Elder Cultivator

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

“You just got back and you’re already working overtime, huh?” Runa commented.

Velvet shrugged. “We just dealt with what appeared in front of us. We honestly didn’t expect any enemies to make it this far. Are things… getting worse?”

“Here and there,” Runa said. “There’s always trouble from the Exalted Quadrant somewhere. You need to go much further in to be truly safe. Doesn’t the Scarlet Alliance have such issues?”

“I suppose so,” Velvet admitted. “Outside of our core territory. We just ended up in conflict with the Silver Fang.”

“Can’t say I’ve heard of them,” Runa commented.

“They’re not that important. A mid tier sect in the Trigold Cluster at best. But I suppose you wouldn’t have much news about things happening beyond the Exalted Quadrant.”

“Nothing except the big stuff. Like the Twin Soul Sect collapsing.”

“We might be able to relay more information in the future,” Velvet said. “Though most of the events really shouldn’t affect you.”

Runa nodded. “The Exalted Quadrant is a massive barrier from any sort of interactions beyond them. I’m honestly surprised you managed to make it back here. And on a significantly less stealthy ship.” She looked it up and down. “It’s weird.”

“We’ll talk about that later,” Velvet said. Runa would have to be entrusted with sufficient information, especially with the void ants coming from the lower realms. But speaking about it near a random planet that she wasn’t sure was fully secure would be a bit awkward.


With escort from the Spirit Slicing Sect, the rest of their journey through Chaotic Conglomeration territory was simpler. They were able to move deeper without constantly needing to send messages ahead, and the other ships provided a useful veil of obscurity for their actions. When they finally arrived back at Renov, Runa was overflowing with questions.

“This ship is far worse,” she commented. “Have you lost favor within the Scarlet Alliance somehow? But then, how would you be here for this? Assuming you do intend to continue the cooperation efforts…”

“We can tell you,” Velvet said. “I’ll bring Misi and Juli, as well as some other guests. But we need to be somewhere we won’t be overheard… preferably even by other members of your sect.”

Runa gave Velvet a look. “I trust the elders of my sect with my life. But I presume you already know that. However, meeting alone with so many might give off impressions of a lack of control.”

“You could bring your father or another you trust. But Misi and Juli will be those with the highest energy besides myself.”

Runa nodded. “I do trust you as well, of course. I simply must keep up proper appearances.”


Soon enough, Velvet found herself back in Renov’s void ore mines. They had been a key component of her prior visit, and she was quickly met by Mundi- now a foreman of sorts. He looked excited to see her, then slightly disappointed. “No Durff?” he asked.

Velvet nodded. “Most of those who have come with me will be staying long term. We do have a recording you might like to see, though.”

The assault on Gniteria had their stealth ships quite far from the planet itself, and thus their recordings of what happened were relatively minimal. Almost useless, unless one was particularly interested in seeing the planet tremble at various points. One of which was of course the mine collapse. Technically, Durff had been doing exactly the thing miners didn’t want- but it demonstrated a clear understanding of his time and effort.

Mundi nodded. “We do appreciate the technology the twin sages provided, and I see they have returned,” he inclined his head. “Do you have anything else of interest to our industry, sage Juli?”

“I’m a sage now?” she asked. She didn’t wait for a response, though. “We’ve got sizable stores of information. Don’t worry, we didn’t forget you. We’ve got permission to provide a more complete picture of non-energetic technology. Though perhaps your people here have reproduced some of that already.”

“Well, not much changed down in the mines. But I hear some places have taken to having more mechanical air circulation instead of relying entirely on formations.”

Misi pat one of his storage bags. “We actually have architectural designs that show ways to build passive structures that require very little active input to remain optimally comfortable. If not, power draws can grow out of proportion when you’re not careful.”

“Well, I don’t know if I’ll have much to do with that,” Mundi said. “But I appreciate having you back. We still work hard down here, but the results are much better.”

The group continued on, taking a tour of the mines. It was not particularly notable, since they had significant interests in the mines previously.

Eventually, Emrik, Runa, Velvet, and the twins all ended up in a section of the mines that had not yet been expanded into except for exploratory tunnels. There was no one around who could hear them speak… and listening in with energy was even more impossible.

“It seems you decided not to bring your other companions,” Runa’s father commented.

“That is not the case,” Velvet said. “They are here, waiting to be properly introduced. I was thinking that we might answer Runa’s questions about our ship first… but I realize now that it would be quite awkward.” There wasn’t a better way to do this than just getting it done, she decided. “May I present to you the queen, Crossed Antennae.” Velvet reached her finger behind her neck, touching just under the neck of her clothing. Then she held Crossed Antennae out in front of her.

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The void ant gave a fanciful bow- even those who did not understand void ant mannerisms would understand the gesture, as it was made specifically to appeal to humans. Then she began to sign.

“She says she is pleased to meet you,” Misi translated. “And that she is sorry that she cannot communicate her own words verbally.”

Emrik looked the most surprised, though Runa had certainly been taken off guard as well. Runa was the one who recovered first and was able to speak. “We have heard of the non-human members of your alliance, of course. I still must admit to find myself in front of an insectoid. You would be from Akrys, correct?”

“That is technically the case,” Misi said, translating still. However, she would like to clarify that-” he looked towards Velvet, not because he was unaware of Crossed Antennae’s meaning, but because of security concerns.

“We will be sharing everything relevant,” Velvet said. “Crossed Antennae was indeed born on Akrys, but her people as a whole hail from Ceretos.”

“That’s the planet you ascended from, correct?” Emrik asked.

“Indeed,” Velvet said. That part hadn’t been kept secret. The extent of their ongoing connection, however, hadn’t been fully revealed. “Though it should be noted that Crossed Antennae has not ascended.”

Runa gave Velvet a look. “But she was born in the lower realms. And she’s here.” Her eyes flick to Crossed Antennae, but of course she hadn’t spontaneously learned the sign language over the past few minutes.

“Correct. We had to take a very special ship.”

Emrik frowned. “You have something capable of taking people directly from the lower realms into the upper realms? That is astounding but… perhaps lacking in use. As the one who set me on the path of Augmentation, I know you understand how that would ruin a cultivator’s path.”

Misi translated Crossed Antennae’s response. “The queen says that it is good that she is not a cultivator, then. For her people, it is not an issue in the slightest.”

Runa eyed Velvet suspiciously. “And her people are?”

“Void ants,” Velvet just ripped off the bandage. It had to be said, after all. “You might have heard about them before.”

“We have heard…” Runa looked at Velvet’s finger, choosing her words carefully. “That the Exalted Quadrant recently came into conflict with some.”

Misi continued to translate, his voice kept even. “The queen wishes to inform you that she is aware that the Exalted Quadrant sees her people as a blight to be exterminated- like the insects that they are. And also that she is not given to petty insults like mentioning that the people of the Exalted Quadrant have brains smaller than that of void ants.”

Runa snorted, then caught herself. She looked slightly worried she might have offended someone.

Crossed Antennae added a few more words. “She says she appreciates you reacting to her joke. In truth, the Exalted Quadrant actually have enormous heads.”

Runa relaxed slightly. “I think I like you. Queen, is it?”

Crossed Antennae tried to protest, but Misi was the translator. “She is a daughter of the Great Queen of the void ants. She has borne many colonies of her own. And so whether she likes the title, she is certainly a queen. But she prefers to be called Crossed Antennae, as she chose the name herself.”

“Alright,” Runa said. “So may I ask… why you are here?”

Velvet explained that, simply because it was more efficient- though when Crossed Antennae had relevant comments, they were always brought up. “... and so, our intention is that they are our enforcement methods. But I promise that they are steadfast allies who will support you against the Exalted Quadrant, should it become necessary.”

“A terrifying proposition,” Emrik said. “Their discovery would bring much risk upon us.”

Velvet nodded. “They are willing to let you deny knowledge of their existence. Or… we can entirely forgo their presence- but in the Scarlet Alliance’s interests, we would have to vastly limit the information we can provide.”

Runa looked at Crossed Antennae. “So your people eat energy? Directly sever it from cultivators?”

“Or free energy,” Crossed Antennae clarified.

“... Can you show us?” Runa asked. “Obviously, I mean once we’re somewhere it’s possible.”

Velvet kept her smile internal. She had mentioned that aspect precisely to spark the curiosity of the Spirit Slicing Sect. They were quite similar to void ants in that way. Perhaps there was even some ancient connection… or it could be a coincidence, based on finding metal with similar properties to the void ants’ chitin.

Crossed Antennae, of course, indicated she would gladly demonstrate.

“We will need time to think on this,” Emrik said.

“Of course,” Velvet agreed. “It’s not as if we expect you to make such a decisive choice about your future on the spot. Especially since it carries certain risks. But I can promise you, the information we have is of great value, matched only by a symbiotic relationship with void ants. They’re a significant factor in how we won the war in the lower realms.”

“... We?” Runa tilted her head.

“Indeed,” Velvet said. “We. Because while the Scarlet Alliance operates in the upper realms, we are still tied to the lower realms. It’s a much more effective way to get materials from the lower realms than trying to colonize the planets or invade them every cycle. It helps us raise more effective cultivators.”

It was a very significant revelation… but aside from trusting Runa and Emrik, Velvet knew that the Chaotic Conglomeration as a whole had nothing to gain from revealing such information to the Exalted Quadrant. They were enemies, after all. Though it would be best kept a high ranking secret so that no opportunistic traitor types thought to try to sell the information for some personal benefit.

Aside from the various revelations, Velvet resolved to get Runa and Emrik as much exposure to void ants as was reasonable in the near future. That included lessons in their sign language- direct communication would make them much more at ease. The fear of void ants came from a lack of understanding.

Well, understanding didn’t necessarily solve things- because then people would know how dangerous they were. But cultivators were also dangerous. You just needed them to be your allies. Centuries of details about how the void ants had lived with the people of the lower realms in harmony would be quite helpful for acclimatizing the sect leaders.

Crossed Antennae was also invested in being accepted, because she had grown fond of the upper realms- and the Scarlet Alliance couldn’t safely accept her among their members. Not just yet. Though perhaps that needed to change as well. The one difference was that the Chaotic Conglomeration was already being threatened with potential extermination. The risks weren’t quite the same… but it was also hard to say they were allies with the void ants if they constrained them to the lower realms.

Another project to look into in the future. Simply because the void ants accepted their reasoning didn’t mean it was right to exclude them. Though Velvet would feel better if the Scarlet Alliance at least had a Domination cultivator first. That should only take… an unknown number of centuries or maybe a millennium or two.

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