East Meet West

Chapter 272: Pill Formula Book and Monster Fire

Chapter 272: Pill Formula Book and Monster Fire

272- Pill Formula Book and Monster Fire

Lehri Dhun was very satisfied with the price because in the Kingdoms market an Orange Grade Level 1 material or herbs price is between 1 million to 1.1 million gold coins. But now it has reached 1.2 million, such a huge profit, how can she not be happy.

Just when she felt that 1.2 million was the maximum she could get or one would bid for the Brown Thunder Crystal, and she decided to start the countdown, another voice rang in the auction hall making her swallow the words back into her throat,

1.25 million Gold Coins

She immediately looked towards the direction from which the sound came.

The one who made the bid was none other than Orochi.

He felt some pain in his heart for paying such a huge amount, but he needs the Brown Thunder Crystal so he could only grit his teeth and bid.

After Orochi made the bid, the person sitting inside Gold Room No. 1, kept quiet for a moment and then increased the bid.

1.26 million Gold Coins.

Since, he decided to get the Brown Thunder Crystals, without any hesitation Orochi increased the bid again.

1.3 million gold coins.

1.31 million gold coins




So, a bidding battle began between Orochi and the person sitting in the Gold Room No.1 and everyones looked at this bidding battle with great interest.

Soon, the price stopped at 1.4 million gold coins and it was called out by Orochi.

And the opponent also gave up.

It looks like the opponent also feels that price has crossed his limit.

So, after waiting for a few seconds, Lehri Dhun began the countdown.

1.4 Million gold coins for the first time.

1.4 Million gold coins for the second time.

1.4 Million gold coins for the third time. And sold.

Congratulations to the guest sitting in Gold Room no. 4, for obtaining Brown Thunder Crystals.

Lehri Dhun smiled while looking in the direction of Orochis room.

Then she went on to introduce the next item on the auction list.


After another few sets of items were auctioned off, the 3rd item that Orochi wanted to get appeared.

It was a Pill Formula book.

Lehri Dhun introduced it to everyone,

This Pill Formula Book contains names and descriptions of more than 1000 different kinds of medicinal plants. Also, it contains 15 different pill formulas of Normal Grade of various Levels.

Whoever owns this book, will be able to improve their knowledge of various kinds of medicinal plants.

So, once you have this Pill formula book, you can step into the Pill Gurus profession. And I am sure that everyone here understands how respectful and wealthy the Pill Gurus profession is.

She continued to give away some information about the Pill Formula Book and tried to entice the audience.

Orochi wanted to get this book because he wants to be a Pill Guru.

But if he wants to be a Pill Guru, then he needs to possess the knowledge of various medicinal plants, pill formulas, cauldron, fire, etc.

So, this Pill Formula Book is very important for him.

The starting price of the Pill Formula Book was set at 200,000 gold coins.

And after some good struggle with various people, Orochi got it for 700,000 gold coins.

So, with this, Orochi got his hands on 3 out of 4 items.

And coincidentally, the next item that was brought on to the stage was the 4th item that Orochi wants.

It was the monster core of a Blue Patterned Flame Parrot which reached the Super Monster Stage.

A monster core is like the dantian of a human body. But there is a big difference when comparing a Monster core and a Human Dantian.

Unlike the semi-tangible state in which a Humans Dantian exists, the Monster Core is a Tangible existence inside the Monster Body.

The Monster Core contains the energy and the soul of a monster in it, whereas a humans Dantian contains only energy and not the soul.

Monster Cores are usually formed inside the monsters body only when they reach the Super Monster stage. And they are rarely formed when still in the Monster stage.

So, if you want to get a Monster core, then you will have to kill a monster of Super Monster stage or higher existence.

And if you sell them, then you can become rich very quickly.


Lehri Dhun picked up a wooden box and opened it.

Inside the wooden box, a reddish blue crystal ball was placed and when it came into everyones view, it shone with a brilliant light and lightened up the whole auction hall.

In my hand is the monster core of a Blue Patterned Flame Parrot, which was at the Super Monster Stage when it was alive.

This monster core is extremely useful for the fire element cultivators. Not to mention, the monster core can also be used in pills refining, weapon forging, and even formations and arrays.

But the one who has the biggest use of this monster core are those who are Pill Gurus and Blacksmiths or want to get into the profession of Pill Guru or Blacksmith.

Because you must know that, since the monster core belongs to a fire type monster, there is a high chance that you can get Beast Fire from it.

As soon as her voice fell, numerous exclamations rang inside the auction hall.

Because the word Beast Fire is enough to make almost everyone here crazy.

In the path of cultivation, only when one steps into the Transformation realm and reaches the Human stage, can they bring Spiritual Qi out of their bodies.

So, if a cultivator specializing in Fire elements reaches the Human stage, they can manifest spiritual qi out of their body and generate fire from it.

Such fire or flame generated by a human is known as Human Fire.

To become a Pill Guru or Blacksmith, apart from the knowledge and talent, it is also important to possess good fire to refine pill and forge weapons respectively.

But the Human Fire is very weak if you want to progress and achieve good results in the profession of Pill Guru and Blacksmith.

So, Pill Gurus and Blacksmith can only look for another alternative to make up for this weakness.

And Beast Fire is one of the things that can help them.

Beast Fires are special kinds of Fires that are innate fires that many fire type monsters are born with. And the specialty of Beast Fire is that they get stronger as the monsters cultivation increases.

So, many Pill Gurus and Blacksmiths desire stronger Beast Fires to increase their expertise in their profession. Because Beast Fires increases the efficiency at which they can refine pills and forge weapons.

And if anyone wants to get into the profession of Pill Guru and Blacksmith, then they can easily become experts if they possess a good Beast Fire and knowledge in their respective fields.

And as Orochi wants to get into these two professions, he needs this Beast Fire.

Not to mention, he also wants to see if the Beast Fire or Monster Core has any reaction with the Sorcerer Job.

Of course, there are higher kinds of Fires such as Earth Fires, World Fires, etc.

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