East Meet West

Chapter 299: Bottom Line

Chapter 299: Bottom Line

299- Bottom line

When Orochi started to untie the bandits, he started with the upper echelon of the Bandit group because he wanted to create another example.

So first, he released the ones with the strongest cultivation among them, and naturally, they were the leader and other members who belonged to the upper echelon of the bandit group.

When the leader of the bandit group was released, he acted normally just like any person who would act when they get released.

But when Orochi ignored him and moved to untie the other bandits, the leader suddenly punched at the back of Orochis head with all his strength.

Orochi smirked when he sensed the incoming attack and he did not even turn his head to look because he had already anticipated this, so he ducked on the ground and swept the bandit leaders leg.

The bandit leader felt that he was quick and thought that his attack will surely catch Orochi off guard; but before he knew it, the opponent quickly dodged his attack and swept his legs making him fall on the ground.

And that doesnt end there.

In the horrified and stunned eyes of the leader, a punch landed on his face and his skull was caved in.


And the next second, his skull cracked and he died immediately.



Ignoring the system notification, he looked at the other members of the bandit group who were just released by him.

He saw that all of them were stupefied and looked at their leaders corpse with horror.

No one expected such a result.

Their leader was like an invincible existence in their eyes, but he was still killed with just one punch, how could the group of bandits accept this.

But suddenly, two of the bandits woke up from the shock and immediately dashed towards Armelia and June, wanting to capture both of them and take them as hostages.

But unfortunately for them, they chose the wrong targets.

Before they could even get close to Armelia and June, June lifted her hands and Spiritual Qi shot out and tightly bound the two bandits. Then she lifted them high into the air.

Two of them were got stuck in midair, desperately struggling.



Looking at the two bandits floating in midair, the bandits were once again stunned. But the voice that rang in their ears, turned their bodies cold in fear,

Kill them.

It was Orochi who spoke.

Hearing this, June controlled her energy and both the bandits were crushed into meat paste.

Looking at the scene happening in front of their eyes, some bandits wet their pants and shivered in fear.

Then Orochi turned his eyes towards the remaining bandits, and sneered at them,

Well, your leader and other companions jumped at the correct time. I wanted to show you guys that no matter what you do, you cannot resist us. So, be obedient and do what I have told you to do. After that, you can keep your lives, or else you will accompany your dead companions soon enough.

With that said, Orochi signaled the freed bandits to untie others.

And all the bandits present in the cave had already given up any kind of resistance they had hidden in their hearts. So, after they were untied, all the bandits obediently dragged Alex Xavier and his family and followed Orochi.

Orochi had already found a suitable place for such a large group.

There he gave a few more commands to the bandits and then parted after locking them inside with Alex Xavier and his family.

Before going, he left them with another warning,

Oh yes, nobody is allowed to touch this boys mother. If anyone dares to, then all of you will be burnt alive.

After saying this, Orochi got back and grouped up with June and Armelia.

True, Orochi hates Eliza Rook and Jack Xavier, because they couldnt educate their scum son. But it doesnt mean that he will make decisions that are worse than scum. Hence, he did not allow anyone to touch Eliza Rook.

There are certain things that he will not do, one of those is rap*ng a woman. Of course, if it is a female enemy or someone who makes things difficult for him, he will not hold back from hitting or killing a woman, but there are some things he will still not do.

The so-called gentleman lines like:

A man should never hit a woman.


Ladies First

Lines like these are not the rules of heaven or earth. They are just spoken by some men, who wanted to impress a woman or crowd of women. With the ultimate goal of making the woman fall in love with him.

Actually, it is easy to determine the situation in which these lines were born.

The scene goes like this:

A couple was arguing between themselves. The male was named Doss and the female as Krista. Doss and Krista were arguing on some matter and the argument intensifies, such that Doss finally loses his cool and raises his hand to hit Krista.

But when that happens, a handsome gentleman who was close to the couple catches Dosss hand and says,

A man should never hit a woman.

Now, in the eyes of the whole crowd, this handsome gentleman is protecting a woman from a man. So, this gentleman gets labeled as a good guy, and Doss gets labeled as a bad guy. Meanwhile, Krista gets labeled as a victim.

The crowd is a justice-loving audience, almost everywhere. So, the crowd will always be on the side of the good guy. They will support the good guy, condemn/scold the bad guy, and sympathize with the victim.

Now, this good guy has spoken such a good line- A man should never hit a woman.

How could the crowd/audience not be impressed by this, not to mention many of the female audience would have sparkling eyes when they hear this line and look at the good guy like a bunch of little fangirls. And the surrounding men in the crowd would also notice the change in expression of the girls present, so they too would pick up this line and note it down in their little book called how to impress girls and use it in the future.

Now, throwing away the matter of what happened with Doss and Krista or the handsome gentleman, because they are just a small episode in such a large world.

The line- A man should never hit a woman, will soon spread like a virus and will soon become an object or tool to be used with wrong intentions.

Many times, in the movies we see, that the good guy is attacked by an evil girl. And instead of retaliating, the guy just dodges. And when asked,

Why did you not attack the woman?

The guy replies,

A man should never hit a woman.

This line surely wins the heart of many people, especially women.

But the truth is- that is a movie, where the hero is almost invincible and will never die. So, no matter what he does, the evil girl will never be able to kill him. And by some shitty accident and coincidence and luck or whatever, she will accidentally bang her head against the wall and lose consciousness. And the guy is saved.


If the same thing happens in the real life, the guy would have been stabbed around 100 times by now.

Heroes can use those lines in movies because all that is fake and they need to win the hearts of their fans and audience but in real life?


It should be noted that women are not weak.

They too possess their own advantages that men do not have.

If men are physically gifted, then females are mentally gifted.

Their mental strength and their mental fortitude are something that cannot be underestimated by anyone.

Hence, in Orochis eyes, all enemies are equal. Let it be a man or a woman.

And he never shows any partiality to his enemies.

Hence, when he encountered Ethans group, he did not even flinch when he killed Pamilla.

True, she was fooled by Ethan and she liked him, so even if she knew that Ethans actions were wrong, she still obeyed his commands and attacked Armelia.

So, even after knowing the story, Orochi did not feel any kind of discomfort for killing her.

And Orochi will do the same if there are any female enemies in the future. But of course, he wont go so low that he will assault them or do some inexplicable things to them.

He has his own bottom line.

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