Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 144: Search and protection of floating island

Chapter 144: Search and protection of floating island

After the meeting, we decided on a plan and I started to take action. First, cut down the trees. Yug-san, who saw it nearby, was impatient for some reason.

"Uoo! I can't lose this one!!"

She cut down the trees faster than me. That's the difference between a professional and a novice.

After I finished cutting down the trees, I summoned Aranea. I ask it to give me some thread and offer it to Yug-san and the others. At first, we used hard thread, but it turned out that the durability of the tree would decrease, so we used soft thread.

Log out at this point. I decided to make the raft tomorrow morning. I don't think it will be stolen, but just in case, you never know.

On the morning of the fourth day of the event, I did some production work and then finished the raft with Setia. Yug-san and the others are also making a lot of rafts. It's a good time to earn points.

Then the raft is completed and we do a trial run. Why would we do that?

Because it's safe to fall into the lake!

That's what they all said to me. That's true, but I think this reason is terrible.

The ride was pretty good. The soft thread I was worried about was not a problem. I've got Ion and the others escorting me, but it doesn't seem to be a problem, does it?

When I came back from the test drive, Ruin-san and the others were there.

"Good morning"

"Good morning. Thank you for your hard work on the test run. Everything looks good, right?"

"No problems for now, it seems. No enemy attack"

"Yeah. But let's not let our guard down. It seems that the attack over there was a disaster"

According to the bulletin board, it seems that they challenged the Berserk King Kong twice each with 3 Legions, for a total of six times and were annihilated. The strength of Berserk King Kong stands out.

"It didn't work at all. The only thing we found out was that the first mysterious skill or martial art he uses is evil"

Hee. I'm curious.

"What's it like?"

"It's a skill that forces you to fight in close quarters for once"

"...Against Berserk King Kong?"

"Yes...the rearguard will be wiped out in close combat as their magic skills are blocked. The warriors were also wiped out when their shield defense and evasion were blocked

It's terrible...how do we capture it?

"I've heard that salvation takes some time to activate but the distance makes it impossible to interfere"

"Have you tried paralysis?"

"Yes. They've tried everything, but the resistances...they've been neutralized"

No luck...what would I do? If it's martial arts, I can use rune arts but considering the time I have, I'd say skills are more likely. When it comes to that, I have no choice but to launch a surprise attack.

"Do you think there's anything we can do?"

"I don't know until I give it a try...but I don't want to fight it because I have a phobia of monkeys"

They all fought in close quarters, which means they were most likely body-pressed...twice...and may Keigo and the others rest in peace.

"Usually I want points and go hunting, but I'm not good at enemies and I don't go to battle like Takuto-kun"

Well, normally I'd go get points. But we've been told not to come, so for now we'll prioritize the floating island.

After everyone was ready, we set off for the floating island.

I suddenly wondered what it would be like to have the raft pulled by Chess and it was comfortable. A speed race would be overwhelming.

However, he was also our escort, so I shouldn't get carried away.

But there was no need for an escort...on the contrary, it made it all the more suspicious.

We all arrived at the floating island and began our search. My group consisted of Lily, Ion, Setia, Koihi and Gray. The first strange feeling I had was when we landed.


"What's wrong? Takuto-san?"

"No, the ground feels strange, doesn't it?"

We all checked.

"It's definitely hard..."

"What? I can't lift this soil!?"

Yuuna-san said and Rekku-san challenged it.

"Aryaaa! Daaa!? It's no good...what the hell is this"

I've never heard of soil that can't be lifted.

But the forest is normal...normal forest even though the ground is strange...it's all very suspicious...and I was right.

I discovered a huge metal door. I'm getting a little excited.

All the players try to touch it, but there is no response. No matter how hard we push or pull, it's impossible. After some discussion, I cast a spell on it. Then there was a response! Oh!

Hostile response detected. Start repelling at Rank D

Then a magic circle unfolded and a giant robot appeared. Seriously~!?

It's a robot!!

The male players rejoiced. Of course, me too! Oh no! I want to ride it!

But the next moment, a laser shot out of the robot's eyes. The male players' faces melted...apparently it's angry.

I, Im sorry

Everyone in the room apologized, but it didn't seem like it was in a forgiving mood. It looks like were going to be forced into combat with it.

"Anyway, rear guard, attack with magic! Vanguard, close combat!"


Ruin-san gave the order. The players follow her instructions. She's totally in command.

"Takuto-san, what about us?"

Rook asks. I'm going to lead them? But I don't know how strong they are.

"We'll have to attack it anyway. We'll take care of the Robot. Everyone just spread out. If we stick together, we're targets"


"G, Good luck!"

Then, let's go!

"Summon Legion!"

I'll summon everyone. I'll mount Liqueur. Luna dances and everyone gets buffed. Let's do this!

First, Kurogane is hostile. He tries to land a punch, but the robot's eyes light up and hit Kurogane. The laser pierces through Kurogane and Kurogane is knocked down. Kurogane hit!?

But we bought ourselves some time! Setia and the other magic-capable summoned beasts, tame monsters and the magic-capable players all attacked the robot at once. But the magic is nullified by the invisible wall around the robot.

Wait a minute!? The barrier is a foul!?

Now all mages are useless. But not yet!


Gray unleashes a shockwave of roars, but the barrier doesn't even falter. I'm not sure if my skills are up to the task...then I guess I'll have to use melee combat!

Ion and the other fast summoned beasts and tame monsters engage in melee combat.

Then the robot stretches out its arms and the lower part of its arms glows with countless lights. Oh no!

"All of you, dodge! Kitsuneko! Illusion!"

"Evade! Everyone!"

"Don't stop! Run and distract it!"

All of us took evasive action and I got Kitsuneko to use its illusion, but it didn't seem to work on the robot. My team members, Kotetsu and Chess, protected Lily and Koihi, and were burned by lasers. Puyosuke, who was attached to Chess, also transformed and tried to protect them, but it was no use. Those guys...I watched you guys do it!

Then Lily, Ion, Koihi, Gale, Byakuya, Yuuga, Sabik, Airy, Kitsuneko and Seguro attacked the robot.


But it's blocked by the barrier! Damn, it's no good.

What do we do? Even if I sink it into the bottomless swamp, it's useless if it shoots a beam at me.

Just as I'm thinking about it, a bolt of lightning strikes the robot's body. Oh, no!

"Everyone, get away!"

Gale, Byakuya and Yuuga push Lily and the others away.

The next moment, Gale and the others are hit by electric shocks.



"Yuuga-san...for us..."

Fighting spirit dwells in the eyes of Lily and others. Sabik and Seguro have also been charred by the current blow. Damn!

Ruin-san says to me.

"There's no doubt about it...this is a loss event"

"Loss event?"

"It's an event that has been decided to lose. That robot is so screwed up"

Mel might be right about this being a loss event. Even if you try to retreat, you can't use Return. You won't be able to escape from the robot except with a return. So what to do? The answer is obvious.

Kotetsu and the others fought well. Then I'm obligated to answer them. I'll use my synchro skill.

Gray. Get the Robot's attention. I know you can do it


Lily, Ion, Koihi. Get back here. I have an idea



Gray has a good sense of danger. He's the only one who can take care of the Robot.

"I'm an idiot, so I'll just keep fighting"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. I would rather die fighting a robot than run away and die"

Rekku-san, Rook, Senta-san and Raiden agree with this opinion.

"I'll take you up on that offer. Takuto"

"Me too"

"I think the admins made a mistake"

"If they send out cheat bots, there's no way we're going to be beaten straight away, is there?"

Then, one after another, they voiced their approval.

"Of course not. It's a robot, right?"

"We can fight robots, right?"

"We're Japanese, aren't we?"

Japanese boys love robots! If they can die fighting robots, so be it!

That's right! We're all in this together!

"Men are stupid"

"Yes, they are. But if you can't escape, you have to fight, right?"


When Ruin-san was talking to Mel, Mew, Yug and Risa shouted.

"If you think that only boys like robots, you're wrong!"

"That's right! There are girls who like robots too!"

"Let me fight a robot!"

Ruin-san and Mel laughed.

"Let's fight..."


As a result, everyone participated. To be honest, I'm grateful.

"I have a suggestion"

I tell them about my plan, which I'm not sure I can do.

"That's a great idea...can you do it?"

"I don't know, but I'd like to try"

I'm aware that I'm being quite reckless. However I think this is the only way to get a shot off.

"Lily wants to do it too!"

"Me too"

"It would be exhilarating"

"I want to do it for Kotetsu-san and the others"

When Lily and the others agreed, everyone became motivated. So, let's start the mission, shall we?

I return Route in his summoning stone. Route is my trump card.

I'll use Aranea's hard thread. I'll ask Aranea to use the Entrust of the producers to make a large amount of hard thread.

We'll make a long, stiff rope by layering several long strands of hard thread. I'm ready.

I ride Darley. I lend Tristan Liqueur.

Tristan and I hold the stiff line and Ion and Koihi hold theirs.

We both plunge into the robot's leg at the same time.

The robot's aim changes from Gray to us.



Konoha uses feather throwing and feathers fall on the Robot. Although it can be prevented by a barrier, Robot's aim is toward Konoha.

Dodge! Konoha!


He folds his wings and swoops down to dodge the beam, allowing Hiyori and Himari to attack the robot. The robot's attention turns to Himari, who attacks later.

As he swoops down, Konoha spreads his wings before hitting the ground and attacks the robot's barrier with his ice blade from a low altitude, then flees into the sky.

While Konoha and the others fought in tandem, we circled around one of the robot's legs and left the scene.

The robot tries to attack us, but Gray attacks again and we deal with the robot.

The plan I came up with was simple. I wanted to pull one of the robot's legs with a string and try to pry it off. That's it.

I think it's absurd. But Lily and the others' swords were able to touch the barrier. So it should be possible. Fortunately, there are still many summoned beasts and tame monsters here. So there's no chance.

The robot ignores the rope wrapped around one of his legs.

We're back to the players and we're ready to go!

Legion summon!

The summoners who can summon Legion summon all of their summoned beasts at once.


All of them pulled on the rope and one of the robot's legs slightly lifted off the ground!

It's done~!!

It's done! It's amazing! To be honest, I didn't think we could do it, but now we have!

"Come on! Route! Get those feet off the ground!"


The summoned Route swipes at the slightly floating leg and the robot loses its balance completely and collapses!



The players cheered. But...

Reset the evaluation of the existence of hostility. Intercept at Rank C

An armament is added to the robot. The thrusters blow out from its back and it rises.

Then the hatches on both shoulders open and a number of missiles are released.

Yeah. It's over...but we don't have a shred of regret. I'll bring Lily and the others back. Lily and the others don't have to die.

The other players do the same.

And we all return to death with missiles.

It's an honor to think that the first death return in this game was a missile attack by an angry robot.

Name Takuto Intermediate Summoner Lv10

Vitality 44

Magic Power 88

Strength 31

Defense 22

Agility 28

Dexterity 63


Fighting Lv7

Kicking Lv14

Staff Lv19

One-handed Sword Lv10

Throwing Lv3

High-Speed Chanting Lv9

Summoning Magic Lv21

Seal Magic Lv3

Alchemy Lv9

Mining Lv14

Logging Lv11Lv13

Dismantling Lv22

Appraisal Lv12

Identification Lv18

Wind Magic Lv20

Fire Magic Lv21

Earth Magic Lv21

Water Magic Lv20

Dark Magic Lv20

Light Magic Lv27

Lightning Magic Lv19

Explosion Magic Lv18

Wood Magic Lv18

Ice Magic Lv16

Space-time Magic Lv17

Swimming Lv5

Reading Lv8

Cooking Lv26

Feeding Lv6

Fishing Lv14

Synchro Lv4Lv5

Name Setia Elf Lv26

Vitality 32

Magic Power 82

Strength 24

Defense 19

Agility 21

Dexterity 82


Staff Lv9

Bow Lv6

Woodworking Lv6Lv8

Collecting Lv10

Dose Lv5

Wind Magic Lv3

Fire Magic Lv7

Water Magic Lv12

Earth Magic Lv13

Wood Magic Lv15

Tree Magic Lv5

Elven Knowledge Lv10Lv11

Spirit Summoning Lv4

Name: Gray Silver Wolf Lv1

Vitality 45

Magic Power 25

Strength 60

Defense 30

Agility 60

Dexterity 35


Bite Lv16

Silver Claw Lv4Lv5

Iron Wall Lv4

Sign Detection Lv14

Night Vision Lv13

Danger Detection Lv10Lv12

Silver Fang Lv12

Gale Lv4Lv6

Roar Lv4Lv5

Name Konoha Snow Owl Lv1

Vitality 48

Magic Power 51

Strength 36

Defense 34

Agility 40

Dexterity 56


Surprise Attack Lv14Lv15

Flying Lv1819

Ice Claw Lv8

Feather Throwing Lv1Lv2

Night Vision Lv11

Sign Isolation Lv10

Wind Magic Lv14

Water Magic Lv10

Ice Magic Lv15

Ice Blade Lv1Lv2

Cold Resistance Lv1

Name Hiyori Hawk Lv10

Vitality 28

Magic Power 29

Strength 40

Defense 20

Agility 38

Dexterity 22


Flight Lv11Lv12

Assault Lv7Lv8

Claw Lv9Lv10

Wind Magic Lv10

Name Liqueur One-horned Horse Lv5

Vitality 26

Magic Power 2

Strength 27

Defense 18

Agility 43

Dexterity 35


Horn Strike Lv7

Kicking Lv3

Rush Lv7

Riding Lv14Lv15

Sprint Lv9Lv10

Name Sabik Black Mamba Lv2

Vitality 36

Magic Power 10

Strength 26

Defense 15

Agility 25

Dexterity 20


Bite Lv4Lv5

Coiling Lv4

Deadly Poison Lv4Lv5

Heat Detection Lv2

Name Aranea Giant Spider Lv10

Vitality 31

Magic Power 24

Strength 21

Defense 14

Agility 17

Dexterity 56


Bite Lv3

Sticky Thread Lv7

Soft Thread Lv3Lv7

Hard Thread Lv12Lv13

Trap Setting Lv12

Thread Detection Lv5

Name Kitsuneko Wild Fox Lv6

Vitality 22

Magic Power 36

Strength 32

Defense 13

Agility 32

Dexterity 22


Bite Lv5

Sign Detection Lv6

Fire Magic Lv5

Night Vision Lv5

Fox Fire Lv6

Sorcery Lv2

Illusion Lv3Lv4

Possession Lv2

Name Airy Ibex Lv5

Vitality 43

Magic Power 19

Strength 25

Defense 17

Agility 33

Dexterity 18


Horn Attack Lv2Lv3

Climbing Lv1

Danger Detection Lv3Lv4

Leap Lv1

Gale Lv2Lv3

Light Magic Lv6

Milking Lv4

Name Darley Thouroughbred Lv5

Vitality 23

Magic Power 2

Strength 17

Defense 15

Agility 53

Dexterity 37


Kicking Lv3

Rush Lv3Lv5

Riding Lv15Lv16

Dash Lv7Lv8

Strengthen Horsemanship Lv8Lv9

Name Himari Hawk Lv3

Vitality 24

Magic Power 23

Strength 30

Defense 18

Agility 26

Dexterity 20


Flight Lv5Lv7

Assault Lv3Lv4

Claw Lv3Lv5

Wind Magic Lv3

Name Luna Fairy Lv4

Vitality 23

Magic Power 41

Strength 15

Defense 20

Agility 36

Dexterity 28


Flight Lv4Lv6

Lyre Lv1

Dance Lv3Lv4

Fascinating Scales Lv2

Wind Magic Lv3

Wood Magic Lv3

Illusion Lv1


Author note:

This is the first time youve seen a cheat robot that destroys the fantasy world. And it was the first time that Takuto returned to death. As expected, Takuto couldn't beat the cheat robot.

I think the robot combat was pretty badly done, especially the rubbing part. My intention was to write a story where the player, summoned beasts and tame monsters are united in their vain struggle.

Also, I'd like to add something. This robot will recognize anyone who attacks the door or is involved in an attack as an enemy and a forced raid battle will occur. In other words, even if you don't attack, any party or legion that includes the attacking player will be attacked.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.