East Meet West

Chapter 283: Smart People And Their Shortcoming

Chapter 283: Smart People And Their Shortcoming

283- Smart People and their shortcoming

Currently, Orochi was sitting in his cultivation room and holding a brown coconut in his palm.

The brown coconut was about the size of an adults head.

Unlike the smooth texture of a normal coconut, the brown coconut looked like it was made of mud. And if one doesnt observe carefully, anyone would think that Orochi was holding a ball of mud in his hand.

And comment things like,

Hahaha... look at this guy, still playing with mud.

Yeah, does he think that he is still a kid?

I think he is mentally retarded, so he plays with mud.

Hey kid, come and massage my legs. Uncle will buy you sweet candy.


Ok, lets be serious.

But if an expert looks at the mud in Orochis hands, then they would exclaim in surprise,

Damn... isnt that the Earthly Sea Coconut?

Yes, its the Earthly Sea Coconut. It is said that it is of great use for cultivators in Mortal and Transformation realm. And even some Royalty realm cultivators use it.

Yes, I heard it too. But if a High level Demi-human stage cultivator gets it, then it is said that he/she can increase their Dantian Potential.

Oh my god, are you serious? Is it so magical?

Of course, dont consider that if a Demi-Human stage cultivator consumes this, then it would be wasted. No, in fact, it is best if a Demi-Human stage cultivator consumes it, as he/she can lay a solid foundation.

Yes, Yes, I know with a solid foundation, one can easily reach a higher level and rarely encounter bottlenecks.

Wow, such a magical thing is this kids hands. He is lucky.

Hey, little brother, can you sell me this Earthly Sea Coconut? I will give you a good price.

No little brother, sell it to me.



Forget all this.

The mud like brown coconut in Orochis hand is other than the Earthly Sea Coconut, that Armelia gave to Orochi.

And surprisingly, the time has come to use it.

Yes, surprisingly.

Previously, Orochi thought that with the system he wouldnt need to use the Earthly Sea Coconut fruit as increasing the stats is enough to help his dantian to evolve.

But now, his stats have hit their limits and cannot be further increased.

And his Dantian potential has risen to Rank 105.

There is no mistake, you read it correctly- Rank 105.

Even Orochi felt that he was dreaming when his Dantian Potential crossed 100.

He thought that maybe it would stop at Rank 100, but to his surprise, it didnt. This made Orochi feel restless and excited.

And even after that, it continued to increase and finally got stuck at Rank 105.

Actually, Dantian Potential of Rank 105, has already exceeded his expectation but Orochi still hopes that it will increase at least until it reaches Rank 108.


Because Orochi has heard that the number 108 is quite special.

Consider it as a sentiment or superstition, but Orochi still wants to follow it.

And both his heart and intuition gave him the feeling that once the Dantian Potential reaches Rank 108, it will bring huge benefits to him.

But now his Dantian Potential is stuck at Rank 105.

And even if he consumes the Earthly Sea Coconut fruit, it will only allow him to raise his Dantian Potential to Rank 106.

Because according to the records, the Earthly Sea Coconut fruit can only be used once to raise the Dantian Potential, and even if more Earthly Sea Coconut fruits are eaten, then there will be no more effects.

Experts use the Earthy Sea Coconut to purify their Spiritual Qi and to calm it, whenever the cultivators face some problem like Qi deviation during cultivation.

So, Orochi can only use it for just one time.

Now, he needs to think of a way that can help him raise his Dantian Potential to Rank 108.

He looked at his Status window.


System Status Window

Name: Orochi

Race: Human

Rank: G

Stage: Mortal Realm- High Level Demi-Human stage

Level: 82/100

Exp: 5870/8200

Title: Chef (Apprentice)

Condition: Bound by Wishwa Saakshi Oath, Bound by Blood Extinguishing Contract.

Stats: (Available Free Stats Points: 684,245)

HP: 10,000,000/10,000,000

MP: 786,122/2,000,000

Strength: 69819 [30000]

Agility: 69819 [30000]

Defense: 69819 [30000]

Resistance: 69819 [30000]

Sense: 89819 [10000]

Stamina: 69819 [30000] ------ Fatigue: 2,223/10,000,000

Intelligence: 89819 [10000]

Charm: 10000 (can be increased with Free Stats Points, but wont increase when leveling up)

Vitality: 9 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)

Luck: 8 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)


Skills: Observation Level 12[Max], Physical Enhancement and Modification (Level 5), Axe Slash, knife handling (Level 5), Self Heal (Level 4)


Passive abilities: Poison Resistance (Level 13), Physical Resistance (Level 3), Mana Manipulation, Mana manifestation, Fire Resistance (Level 2), Cold Resistance (Level 2)


Jobs: Thief, Blacksmith (Level 1), Swordsmanship (Level 7), Spearman (Level 5), Martial Artist (Level 9), Archer (Level 5), Sorcerer (Level 15)[max]


Hidden Abilities:

Defense + Hp = For every increase of Defense stat by 1 point, HP Limit will increase by 100.

Resistance + HP = Recovers 80 HP per second and this Ability is in sync with the [Self Heal] ability, so recovery rate is doubled, so 160 HP per second.

Sense + MP = Recovers 100 MP per second; [Sorcerer Job] has increased the recovery rate by 1500% = 1500 Mp per second.

Stamina + HP = For every increase of Stamina stat by 1 point, HP and Fatigue Limit will increase by 100.

Intelligence + MP = For every increase of Intelligence stat by 1 point, MP Limit will increase by 100.

Charm = Perception & Intuition, Hypnosis, Recording Eye, Thermal Vision, X-ray Vision, Thought Network



From the past few days, every time Orochi checked his Status window, he is reminded of the big mistake he made in the past few days.

That is, he thought that the upper limit of his stats is 100,000 points. And he isnt wrong about that.

Truly, the upper limit is 100,000 points.

But this is where he made the mistake.

Since the upper limit is 100,000 points and there are 8 stats that can be increased with Free stat points. So, he decided to collect 1 million points for that.

BUT... but he ignored the fact that he already has Tens of thousands of points in his stats and there are also the stats that represent or are obtained when his cultivation increases.

So, due to this, there has been a huge miscalculation.

And now, Orochi has more than 600,000 Free stat points lying in his storage, like the surplus goods produced by a company that overestimated the demand for their goods in the market. And now their surplus goods will be locked up in the warehouse until... God knows when.

And even if this mistake can be ignored by saying,

Dont worry about this small issue. Even if you cannot use those Free stat points now, it doesnt mean that you cannot use it after you rank up.

Maybe when you rank up from Rank G to Rank F, these surplus Free Stat Points might come in handy?

So, dont fret about such small things.

Lines like these should have made Orochis heart calm, but it didnt.

Because of the time, effort, and money that has been waste..xxx...

I mean...

Because the time, effort, and money that has been used to collect these many Free Stat points, is what makes Orochi distressed.

Forget about effort. The time and money that has been used for this is a huge loss for Orochi.

Hence, Orochis mood goes down whenever he looks at the Status window.

This proves... no matter how smart one is, somewhere or the other they will make a mistake.

No matter how small a mistake is, it is still a mistake.


Actually, if you look closely at the Stats, you will notice that the total sum has not yet reached 100,000 points. They are still short of 181 points.

The reason for that is, Orochis level is still at Level 82 and has not reached Level 100.

And the points that are given by the system after Orochis level reaches 100, is exactly the 181 points to all the stats.

So, if Orochi gains another batch of Exp, then he can level up and reach level 100, then he can close this gap and nearly all his stats will reach 100,000 pointsss...


My level is still 82. And if I reach level 100, all my stats except Charm stat will reach 100,000 points, then... then there is a small chance that without consuming the Earthly Sea Coconut fruit, my dantian potential can be raised to Rank 106.

And with Earthly Sea Coconut, I can raise my dantian potential to Rank 107.

At that time, I will be at the peak of High level Demi-human stage. And then I can breakthrough to Peak Demi-human stage.

And when I reach Peak Demi-Human stage, my Golden Dantian will change/evolve to White Dantian. At that time, my Dantian Potential will once again increase to Rank 108.


When Orochi thought of this, he couldnt help but laugh.

Suddenly, a line came flashed through his mind,

Smart People are prone to overthinking, such that they ignore the simplest solution that is lying in front of them.

Truly this line holds some truth to it.

Shaking his head, Orochi got up and walked out of his room.

After giving some excuse to Armelia and June, Orochi walked out of the house and hid inside an alley. Of course, he made sure that no one was looking at him.

After walking into the alley, his clothes changed in the blink of an eye because he equipped a set of loose clothes that has already been assigned to the attire slot. Then he used the skill Physical Enhancement and Modification to change his facial and physical features.

When he used this skill, the muscles on his face squirmed like earthworms and his facial features changed completely. His skeleton expanded and his appearance changed into that of a fat young man.

Physical Enhancement and Modification is truly magical, it can change the user according to his wishes. With no discomfort or damage. But with a small downside, that is lots of MP will be wasted. But of course, with Orochis current recovery rate it is of no concern to him.

He looked at his appearance and looked at his face in the mirror. Feeling everything was good, Orochi walked out of the alley and walked towards the town gates.

The Border City is about 50 to 60 kilometers from the town he is in, so after getting out of the town Orochi hurried towards the Border city.

And with his current speed, he can reach the border city within 5-6 minutes, but he doesnt need to show that, so he ran at a moderate speed and reached the city after 15 minutes.

But even this speed was an alarming speed in the eyes of pedestrians.

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