East Meet West

Chapter 261: Earthly Sea Coconut Fruit

Chapter 261: Earthly Sea Coconut Fruit

261- Earthly Sea Coconut Fruit

But surprisingly, the news that Orochi received, made him stunned like a statue, he wanted to scold the system in his heart,

System, are you fusking playing tricks with me? Are you sure you are not scamming me?

Or are you malfunctioning?

If not, then how... how do you explain all this?

Because when he heard Armelia say,

Hehe... husband, you dont have to go and post a task at the Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce. Because mother has given me few Earthly Sea Coconut Fruit for cultivation. And since you require them, you can have all of them.

So, no wonder Orochi was shocked to such an extent and he started questioning the system.

And the reason why he is questioning the system, is that since his Luck stat is still a single digit, then how come he is able to get such good things when he needs them the most?

Especially, those few things that are of great help to him or will be in the future?

Like he wanted to solve the poison in his body; by some chance, he encountered Armelia which was a major reason for his cure.

He wanted to get cultivation resources; he simply found a Low-grade energy mine. Not to mention, he got an additional powerful inheritance with other treasures as a bonus.

And now, a few minutes ago, he was desperately hoping to get an Earthly Sea Coconut Fruit and now, he just had to walk a few steps and speak a few words... and he got the Earthly Sea Coconut Fruit.

If he still doesnt question the system, then he is simply stupid and blind enough to ignore this.


Its Ok. I just need 2 Earthly Sea Coconut Fruits. You can keep the rest for cultivation.

Orochi said to Armelia, as he only needed 1-2 Earthly Sea Coconut fruit to raise his Dantian Potential. Because it is written in the brown book that using external methods, Dantian Potential can be only be raised once. So, he didnt need more Earthly Sea Coconut fruit.

Hearing Orochis words, Armelia stubbornly refused as she said,

No. I know you are refusing to accept more of Earthly Sea Coconut fruit from me as you are worried that I will lack them, but honestly, I have half a dozen Earthly Sea Coconut fruits with me.

And apart from the ones I have; I have already consumed many Earthly Sea Coconut fruit back in the Dark Forest. So, now they are not so effective on me.

Not to mention, Aunt June is still carrying some Earthly Sea Coconut fruits with her, so if I lack Earthly Sea Coconut fruits I can simply ask Aunt June.

June also nodded towards Orochi.

Yes, dont worry about it. You can have as many Earthly Sea Coconut fruits as possible. Our Lamia tribe has a good way to acquire them through trading.

Hearing this, Orochi did not reject anymore and under Armelias stubborn behavior, he had to take all the 6 Earthly Sea Coconut fruits from her.

After Orochi returned to his room, he pondered in his heart,

Hmm... now that I got the Earthly Sea Coconut fruit, I dont need to worry about other things and focus properly on my cultivation.

I have a strong hunch that, due to the system and the huge stats that I have, there will be some huge surprise while calculating my Dantian Potential.

I am strongly looking forward to seeing what my Dantian Potential is...

Orochi controlled his excitement and took out the bottle that contained Stalactite Milk.

Then he drank 7 drops of Stalactite Milk.


As soon as the 7 drops of Stalactite milk entered his body, an explosive sensation spread throughout his body and a huge amount of energy spread to every corner of his body.

If it was someone else in Orochis place, and such a huge amount of energy was introduced in their body, then their internals would either get seriously damaged, or worst-case scenario, their body would start cracking.

Because the energy contained in a single drop of Stalactite milk is not a joke.

In normal estimates, the energy in a single drop of Stalactite milk is enough for humans with no cultivation to at least reach the Evolver Stage.

And it is also a known fact that 1 drop of Stalactite milk is more than enough to help a Low Level Demi-Human stage to reach Mid Level Demi-Human stage.

As the cultivation rises, similarly more energy and resources are required to break through to the next level.

Not to mention, Orochi simply drank 7 drops.

But luckily for him, with the huge physical toughness forged due to System stats, his body is able to bear all this.

And just like previously, Orochi guided this huge amount of energy towards the dantian and let it absorb this energy.

And just like a sponge, Dantian absorbed this energy as if it has received its favorite wine.

Of course, any excess energy that Orochi could not control was absorbed by his body.


+20 Defense

+18 Resistance

+9 Strength

+5 Agility

+10 Stamina

And the process continued for another 30 minutes when the huge flow of energy started to subside, but there were still no signs of Dantian reaching its limits; and finally, after another 10 minutes, all the energy from the stalactite milk was either absorbed by the dantian or it was absorbed his body.

But still, there were no signs of Dantian reaching its limit. Instead, the dantians size increases by a moderate degree, and the golden brilliance emitted by it became denser.

Faced with such a situation, helplessly Orochi could only drink another 3 drops of stalactite milk.


This time, Orochi controlled this stream of energy and precisely guided it towards the dantian.

And the dantian also greedily absorbed this energy.

Maybe it was because the amount of energy it absorbed previously was huge, soon after 10 minutes, cracks started to appear on the dantian.

Orochi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no white light was coming out of the cracks, which put his heart out of worry.

This means that at least his Dantian Potential is not just rank 4, and his dantian as well as himself does not belong to the mediocre category.

And when the whole dantian was covered with cracks... it exploded...

And a new Golden Dantian appeared in Orochis vision.

And the previous golden shell, now transformed into a golden stream of energy as it spread throughout his body and was also absorbed his 7 Chakras, including the 1000 petalled lotus in his sea of consciousness.


Dantian Potential has reached Rank 4

Hosts Golden Dantian has further improved.

+50 Strength

+50 Agility

+80 Defense

+80 Resistance

+10 Sense

+30 Intelligence

+50 Stamina

Seeing this series of notifications, Orochi frowned slightly as he felt that the overall increase in his stats is very low when compared to the previous times.

But when he looked at the specifications of the newly evolved Dantian, he realized the reason behind it.


The current dantians grade is Golden [Rank 1].

Current conversion ratio of Worlds spiritual qi to Hosts spiritual qi is 4:1.

It can store about 34223 units of spiritual qi.

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