Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 148: Holy Dragon Trial

Chapter 148: Holy Dragon Trial

When I opened my eyes, there was no ground and no sky. It's just a white space. I think it's a strange space. Even though it's only white, it makes me think that this is a sacred place.


Oh, it's Lily. It looks like no one else is here.

"Takuto. Where are Ion and the others?"

"They're not here. Lily, do you know where we are?"

"I don't know!"

I'm sure you do...now what are we supposed to do? But then I hear a third voice.

This is one of the worlds I rule

The voice owner sounded like a lady with a gentle atmosphere. Then the pure white world glowed brightly. The light soon transformed into the form of a giant Western dragon, which manifested itself.

A beautiful dragon. Such a poor answer was all I could come up with. I guess this is what you call a dragon of light.

"A, Awawa...wawawawawa..."

Lily started to tremble. I've never seen Lily like this before. Then the dragon came forward.

I am the Holy Shining Dragon King, the Dawn Dragon. I am the dragon that brings the light of dawn to the world

"Ho, Holy Shining Dragon King!?"

Lily panicked and got down on her knees. You're not saying it right.

"Ta, Takuto, bow down quickly!"

Eh. Even if you say that.

It's fine as it is. I'm the one who invited you here

You invited us?

That's right. I have seen all of your adventures through Lily. As the Dragon King, I would like to thank you for taking such good care of Lily

You read my mind so easily. This Dragon King.

"No, Lily has really helped me a lot. It's me who should be grateful"


Huhu. You guys make a great team. But I have to give you guys a test

Ah. It's time to get down to business.

First of all, Lily. You have to choose. Whether to awaken the power of an dragon

"Will awakening the dragon's power make me stronger than before?"

It will definitely make you stronger

"Th, Then!"

But to awaken the power of a dragon is to become that much closer to the form of a dragon. Are you ready to give up your current form?


Lily exclaimed. It would be so. Anyone who is suddenly told to abandon their appearance will do so.


Lily looks at me with anxiety. I'll talk to the Holy Shining Dragon King.

"This is what Lily decides, right?"

Yes. But I also want to hear your readiness as a summoner

I see. I'll have to answer when asked.

"Then, excuse me...for me, Lily is Lily no matter what she looks like. It never changes. This is my answer"

"Takuto...Ho, Holy Shining Dragon King. I've made up my mind! Lily wants to be strong! Lily is Takuto's summoned beast and a Dragonewt! Then I won't hesitate anymore!"

I think the Holy Shining Dragon King gave a gentle smile at Lily's answer.

Your determination and thoughts. I did hear it. I will awaken Lily's dragon blood in accordance with my family's request

Lily's body shone with light. Then the evolution began.

When the evolution was over, there was a pseudo-dragonized Lily who had grown to the size of a junior high school student. What is this...?

Pseudo-dragonification is a skill to exert the power of a dragon for a limited time and at the same time, it is to reduce the anxiety of the user as much as possible when it evolves

Oh, that's terrible. You could have told us so.

I'm sorry. I've decided that it's better to be prepared to make a decision without telling you than to be prepared to make a decision by telling you

That would be better, though. Then Lily asked me with concern.

"E...Emm...it's not weird, is it? Takuto?"

"No, it's not weird at all. Your hair has grown long and you're getting prettier"

In fact, she's gotten cuter. The proof is that her outfit is a yellow and white dress. I'm not sure I'd call her a young girl anymore.


Now, what happened to the evolved Lily?

Name Lily Dragonewt Lv30 Dragonewt Cura Lv1

Vitality 4060

Magic Power 3242

Strength 85105

Defense 2742

Agility 2439

Dexterity 2035


Bare-handed Lv6 Light Fist Lv6

Flight Lv4

One-handed Sword Lv21

Large Sword Lv12

Rengeki Lv1

Fighting Spirit Lv10 Tempering Spirit Lv10

Light Magic Lv1

Light Wave Motion Lv1

Dragon Technique Lv4

Pseudo-dragonification Lv4 Dragonification Lv4

Holy Dragon's Blessing Lv1

Strength 105! Was Lily the first to exceed 100 in status?

Skills have also increased considerably. Flying and dragon techniques used at the time of pseudo-dragonification have been added. Bare-handed evolved into light fist. Is it effective against Undead?

What is Rengeki? Is it a skill that allows you to use martial arts techniques in succession? If so, it's evil. Even more so if it's Lily. I'm not sure if the holy dragon blessing and tempering spirit are buffs or not.

The only thing that puzzles me is the light wave. I'm sure there's a theory about light waves, but I don't know much about it.

Finally, the pseudo-dragonification evolved into dragonification. At last, she's a dragon.

I feel like the number of vicious skills has increased a lot. This is the Lily that awakened to the power of the dragon... Her race's name is Dragonewt Cura. This name is...

I named Lily so that she can heal and support you forever

I knew it was Italian. It must have meant something like care.

Now that evolution is complete, we will begin the trial once again

Eh!? You haven't finished yet!?

Yes. Please show your potential

Then the light gathered and another Lily appeared. However, she was wearing paladin armor and holding two huge swords.

And there are red lightning bolts all over her body and her eyes are full of hostility.

Uh...this one...identifies.

Dragonewt Cura Lv1

Event Monster Rampage State Active

I've created a rampage Lily. Please stop her with your own hands

"Emm...the equipment looks completely different, doesn't it?"

It's the parental love that made her

You're going to end it with that one word!?

In this space, everything you want will appear. How you use it is up to you

Is that fair? Then a drug that cures the rampage state!

A syringe filled with a mysterious drug appears in my hand. If I inject myself with this, I'm done.

When Lily sees it, she panics.

"Wh, What's that? Takuto would never use something like that on Lily, right? Isn't that right?"

Ah, it's true that it was made, but injecting a girl who looks like Lily is a bit terrible.

When we are doing that, fake Lily rushes into the room.

"...Heavy Slash"

"I'm not going to lose! Heavy Slash!"

The two of them are evenly matched in the power of their Heavy Slashes. They both bounce off each other, but fake Lily's other large sword is ready.

"...Heavy Slash!"

"No way!? Tempering Spirit! Kyaaaa!?"

Lily was unexpectedly hit by the second Heavy Slash. However, Lily used her tempering spirit in a hurry. Apparently, fighting spirit was only strength, but tempering spirit seems to be a skill that also raises defense.

And then the fake Lily came to me.

If you can get what you want, this fellow should also be able to do it. Please come because I ask.

It's the only Japanese sword I've ever held in my hand.

The design, the weight, it's perfect. It's amazing.

I hold up the sword. Then fake Lily's sword shines. What is it?

"...Light Wave Motion"

When fake Lily raises her glowing sword, a huge light shoots out at me.

Da, Danger. If I hadn't jumped to the side, I would have been hit directly. Lily's viciousness has increased considerably.

Fake Lily is slashing at me. It looks like she can't fire that move repeatedly.

"...Dragon Claw"

I know that move. It's impossible to catch, so I avoid it.

Then fake Lily holds up her other large sword.

"...Heavy Slash"

She still can't do the Dragon Claw sequence, can she? I was waiting for this. I parry the Heavy Slash and told the gaping fake Lily...

Please stop it with your own hands

I poked her on the forehead. That's the end of the punishment for rampaging.


I hold the image of a staff and hold it up to the huddled fake Lily, who is holding her forehead.


This is the magic that put Lily to sleep before. However, the magic of sleep was not decided. It seems that it was invalidated by the aura of light worn by Fake Lily. Is that the ability of the Holy Dragon Blessing?

If this happens, this is the only way to stop the rampaging fake Lily.


Poked in the forehead and angry fake Lily wields a large sword.

On the other hand, I offered what I imagined to fake Lily.

Then, Fake Lily's movements stopped. I've won.

"Ah!? Wh, What's that!?"

Huhu. I see. Really come

What I presented was the sirloin steak I had made before. When I move the sirloin steak, the line of sight of the fake lily moves.

"You can eat this if you stop running amok. What do you say?"

"...I'll stop"

Fake Lily's outburst stops.

"It's off...give it to me now"

"Ah. Enjoy it"


The fake Lily bites into the sirloin steak and smiles happily.

Then the real Lily comes rushing over.

"Takuto! Lily, too! Give that to Lily too!"

Yes, yes. But even if I imagine it, it won't come out...what?

The trial is over. It won't come out even if you want it to

"That! There's still some left"

"...Thank you for the food"

It's Lily. Would you leave some for me? You wouldn't?


Huhu. This is the end of my trial. I pray that there will be light on your journey

When the Holy Shining Dragon King said this, the world shone brightly again.

When I opened my eyes, I was in my original place. Everyone is there.

"Uwaaah! Lily's meat~!!"

The evolved Lily is shouting.

"Wh, What's going on? Takuto-san"

Ion asks me that...there was a lot going on.

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