East Meet West

Chapter 264: A Shocking Discovery- An Experiment that could Shock the whole world

Chapter 264: A Shocking Discovery- An Experiment that could Shock the whole world

264- A Shocking Discovery- An Experiment that could Shock the whole world.

Mass Release (2 out of 5):


When Orochi was trying to evolve his Golden dantian and raise its Dantian Potential to rank 11, and when the Dantian absorbed energy to its limit, as usual cracks started to form.


And golden light was coming out from the cracks.

Everything was going on smoothly, and thats when Orochi noticed a very faint white ray of light, hidden within the dense golden light.

And when Orochi spotted it, a kind of bad premonition was born in his heart.

And immediately he wanted to consume the Earthly Sea Coconut fruit.

But an idea struck his brain, as he suddenly gave a command to the system,

System, add 1000 Free Stat Points to Strength, Agility, Defense, Resistance, Sense and Stamina Stats each.

And add 500 Free Stat points to Intelligence Stat and 50 Free stat points to Charm Stat.

And as soon as the system executed this command, Orochi felt huge changes occurring in his body and sea of consciousness.

But Orochi ignored them as his full concentration was on the changes taking place in his Dantian.

He saw that the faint White light which was hidden among the dense golden light, that was almost difficult to spot; it disappeared suddenly and the bad premonition lurking in Orochis heart also disappeared.

Seeing this, Orochis heart settled and he felt like he discovered something, if known to others will surely shock the whole world.

Just by increasing his Stats, he was smoothly able to raise his Dantian Potential to rank 11.

And what happened when his Stats increased?

His Physical and Soul got enhanced, so it made it easier for him to increase his Dantian Potential.

And in the brown book, it is mentioned that many top experts believe that Dantian Potential depends on the degree of balance and compatibility between the physical body and the soul of a person.

So, doesnt his actions prove this theory?

So, what does this mean?

He has a strong hunch that... that maybe... maybe if he increases his stats further then... maybe his Dantian potential might cross the limits of this world... And reach a stage that is beyond the Rank 12 Dantian Potential.

And if his hunch... is proved to be true... then...



Orochi clenched his fists tightly in excitement and with a strong desire for power.

So, calming his excitement, Orochi decided to put his theory into action.

But before that, he once again told the system to add another 500 free stat points to the Strength, Agility, Defense, Resistance, Sense, and Stamina stats.

And another 20 points to the Charm Stat.

As for the Intelligence stat, he left it aside because his MP limits have increased a lot and he is already running a loss-making business.

The system also efficiently executed his order and Orochi could feel changes taking place in both his body and soul.

So, he just had a small look at this status window,


Name: Orochi

Race: Human

Rank: G

Stage: Mortal Realm- High Level Demi-Human stage

Level: 80/100

Exp: 7970/8000

Title: Chef (Apprentice)

Condition: Bound by Wishwa Saakshi Oath, Bound by Blood Extinguishing Contract.

Stats: (Available Free Stats Points: 15,130)

HP: 4,040,000/4,040,000

MP: 381,963/510,350

Strength: 4972 [13750]

Agility: 4972 [13800]

Defense: 4878 [14700]

Resistance: 8346 [14950]

Sense: 12878 [7146]

Stamina: 8378 [14650] ------ Fatigue: 831/2,163,260

Intelligence: 2654 [3060]

Charm: 1200 (can be increased with Free Stats Points, but wont increase when leveling up)

Vitality: 9 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)

Luck: 8 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)


Skills: Observation Level 9, Physical Enhancement and Modification (Level 5), Axe Slash, knife handling (Level 5), Self Heal (Level 4)


Passive abilities: Poison Resistance (Level 13), Physical Resistance (Level 2), Mana Manipulation, Mana manifestation, Fire Resistance (Level 2), Cold Resistance (Level 2)


Jobs: Thief, Blacksmith (Level 1), Swordsmanship (Level 7), Spearman (Level 5), Martial Artist (Level 7), Archer (Level 5), Sorcerer (Level 3)


Hidden Abilities:

Defense + Hp = For every increase of Defense stat by 1 point, HP Limit will increase by 100.

Resistance + HP = Recovers 20 HP per second and this Ability is in sync with the [Self Heal] ability, so recovery rate is doubled, so 40 HP per second.

Sense + MP = Recovers 10 MP per second; [Sorcerer Job] has increased the recovery rate by 300% = 30 Mp per second.

Stamina + HP = For every increase of Stamina stat by 1 point, HP and Fatigue Limit will increase by 100.

Intelligence + MP = For every increase of Intelligence stat by 1 point, MP Limit will increase by 100.

Charm = Perception & Intuition, Hypnosis, Recording Eye, Thermal Vision



So, closing the status window, this time Orochi drank 20 drops of Stalactite milk in one go and started to guide it towards the dantian.

Since his stats increased, his body has also been strengthened so, it is able to bear the energy from 20 drops of Stalactite milk.

As the dantian started to evolve, it also started to produce a kind of suction ability such that when it is activated, it will produce a huge suction force that is able to attract the energies in his body and absorb it, so Orochi doesnt have to fully concentrate on guiding the energy towards the dantian.

Also, the speed at which the dantian absorbed the energies has taken a huge leap.

So, within just 40 minutes, almost all the energy released by 20 drops of stalactite milk was absorbed by the dantian.

And as the number of times dantian evolves increases, the energy required for the next evolution also increases.

And in these 2 days, it took Orochi almost 300 drops of Stalactite milk to let his Dantian evolve 6 times.

So, without any delay and suppressing the heartfelt pain, Orochi drank another 20 drops of Stalactite milk.

And finally, after drinking a total of 60 drops of Stalactite milk, the Dantian reached its limit and cracks started to form on the dantian.



Orochis breathing paused as he was completely focused on his Dantian and to check if his theory and hunch are correct and if he can truly break the norms of this world.



Finally... a golden light came out of the cracks, followed by another ray of golden light... and so on...

Seeing this, Orochi wanted to shout to the whole world with full of energy that- I HAVE BROKEN THE NORMS OF THIS WORLD AND REACHED A HIGHER LEVEL. MY DANTIAN POTENTIAL IS NOT LIMITED TO THE STANDARD RANK 12...


Congratulations to the host

Hosts Dantian Potential has increased to Rank 12


+110 Strength

+110 Agility

+140 Defense

+140 Resistance

+45 Sense

+55 Intelligence

+110 Stamina


Orochi could hardly control his excitement.

No matter how indifferent he wants to act, but at this moment even he couldnt handle it.

Not only him, if it was someone else they would also have surely screamed in excitement.

This proves that his theory was correct and his system has allowed him to gain a special advantage against those special people that are 1 in 10 billion.

But wait, does that mean, now I belong to the special 1 in 100 billion category?

Orochi thought in his heart.

But then he immediately calmed down because he realized something...

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