

Then 8th Elder also put forward his opinion,

Yes brother, your analysis is correct. And it looks like they were ambushed by a group and the attackers first dropped the rock on the group of guards and caught them unprepared. Then they swarmed like locusts at the remaining people.

Then he showed a confused expression, as he asked,

But I dont understand is, who were the people that had the guts to ambush our people? What happened to Jack Xavier and his family?

Suddenly, the 3rd elder spoke,

Dont keep on guessing, search for clues and scan the surroundings.


Hearing this all the other members of the group answered in unison

Then everyone scattered around to look for clues.

After searching around for some 10 minutes, everyone gathered around as they announced their findings to the three Elders.

Hearing all the detail from their subordinates, 3rd Elder finally came to the conclusion that,

Since there is no trace of 5th Elders family, then it can be assumed that they were kidnapped. So, our top most priority is to search for them and find out who was responsible for all this.

His voice was full of anger.

How dare they act against our Willow sword sect. We should send a message what happens to those who offend our sect.

Hearing this, everyone showed approval as they felt that this matter was like stepping on their dignity.

7th Elder had a weird expression on his face, as he spoke

But what I dont understand is, why did the attackers did not even spare weapons and money on the guards? Are they so poor?

Hearing this, the crowd fell silent.


Finally, on 3rd Elders orders, some part of the group headed towards the Town of Chans to find clues and others searched in nearby areas, so as to catch the wind of attackers. While everyone threw 7th Elder words in the back of their minds.


Meanwhile, Orochis group traveled quite a distance away from the place where they fought with the Xavier family.

To avoid someone from recognizing the carriage, Orochi made a few changes to the carriage so as to avoid the eyes of any pursuers looking for the Xavier family.

But he knew that soon, the Willow sword sects people or the people related to the Xavier family will be able to find his traces, so he decided to get a new carriage from the next town.

But first, he needs to create some distance from his possible pursuers.

Hence, without any big breaks, Orochis group continuously traveled for the whole day, and during the night they had to sleep in the carriage taking turns. As it cannot accommodate all three of them to sleep.

And the place where they stayed was just a few kilometers away from a small town, but as they are avoiding people, they did not enter the town.

Early in the morning, Orochi entered the town all alone, and bought a new carriage and took it out of the town, and regrouped with Armelia and June in some deserted area.

June completely disposed of the carriage and erased its existence, such that no one could find it anymore. And after they transferred the Xavier family into the new carriage, the group once again set off in the direction of the Border City.

After getting the new carriage, the group traveled at a normal pace, and at night, they would look for some inn.

As for the Xavier family, with the abilities of June, a Royalty realm powerhouse; she made sure that they will not wake up unless she wished to wake them.

It was after 5 days that the group finally reached the border city.

{Border city: the first city that Orochis group encountered after they came out of the Dark Forest.}


When Orochis group tried to enter the city through the gates, one of the city guards wanted to search the carriage, but Orochi stealthily put a gold coin in the guards pocket and the guard happily let their carriage enter the city.

After entering the city, Orochi rented a house with a courtyard as they will be staying for more than two weeks since they are planning to attend the yearly auction of the Golden cloud chamber of commerce.

And as he has to practice his martial arts and fighting techniques, he needs space. So, instead of staying in an inn, Orochi rented a house with a courtyard.

The courtyard was situated at the center and all other rooms were constructed surrounding it, such that Orochi also had privacy during his practice.

The house had some ancient Indian style to it.

That's what Orochi thought in his heart when he first saw the house as it reminded him of the houses that were centuries old in his past life.

And of course, he had to bleed some money since he rented a house in the city, not to mention in a period when the yearly auction is approaching, he had to pay an extra amount for it.

So, finally, after the group got into the house, Orochi first took the Xavier family into a room and locked them inside it.

Then after they had lunch, everyone got busy with their work.

June went to her room, Armelia went to the courtyard and started practicing the Sword technique that Orochi gave her.

And finally, Orochi sat in his room and started cultivating.

He had already prepared his next set of plans.

That is to increase his cultivation and fighting capabilities, foremost.

With his fight against Jack Xavier and the events that transpired after the auction, he understood that only after he steps into the Transformation realm, he will not have to resort to tricks and not always plan his actions based on the situation. Because to survive he had to resort to tricks and all, but if he had the strength to utterly destroy his enemies, he would have simply walked out like a tyrant king.

Imagine, if at the time he was in the town of Chans, and he had at least the Human stage Level 3 cultivation, then after the auction whoever had greed on his things, he would have destroyed them. Not to mention, he would swagger into the Chan clan and make sure that they wont exist anymore from the moment he walked in.

Not to mention, when he wanted to make Alex Xavier regret having evil ideas on his woman and his action of killing an innocent woman to irritate Orochi; instead of an ambush he would simply knock on the door of Willow sword sect and make them bleed for having Alex Xavier and his family in their sect, and not run away quickly after capturing the Xavier family.

Honestly, who wants to get involved in tricky situations?

Everyone wishes that things get easier for them.

And the same goes for Orochi.

He thinks that it is better to increase his strength and cultivation first, and then, he wont have to resort to tricks and schemes.

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