Elemental Cats

Chapter 279 Pirate Meet (22)

Toz, Wulf, Red Hook, and the Representative sat around a round table outside the greenhouse at the Bunglehopper base. Each of them had one or two followers standing behind them. Wulf had Hayar and Stitches. Avian and Metra stood behind Red Hook. Toz didn't know their names, but two cultists stood behind the Representative.

Since Toz didn't have a lot of actual human followers, he only had Brunswick standing behind him. But that was enough to show he acted independently from Wulf and the Bunglehoppers. Toz had mostly done stuff alongside the Bunglehoppers ever since he arrived at Pirate Haven. It was inevitable, considering his relationship with Hods and Stitches, but it wouldn't work if he wanted to achieve his goal of traveling to Pirate Haven.

For Red Hook and the Representative to accept his position as King of Pirates, they had to be sure they wouldn't suffer from unfair treatment due to Toz's closeness to the Bunglehoppers.

Wulf waited for Toz to bring up his objective of holding the meeting and coming to Pirate Haven, so he wasn't saying anything, and neither was the Representative, who wasn't talkative unless it concerned the Void or Nihiltas. And Toz waited for a suitable opportunity since it wouldn't be easy convincing the two crew leaders to support him in becoming the Pirate King, so Red Hook was the only one who talked.

Red Hook didn't mind taking the initiative since it allowed her to propose things that suited her and her crew. However, she was gradually growing frustrated due to the reactions of the others. None of them seemed interested in whatever suggestion she came up with and shared with them.

The Representative flat-out refused anything that wasn't unfairly beneficial to him, and Wulf and Toz used half-hearted excuses to reject her suggestions. Eventually, Red Hook couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want, you stubborn bastards?! You're like a bunch of children, expecting me to solve everything without doing anything yourselves! Is this a meeting or a play where you are acting as brick walls?!"

The Representative was as nonchalant as ever and practically ignored Red Hook's outburst. Wulf avoided Red Hook's gaze awkwardly since he was only following Toz's lead and couldn't refute what she said.

Toz let Red Hook take a deep breath and sit back down to calm herself slightly before he said anything.

"I know what I want, but I don't think you'll agree to it."

Red Hook looked at Toz and sighed.

"Whatever. Just let me hear it."

"I want to become the Pirate King of Pirate Haven."


Red Hook stared blankly at Toz. His words even managed to surprise the Representative enough to make him look up.

Red Hook didn't address Toz the next time she spoke. She looked at Wulf and noticed his lack of surprise.

"You knew? Are you lot in on this together? Is that why we're having the meeting here? So you can use force to try and convince us? I agreed for Tasha and his family's sake, but if this is how you're going to play it, don't blame me if things go sideways."

Red Hook was about to stand up and leave.

"I think you've misunderstood something here. We're not meeting here for our sake. It's in consideration of you."

Red Hook was confused at Toz's words and involuntarily looked at him.

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"Would you be able to go all out if we fought at one of your islands or someplace else, like Retsy's or something? Here you don't have to worry about destroying your property or businesses. On the other hand, Wulf and I have to worry and limit the damage if we fight here."

"So you willingly gave us the advantage so you could try and convince us with your words instead of letting a fight break out?"

"Is that what it sounded like I meant? I wanted to convey that even with that handicap, I'm confident I'll come out victorious. However, I can't guarantee your survival."

Red Hook and her followers looked slightly shocked but mostly angry at Toz's words.

Red Hook said through gritted teeth,

"Wanna put that to the test?"

Avian's birds returned from flying around the city, and the mana around all three pirates from the Red Hook Pirate Crew stirred. All three of them were a fly buzzing too close to them from exploding and attacking Toz.

Toz was still seated as he looked at Red Hook for a second before making his move.

Red Hook's eyes grew vacant as if she was lost in a daydream. Her mana, which was on the verge of boiling over, cooled down. Her tightly clenched jaw relaxed.

Avian and Metra noticed the abrupt change in Red Hook, but before they could catch her completely slack body, Toz moved.

With a barely noticeable flash of light, Toz blinked past Red Hook and her two subordinates. In the same movement, he also pulled out his sword.

Avian and Metra barely had time to react before Toz was behind them with a sword pointing at Avian and a ball of fire ready to set Metra on fire.

Before anyone could do anything further, Red Hook straightened her body which had been about to fall. She instinctively turned to look at where Toz had been seated before she sensed the situation and turned around to see Toz hold her two subordinates' lives hostage.

Red Hook had been slightly slower than Dristel in breaking free from Toz's spell, but it still hadn't been more than a few moments. Yet those few moments had been enough for Toz to surprise attack and overwhelm her two subordinates.

Red Hook could only sigh and admit defeat. It was obvious Toz didn't want to kill them, but he would do it if he had to. If it weren't for Toz needing Red Hook to control her crew, he could have easily slit her throat during the few moments she was trapped in the infinite darkness.

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