Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 22: Provocation

Chapter 22: Provocation

"Reward?" Alan couldn't help but take another bite of the fruit called the Fire Berry. When the juicy flesh turned into syrup and entered his body, he felt as if his Origin Energy was being awakened and surging through his blood vessels. Origin Energy was like a ball of flame, and slurry was the best fuel. As a result, when the entire berry entered Alan's stomach, his Origin Energy had already burned up enough. Alan's body temperature had risen by two degrees, his skin pores emitted heat, and his face was covered in a crimson color.

"Little brat, go over there and sit down now. We'll talk about calming down your Origin Energy Tide first." Hugh snorted.

He looked at Tonislaw and scolded, "You idiot, the berry will shake the Origin Energy and form a tide of Origin Energy. If you don't calm down and comb it in time, not only will you not get any benefits, you will also get injured. You will let him eat it so easily."

Tonislaw said disapprovingly, "Aren't you here? With the Major General watching over you, it's hard for my baby to have an accident." Finally, he didn't forget to blink at Alan.

Alan trembled and trotted to the training area to sit down. According to Hughton's words, he focused his mind and restrained the Origin Energy within his body that was surging with the stimulation of the berries. When his mind was concentrated in his body, Alan "saw" the originally calm Origin Energy. At this moment, it was like a vast expanse of blurry flames whistling through the blood vessels in his body, like surging waves. He had no choice but to use his will to control the surging Origin Energy, pacify it, and restrain it.

Gradually, the flames of Origin Energy converged, condensed, and finally formed a vortex of Origin Energy. The number of Origin Energy vortexes did not increase, but upon closer inspection, their flames were darker. This meant that after being stimulated by the berries, the amount of Origin Energy did not change, but it was a bit denser.

Five minutes later, Alan's expression had returned to normal and his body temperature had dropped. When he opened his eyes, Tonislaw and Hughton seemed to be talking about something. Seeing that he had calmed down the Origin Energy wave in his body, Hughton left the hall after saying, "I'm going out for a walk."

"Come here, Alan." Tonislaw waved his hand and shouted.

Alan walked over and pushed the youth to the boxes, saying, "These are all fire berries. You've already tried them. They will stimulate your Origin Energy and make your Origin Energy more solid." These things won't allow your Origin Energy to advance by leaps and bounds, but they can make your foundation more solid. "If you eat it for a long time, you can strengthen your body. With them, you are more confident that you can break through the first barrier of Origin Energy Confinement."

"Who gave them to me?" Apparently, Alan hadn't forgotten the word reward.

Tonislaw patted him on the shoulder and said, "You bought it yourself, baby. Remember, it's not bad, but if you eat too much, you'll burn your Origin Energy too much. If the Origin Energy burns out of control, you're likely to be crippled. Gradually, let your body and Origin Energy get used to their excitement."

"Alright, I have to tell you something else now." The lieutenant picked up one of the berries and said to Alan, "Do you mind treating me to one?"

Allen nodded. The second lieutenant was not polite and took a big bite. "Although this thing is of limited help to me now, it tastes good. Let's get down to business. Remember what I said? Since you set foot in Babylon, the competition between you and the other contestants has begun."

Alan nodded when he thought of the conflict between him and Fatty Lusen during the day. Tonislaw shook his head and threw the rest of the fruit into his mouth. "You don't know, Alan. The competition I am talking about is not that vague concept, but accurate to the number. Yes, first of all, I have to congratulate you. In the first round of the public opinion polls, you stood out with the best score. In addition to the friction between you and Lucen during the day, your score was even more stable. That's why you're rewarded by the committee, these boxes of fire berries that help you condense your Origin Energy. "

Ellen was stunned for a moment and asked, "What is a popular vote?"

"When you arrived in Babylon on your first day, the people of the floating island were welcoming you as well as knowing you. The scores are then awarded based on impressions of the different contestants and will be collected and registered by the committee within the week. Your image and experience have left a deep impression on the inhabitants of Babylon. So you scored the highest in this poll, so you came first in this week's rankings, "Tonislaw explained, adding," I want you to keep it up and remember that everything you say and do is being watched by the committee. They add and subtract points based on what you do, like your points in reaction training and defeating Lucen, these are points. On the other hand, if Fatty Lusen is defeated by you, he will deduct points accordingly. You are a smart kid. You should be able to see some rules of the committee's evaluation system. "

The rankings are updated weekly and the first place is rewarded in varying degrees. This time, it's a berry. Next time, it might be a magic energy spear. In short, these rewards will increase your strength. However "Tonislaw paused for a moment before replying seriously," The most important thing about ranking is not the weekly rewards, but whether or not you can take advantage of the arena of death at the beginning. Of course, it also had some other functions, such as attracting the attention of a wealthy aristocrat. If they are willing to invest in you, you will have a huge advantage in scoring and other areas that other players do not have. "

Tonislaw stayed for an hour before leaving. After the second lieutenant left, Alan organized his thoughts. As the second lieutenant put it, when they, teenagers from the surface, set foot in Babylon, there was a ubiquitous competition, and the competition could be specific in numbers and scored in their evaluations. Apart from being able to give Alan berries and other rewards, what was important was the role he played in the arena of death.

When the death arena begins, the committee will determine the starting point based on the scores for each of the younger years. According to Tonislaw, the higher the score, the more advantageous the starting point would be. For example, they would be placed in an uninhabited area, or they would receive a large amount of material rewards. On the other hand, the lower the score, the more dangerous the place was. As for the seven people ranked at the bottom, they would be placed in the same area.

Such a result could be imagined. The seven of them had to engage in a life-and-death battle almost at the same time. In the end, only one person could leave.

Currently, Allen was in the lead, ranking first. Behind him was Lucy, the girl who could not help but associate her with the flames. Thinking of Lucy, Allen remembered that she hadn't returned her hair.

He took the elevator to the 17th floor and stood outside the gate. Alan was a little nervous. He rang the electronic doorbell, and a moment later, a woman opened the door. In his thirties, he wore a gauze nightgown. The skirt was so thin that one could almost see the beautiful body in it. The woman looked at Ellen curiously and said, "Isn't this the kid from District 13? What's the matter with you?"

Alan took a deep breath to make sure that he didn't look at the two protruding spots on the woman's nightgown. He said, "Hello, ma'am. This is Alan. I'm here for Lucy. Is she here?"

"Polite little fellow, come in." The woman hooked her fingers and said, "I'm Lucy's mentor, Aisha. Wait here for a moment. Lucy may be bathing."

"Bath?" Alan said awkwardly, "Then I'll come back later."

"There's no need. She should have come out. Or are you afraid that I'll eat you?" Aisha gently lifted Alan's chin with her fingers. Only when Alan's face turned red did she laugh and leave.

A moment later, she waved at Lucy's bedroom door, "Come in, little fellow, that girl Lucy is calling you."

When the automatic door to the bedroom opened, Aisha pushed her head back and pushed Alan in. Alan stood still. The layout and decoration of the bedroom were exactly the same as his. At this moment, the bathroom door opened and a large ball of steam gushed out. Lucy, wrapped in a bathrobe, stepped out on water vapor. Seeing that Alan didn't dodge, he casually waved his hand and said, "Hey, you're here. Come over here and sit. Why are you standing there?"

As soon as Alan sat on the sofa in the inner room, Lucy took off her bathrobe, and a youthful and healthy body appeared in Alan's eyes. Alan took a deep breath, and Lucy's skin glowed like fine silk under the light of the room. She stretched her body inadvertently, revealing some of her secrets in Alan's eyes.

Although Alan quickly turned his face away, he had already seen countless fascinating sceneries in his previous glance. The voice of Lucy dressed and her hoarse laughter sounded in her ears, "I can assure you that if Fatty Luson were in your current position, he would have jumped up long ago. Alan, you must be a gentleman."

"Alright, I'm done changing."

Only then did Alan dare to turn around and Lucy put on her loose clothes. Although the two little dots on the top's chest were telling Alan that it was a naked body under the shirt, it was still better than the intense visual impact just now. Seeing him like this, Lucy laughed and sat down beside him and said, "Hey, you don't have that yet, do you?"

"Have you?" Alan didn't answer.

Lucy snorted, "So far, the males who tried to pounce on me have turned into corpses. Because I don't like them, but I like you, Ellen. If you want something to happen "

'"Actually, I'm here to return your things," Allen said, feeling a little overwhelmed.

He hurriedly pulled out his hair and Lucy said "Oh". "I really don't want anything to happen," he smiled as he clapped his hands and wrapped his fingers around his hands.

Alan gritted his teeth and said, "If you provoke me again, I don't care what the consequences will be."

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