Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 184: Freetia Knights Training Match 2

Chapter 184: Freetia Knights Training Match 2

Third Match

The opponent was the slender twin-sword user next to Princess Sarah. He would definitely be strong.

He stepped forward and announced himself.

"I'm Brass, captain of the second squad of the Freetia Imperial Guards. Let's play this match in a normal way"

His opponent is Ion.

"I am Ion of Liebling. I will fight you with all my might"

Both of them have twin swords as their weapons and both of them are smart and fast. Then it will be the depth of their tactics that will decide the game.

They both set up their weapons. So Ion held up a dagger.

I know Ion's tactics. How will the opponent come?

"Match three, begin!"


As soon as they start, they close the distance and slash each other.

One-handed swords have an advantage in power and spacing, while daggers have an advantage in speed.

In other words, Brass has to attack while keeping his distance to keep Ion in his pocket.

Ion, on the other hand, will move forward in an attempt to get into the pocket of Brass while handling his slashes. So at first glance, it looks like Ion is attacking and Brass is defending.

But the reality is different. Ion is trying to close in on the edge of the field, but he has plenty of room to maneuver.

It's a perfect invitation, but Ion seems to have decided to take it.

Ion unleashes an unreachable thrust with her dagger.

"Ice Blade!"

The dagger becomes an ice sword, the blade extends and the thrust snatches Brass' cheek.

However, Brass was quick to respond. He flicks away the ice sword. Ion quickly distances herself, pulls out her twin swords at her waist and uses a martial art.

"Double Splash!"

At first glance, it looked like a reckless attack, but two ice swords were attacking from behind Brass.

Ion had thrown the ice swords. The ice swords she had thrown were flicked away by Brass.

If it was thrown by Ion, it would be affected by the throwing maneuver.

A series of martial arts techniques from the front, two ice swords flying from behind. It was an attack that would normally be impossible to deal with.


The moment the magic circle was visible on Brass's sword, Brass's movements changed dramatically. With a speed that even leaves an afterimage, he flicks the ice sword behind him so that it sticks into the ground, rendering it useless.

He also takes all of Ion's double splashes and flips her twin swords away.

"Dual Edge!"

"Kuu!? Ice Blade!"

Ion uses the ice blade on her arm to barely guard against Brass's dual edge.

"Excellent tactics and reflexes. If it weren't for the space-time magic, you could have done it"

Acceleration. That's space-time magic...it looks like a hell of magic. The duration of the effect seems to be short, but the speed is overwhelmingly fast.

And it's not just speed. The speed of thought and reflexes must have increased as well. Otherwise, you cannot attack and defend at that speed.

"It's a cheat magic..."

Ion was probably right. Moreover, Brass used magic without a staff. I'm sure he has a special occupation or skill.

"Do you want to give up?"

"No way...I've learned from Takuto-san that no matter how strong the opponent is, the strength lies in fighting to the end. So I will fight with all my might until the end!"

Ion thrusts her arm, which has become an ice sword, into the ground.

"Dragon technique! Dragon Wave!"

The overflowing water turned into a wave and attacked Brass.

"I'd like to thank you for giving me your all today. So let me respond to your full power!"

Brass crossed his twin swords above his head. Then the magic circles combine to form a new magic circle.

"Synthetic magic! Zephyrus Edge!"

The swirling storm blade and Ions wave collided. The winner was clear. The storm blade aimed at Ion, engulfing Ions water.

It was at that moment when I thought that the victory or defeat had been decided.

"Blue Wave Motion!!"

Ion's final blow pierced through the storm blade and struck Brass.


Ion's blue wave motion directly hit Brass.


Ion used up everything she had and collapsed. Brass, on the other hand, was defending the blue wave motion with a light shield.


The hall went silent at this result.

"Eh...cough. Winner, Brass"

No one applauded when the winner was declared.

"Emm...princess. I won"

"Yes, you did. You said you'd give her your all at the end and you defended and won"

"Ugh!? No, that was a blow I shouldn't have taken!?"

"Let's not lie, okay? It was all a plan, right? You're the best...at using every trick in the book to get the win"

"No, it wasn't! Your Highness! Garou! Please believe me!"

The other side seems to be in trouble even though he won.

I'll recover Ion.

"Ta, Takuto-san. Did I...lose..."

I pat Ion on the head.

"You did well. You lost the match, but I was able to see Ion's growth firmly. You can be proud of that. It was a great battle"

"Thank you...Takuto-san"

The audience also gave Ion a round of applause and cheers. It was such a great battle.

And then Princess Sarah comes over here.

"Are you alright?"

"Ye, Yes! Takuto-san helped me recover, so I'm fine"

"It was a great battle. As a knight, I would like to learn from your strong will to never give up until the end. Everyone! Let's give a big round of applause once again to Ion the Dragonewt for this wonderful battle!"


All the cheering people applauded.

"A, Ahaha...ha, that's embarrassing"

"That's how hard you fought, you know. We can't fight pathetic battles anymore, can we?"

"Yes. Let's make our fight as good as yours"

As we were talking, the big man came over.

"But first, we have to fight!"

Lily replies cheerfully.

"I'm not going to lose! As a big sister, Lily will avenge Ion-chan's death!"

"Ha! That's fine! I'm going to avenge you!"

Fourth Match

The big man from earlier comes out with a big sword in his hand.

"It's Garou, captain of the first squad of the Freetia Imperial Guards"

This is also the case with Lily, who cheerfully walks out with two large swords.

"I'm Lily, the eldest Liebling daughter!"

I think it's great that Lily goes out of her way to emphasize that she is the eldest daughter here.

"Hey, hey. Can you use that thing?"

"You'll find out when you fight"

It is true that it is usually difficult to master two large swords. But Lily has seen that fight once. Moreover, in the previous battle, Ion intentionally preserved her skills for Lily.

How does Lily make use of it?

"Then the fourth match, begins!"

At the same time as the start, Lily uses her tempering spirit to approach Garou while flying in the sky, holding her large sword to her right.

"Heavy Slash!"

In response, Garou doesn't use anything, but matches his attack with Lily's large sword.

"It's a good, heavy attack. But sweet!"

Lily was forcibly blown off with power.


After all, this Cerian Beast captain is odd. Without using any of Lily's heavy slashes, which was reinforced by her tempering spirit, he received it head-on and blew her away.

It's definitely the same power type as Lily and his strength is far higher than Lily.

"Amazing! But I'm not going to lose!"

"Haa! Come on! Miss!"

Lily gets down to the ground, puts her foot down firmly and swings her large sword. In response, Garou also clashes head-on.

The knights watching the match were excited by the pure clash of power and power. Gradually, Lily began to push Garou. Even though she was losing in power, Lily had two large swords. Since it is one hand, the force applied to the weapon is weak, but since it is a lot of work, Garou has no choice but to defend her.

"Chii! I'm going to get a little serious too! Senki!"

Garou wears a green aura and the speed at which the large sword is swung has increased. Lily, who has two large swords at that speed, can't handle it at all.

"Muuu! Heavy Slash!"

Lily shoots a deadly heavy slash with her left hand, but Garou flips Lily's heavy slash lightly.

"Im sorry, owa!!?"

The glow of another sword appears in Garou's field of vision as he readies his large sword to slash.

"Heavy Slash!"


Garou guards in a hurry, but in a situation where the ground is not fully stretched, Garou can't even guard Lily's attack, and he flies away.

However, Garou stands calmly and approaches.

"Is it Rengeki just now? You've got good skills. Miss"

"Now we're even!"

Lily lets go of one of her large swords and holds one in both hands. Seeing this, Garou smiles ferociously.

"Yes. That's the end of the story. This is where it all begins!"

"Let's go!"

Again, they clashed with each other. But this time, it's not just a pure clash. They are clashing with each other's weapons and measuring the timing of their sword strikes.

Ion, who was watching the exchange of sword fights, said,

"Lily, you seem to be enjoying yourself"

Right now, Lily is laughing and fighting. And Garou is laughing as well.

"Because we didn't have the power to fight Lily...it's natural to be happy to be able to fight the same type of person as ourselves"

"Could it be that you knew this would happen and agreed to the match, Takuto-san?"

"That's not true. I'm not going to say no to Princess Sarah's request. But if they are going to fight, I wanted Lily and Ion to have a good experience fighting someone of the same type and strength"

"It was certainly a good experience, but...you're too spartan, Takuto-san"

Ion is looking at me accusingly, but I said at the beginning that I would be tough, so it was Ion and the others who wanted it. The blame is misplaced.

Lilly and Garou keep their distance from each other and ready their weapons. Apparently it won't be settled.

"Let's go! Beast Uncle!"

"It's older brother! Come on! Miss! I'll show you how serious I am too!"

They unleash their greatest attacks on each other.

"Dragon technique! Dragon Claw!"

"Fly away! Double-edged Blow!

The dragon claw collides with the full force of the blow.



The two sides clash their feelings and Garou is the winner of the attack. Lily's large sword is flipped and she is blown away. At this moment, Garou thought he had won the match and let his guard down.

Blowed off Lily flaps her wings and re-enters Garou's pocket.

"Light Fist!"

The light fist on her left hand, which was thrown into Garou's belly, was disturbed by Garou's Senki and was unfortunately not reached.

"It's a shame...Miss, n!?"

But Lily's right hand turned into a dragon claw.

"Dragon technique! Dragon Claw!!"

The dragon claw hits Garou at almost zero distance. I didn't know that dragon claw could be used with bare hands. I've never heard of it before.


Lily collapsed from lack of magic power. Garou, on the other hand, stood in a standing position.

"You're a great Miss. You should be proud of yourself for giving me two blows"

"Winner, Garou!"

This time, the knights cheered. Garou responded with a pose, but inwardly he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

"(Danger~. The combo was ridiculous when I couldn't move and the defense was down due to the reaction of double-edged blow...if I hadn't used hermit spirit, I would have died)"

"That was a brilliant victory"

"Yeah! Brass, did you see that? That's how a man wins!"

"...If you hadn't used your Hermit Spirit, you'd have lost..."


"Well well. Now it's my turn"

"You decide. Princess"

"Let me take care of that!"

Brass said to Princess Sarah, but Garou warned her.

"Princess, you'd better fight like you mean it from the start, okay?"

"? Of course I will, but... what's wrong? Garou?"

"It's not like you, is it?"

Garou instinctively sensed Takuto. He was watching them all the time in the previous battle.

When they were fighting, they didn't care. But now, the moment Princess Sarah decided to fight, the pressure was fierce and it was hitting Garou.

"I don't know how to put it, but he's definitely the one who trained those girls. If you're not careful, you'll lose"

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll be going now"

Princess Sarah goes on stage.

In the meantime, I recover Lily.

"I've lost...sorry, Takuto"

I pat Lily's head.

"You did well. Lily has been accepted by that strong man. You don't need to apologize. I'm proud of Lilys fight"

"Uwaah! Takuto~!"

All right, all right. Now it's my turn.

"Do you think you can beat that princess, Takuto-san?"

"No, I can't"

Ion asked me, so I honestly asserted.


"Isn't that the part where you say you can win?"

"Is that so? But the difference in ability is obvious. I can't do anything about it, just like Lily and the others can't do anything about it. I'm going to fight her with all my heart. Because that's what Lily and the others did"

Lily and the others gasped. They've seen Takuto fight against the dark summoner, but Lily and the others knew something about him. They hadn't seen Takuto's true colors yet...

The real Takuto goes on stage. The general war that decides the victory or defeat of this battle was about to begin.


Author note:

I would like to add something about Brass. He is a magic knight and has skills that can be used magically with a sword called a magic sword. There was originally a special weapon for the magic sword, but he didn't use it this time.

He can also use synthetic magic alone because he has the dual wield skill. Originally, it can be used by two people who have the same skill at the same time.

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